For weeks, the media and SNS officials announced the final showdown with Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, the alleged political leader of the Belivuk clan.
Following the detention of persons associated with Belivuk at the end of February 2021. The Courier announced that Stefanovic co-owned a restaurant in Belgrade with those persons. There are also pictures of Stephanie in that restaurant. Then, SNS official Darko Glisic indirectly accused Stefanovic of allegedly plotting to assassinate Vucic, stating that there were people from the SNS who Vucic had brought to the highest state offices and who, instead of thanking Him, decided to "thank him with a sniper and turn their gratitude into a sniper bullet". Minister Nedimovic announced that a session of the Serbian Security Council will be held at which it will be revealed who is the man from the top of the SNS who was preparing the assassination of the Serbian President.