Dragana Trifkovic: Kosovo drama-through a series of victories to final defeat?
Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies
- current situation in Kim
In the occupied territory of Kosovo and Metohija, there was again an escalation of the conflict, when Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija came out to prevent the takeover of four Serb-majority municipalities. Extraordinary local elections in four municipalities in northern Kosovo - North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok, were held on the 23rd. April. These elections were organized by the illegal separatist structures of the so-called independent Kosovo. Over 90% of Serbs living in these municipalities boycotted the elections, and the branch of the Serbian Progressive Party in Kosovo-Srpska lista, did not participate in the elections even though it had previously exercised power in these municipalities, according to the laws of independent Kosovo.