Пише: Диогенис Валаванидис, председник одбора за верска питања
Фото: Диогенис Валаванидис
Када је реч о садашњој геополитичкој ситуацији, несумњиво је да смо...
There are 26 in Bulgaria. August 2024. this year, at the initiative of the International Forum of Orthodox women (informal group) and the Center for geostrategic studies...
Diogenis Valavanidis, president of the Center for the protection of Christian identity
and chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the Center for geostrategic studies
Photo By Diogenis Valavanidis
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia is 24. September 2024. in 2009, he led the work of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox church...
Written By Metropolitan Leonid
The initiative of the group "Pasqua Together 2025" is 14. in September she visited Phanar (Istanbul) where they met with Patriarch Bartholomew.
Diogenis D. Valavanidis, president of the Center for the protection of Christian identity
and chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the"Center for geostrategic studies"
Photo By Diogenes...
Speech of the Archbishop of Seville Theodosius (Attalah Hannah) of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church at the International Conference:
International Conference in Bulgaria: blockade of aggression against the church...
Speech by Diogenis Valavanidis, director of the Center for the protection of Christian identity and chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the Center for geostrategic studies sa...
Speech by Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies at the International Conference blockades of aggression against the church, defense of orthodoxy, which was held...
Archpriest Saša Petrović: Eastern Rite Protestantism, the destructive influence of Archbishop Elpidofor on orthodoxy in America
Speech from the International Conference on blockade of aggression...