Tag Archives: Russia
Gilbert Doctorow: The madness of collective Biden
Igor Pshenichnikov: the West broke Vucic
Dmitry Bavirin: Putin made a historic proposal to the president of Serbia
Paul Craig Roberts: Why is the West preparing for war?
Vidovdan celebration in Moscow
The Russian Historical Society held a conference dedicated to the day of the partisans
The present and future of the Russian World
Decree of the XXV World Russian people's Council "the present and future of the Russian World"
During the meeting, which was held on 27. March 2024. in the Hall of the church councils of the Cathedral of Christ the saviour in Moscow under the chairmanship of the head of the World Russian people's Council (SRNS), His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Russia, the order of the XXV World Russian people's Council "the present and future of the Russian world" was approved (Moscow, 27-28. November 2023).
This document, which summarizes the most important proposals presented in the framework of the work of the expert platforms and during the plenary session, is a program document of the XXV World Russian people's Council, as well as a decree addressed to the legislative and executive authorities of Russia.
Milos Zdravkovic: Saudi oil and geopolitics
The Gaza case has long since outgrown the framework of a nation's tragedy, These are now the shifting tectonic geopolitical plates. Saudi Arabia, the Islamic world understandably, will not talk too publicly and loudly about methods of retaliating, but they are definitely considering everything they have these days.
Избори у Русији 2023: Демократски стандарди и процедуре на највишем нивоу
У Руској Федерацији се данас 10. септембра 2023. одржава јединствени дан гласања. Грађани могу слободно да изразе своју вољу и да изаберу представнике на различитим нивоима власти. Јединствени дан гласања се обично одржава недељом или државним празником како би се обезбедила максимална доступност гласача. Закон у РФ предвиђа организовање и спровођење гласања на изборима и у једнодневном и у вишедневном формату. Тако се у Москви, Московској области и другим регионима ове године избори одржавају три дана заредом – од 8. до 10. септембра, укључујући и јединствени дан гласања.