What can we expect from the U.S. election?

Written By: Dragana Trifkovic

For months, the whole world is watching with uncertainty and disbelief the election campaign and the situation in the United States. Presidential elections held 3. in November, they are to determine who will sit in the White House for the next four years. Donald Trump is seeking another four-year term as president and is confident he will be re-elected. His opponent, Joe Biden, is no less convinced that he will win.

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[Matt Rourke/AP photo]

Why I won't vote for Joe Biden

Written By: Hamid Dabashi

It's election season again in the U.S. and again progressive critical thinkers who care about the future of humanity are in a dilemma – to get rid of crooked Donald Trump and his corrupt family and friends, whether or not to vote for another corporate liberal, Joe Biden. This is the return of the old movie Endless daythat's how it was with Trump and Hillary Clinton last time, and that's how it is again with the same Trump and even worse Biden now.

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Правна анализа Вашингтонског споразума

Written By: Dejan Mirović

Александар Вучић је,са Авдулахом Хотијем у присуству Доналда Трампа, 4. септембра у Белој кући закључио споразум под називом Економска нормализација (Вашингтонски споразум). Споразум је закључен у изобичајеној форми, која се према академику Чавошком, користила од Вестфалског мира 1648. до XIX века када уговорене стране нису желеле (или могле због географске удаљености) да ставе заједнички потпис на документ. Вашингтонски споразум није економски споразум. Отварање канцеларије америчке IDFC у Београду и помињање будућих аутопутева између Приштине, Мердара и Ниша су, у суштини, само писмо са намерама.

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The shadow of the civil war over America

Written By: Dragana Trifkovic

Donald Trump won the 2016 US presidential election. it has caused a stir on the world political scene. His slogan "Make America great Again"she secured a narrow victory over establishment candidate Hillary Clinton.

Some of Donald Trump's aides argue that Trump himself was not ready to win. The decisive factor, however, was the desire of American voters to bring about change.

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