Dragana Trifkovic: Ukrainian refugees are no longer welcome in Poland and Germany

Poland is one of the EU countries that is suffering major consequences due to the conflict in Ukraine. Since the Russian intervention in Ukraine began in late February this year, a large number of Ukrainians have headed to Poland to find safety there and escape the war. Initially, most Polish citizens had a lot of empathy for Ukrainian refugees, but when the situation began to load the system in this country, circumstances have changed.

The situation is similar in other European countries, whose citizens feel insecure about the current energy crisis, which burdens the entire economy, and social assistance for refugees from Ukraine creates large expenditures that further pressure budgets.

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Milos Zdravkovic: migration crisis in Poland paralyses EU

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

The migrant crisis on Belarus ' borders with Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, where migrants have flocked since the beginning of the year, has worsened sharply this November. Several thousand people approached the Polish border from Belarus and refused to leave the area. Some of them tried to enter Poland by destroying the barbed wire fence. But people just don't want to leave, they don't want to go home, they don't want to stay in Belarus. People want to go to Europe in a rich, democratic, hospitable Europe. So they are facing the real face of this very democratic and hospitable Europe.

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Чеси и Пољаци не заборављају Србе

Независност тзв. Косова* проглашена је 17. фебруара 2008. године. То је тужан дан за цело српство и свету српску земљу, Косово и Метохију. Од тог дана сваке године ширина словенске душе се покаже у пуном светлу у виду наших пријатеља Чеха и Пољака.

Грађани Прага и Варшаве, престоница Чешке и Пољске, али и других градова у тим земљама сад већ традиционално прошетају улицама носећи транспаренте „Косово је Србија“ дајући тако подршку српском народу који је жртва западног режима.

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