Dragana Trifkovic: who cooked in Russia?

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies

On Friday night, when I landed from Grozny in Moscow after a visit to Chechnya and turned on my mobile phone, I received news that a coup was underway. As we waited for disembarkation, people began to wonder with disbelief what it was about. The Russians, otherwise always restrained in the comments, began to talk about how apparently things were not working properly. Opinions were divided. Some accused the Ministry of Defense, and others accused Yevgeny Prigozhin of owning the private military company Wagner. When I arrived from Domodedovo airport to the center of Moscow, it was already midnight. Rare passers-by commented with amazement, and the streets were patrolled by police. Security measures were clearly strengthened.

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Paul Craig Roberts: the possibility of nuclear war is awfully high

The Biden regime's Secretary of state, Blinken, has blocked talks between Russia and Ukraine, saying the goal of US policy is to drive Russia out of its reclaimed territories, including Crimea.

Biden's statement that the U.S. will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats, as well as the knowledge that U.S. nuclear weapons are deployed near Russia, force Putin to drop his promise not to use nuclear weapons first.

In other words, unlike the Cold War at 20. for centuries, today there is a trigger for nuclear war. People who say nuclear war is impossible because there would be no winner don't know what they're talking about. Wars are the product of people, and people are emotional and stupid. They're making too many mistakes. That's how people work.

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Vladimir Sotirovic: why should Russia be respected in international relations or has the West "finished" with Russia?

Reborn Russia

After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, Russia and Russian studies including Russian language, culture and history became for a long time not very popular fields of study as well as occupations in the West compared to the Cold War (1949).−1989. G). The reason for this trend was the deep belief in the West that it simply "ended" with Russia as a great power after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of both the USSR (Soviet Russia) and the Warsaw Pact. However, geopolitical strategists in the West and primarily in NATO and the Pentagon have overlooked one thing: the Soviet Union has disappeared, but not Russia itself, which has been since 2000.- and experienced a constant military-political and economic-financial renaissance after the disastrous years (decade) of Boris Yeltsin's rule and his Euro-Atlantic liberals. It was believed after 1991.- Mr. that Russia's influence in world politics and international relations has been definitively eliminated and, therefore, Western universities have abolished chairs, programs and Centers for the study of Russian culture, language and history as practically unnecessary in the geopolitical sense.      

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Сваки пут када је Русија економски напредовала, започињали су ратови

Драгана Трифковић за Глас Русије


Питања која су данас била упућена председнику РФ, као и оне теме о којима је он о током редовне конференције за штампу говорио, разматрамо са аналитичарком Драганом Трифковић, директорком Центра за геостратешке студије из Београда. 

Председник РФ је изјавио да ће у најгорем случају, Русији бити неопходно две године како би изашла из кризе. Шта је, по вашем мишљењу неопходно урадити да би се то и догодило и шта може да засмета? Јер, како је додао председник, санкције против Кремља уопште нису уведене због Крима…

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