Tag Archives: Petr Bistron
Петр Бистрон, шеф спољнополитичког одбора посланичке групе AfD у немачком Бундестагу: Власти Аустралије заджавањем Новака Ђоковића у карантину, шаљу погрешну поруку целом свету
Петр Бистрон, шеф спољнополитичког одбора посланичке групе AfD у немачком Бундестагу коментарише укидање визе и протеривање тренутно најбољег тенисера света Новака Ђоковића од стране аустралијских власти:
Fierce debate in the Bundestag, German MP attacked Joska Fischer and the" Greens " for bombing Serbia
A member of the opposition Alternative for Germany party, Petr Bistron, a member of the Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee, fiercely attacked the German Green Party during the debate on the 16th. January.
On the agenda of the German parliament were proposals to close the US Military Base Ramstein (the proposal was submitted by the left /Die Linke) and a proposal to ban the use of a military base for killings that violate international law (the proposal was submitted by the Green Party/ die Grünen).
Bundestag MP Petr Bistron: Kosovo will again be within Serbia
Interview of Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies with the deputy of the German Bundestag, Mr. Peter Bistron
Dear Mr. Bistron, we recently met in Moscow at the International Conference on the development of Parliamentarism organized by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. It was an opportunity to meet and discuss the most important topics in Moscow, representatives of parliaments from many countries, as well as international experts and journalists. What are your thoughts on the conference itself?
I asked for the lifting of the sanctions because they had achieved nothing but harm to German business. There is no point in keeping these useless sanctions.