Dragana Trifkovic from Donbass: Ukrainian army shot its soldiers

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies



At the invitation of the committee for international cooperation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a delegation of foreign journalists, representatives of social organizations and diplomatic missions of several states visited 9. August detention no. 120 in Yelenovka, not far from Donetsk.    

The delegation included representatives from Syria, Nicaragua, Italy, Serbia, France, North Korea, Germany and other countries, and among the delegates was Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies.

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Dragana Trifkovic: unity of the Orthodox and Islamic world in the fight for freedom

The article was published in the printed edition of the journal Person Foreign


The tensions that have grown in recent years in international relations have inevitably led to escalation, especially because the establishment of normal dialogue among the Great Powers was not possible. The corruption of the international system has led to the formation of parallel worlds that do not de facto have too many points of contact. Differences have become irreconcilable from issues of interpretation of international law, falsification of history to economic-trade relations and understanding of security. The special operation of denacification and demilitarization of Ukraine, which Russia started in February, makes these differences even greater. The West sees no danger in the extremity of Ukraine, the glorification of Nazism and the installation of American missiles on Russia's borders, but fears a "Russian invasion". For years, Russia has warned that it sees NATO's expansion towards its borders as a threat to its own national security. The United States and European countries have imposed reckless sanctions on Russia, while blaming Vladimir Putin for a lack of basic food and energy. The Russian Federation introduced new rules in trade with European countries. In recent weeks, we have been hearing threatening warnings about the possible use of nuclear weapons on both sides. The world is on the brink of nuclear war.

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Драгана Трифковић: Рамзан Кадиров, од регионалног лидера до главног Путиновог „војника“

Интегрална верзија текста објављеног на америчком порталу Veterans Today

Шеф Чеченске Републике Рамзан Кадиров игра важну улогу у текућем сукобу између Русије и Украјине. Од почетка специјалне војне операције денацификације и демилитаризације Украјине, он је био не само један од кључних актера на војном фронту називајући себе „пешадијом Путина“, већ и један од кључних извора информација о дешавањима на терену. Практично војну операцију је могуће пратити уживо преко Телеграм налога Рамзана Кадирова.

Налоге на друштвеним мрежама Рамзана Кадирова, прати преко 2 милиона људи и он свакодневно комуницира са својом публиком. Он дели видео снимке његових команданата, док се истовремено обраћа украјинским званичницима и њиховим трупама и говори о сопственој улози, као и улози његовог народа у војном сукобу.

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Message from Russia: Serbs we are proud of you

Since the Russian denacification and demilitarization operations of Ukraine began, the Serbian public has unequivocally expressed its support for Russia. 

Serbs have been exposed to continuous violence and media propaganda for decades. What we see today in relation to Russia is the same pattern that applies to us. This is the reason why most Serbs understand very well what is happening in Ukraine, despite the fact that numerous media misinformed the public to the extent that the crimes of the Ukrainian army are attributed to the Russians.  

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Vladimir Sotirovic: why should Russia be respected in international relations or has the West "finished" with Russia?

Reborn Russia

After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, Russia and Russian studies including Russian language, culture and history became for a long time not very popular fields of study as well as occupations in the West compared to the Cold War (1949).−1989. G). The reason for this trend was the deep belief in the West that it simply "ended" with Russia as a great power after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of both the USSR (Soviet Russia) and the Warsaw Pact. However, geopolitical strategists in the West and primarily in NATO and the Pentagon have overlooked one thing: the Soviet Union has disappeared, but not Russia itself, which has been since 2000.- and experienced a constant military-political and economic-financial renaissance after the disastrous years (decade) of Boris Yeltsin's rule and his Euro-Atlantic liberals. It was believed after 1991.- Mr. that Russia's influence in world politics and international relations has been definitively eliminated and, therefore, Western universities have abolished chairs, programs and Centers for the study of Russian culture, language and history as practically unnecessary in the geopolitical sense.      

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William Engdahl: is the perfidious Erdogan destroying Russia because of the Great Turan?

William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, has a degree in politics from Princeton University and is the best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for online magazine" New Eastern Outlook“

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is known for his slippery relations with alleged allies, whether it be NATO or the EU. However, his greatest perfidy now seems to be directed against Turkey's relationship with Putin's Russia. Over the past two or more years in his relations with Ukraine, Armenia, Syria, Libya and now, more recently, in the unsuccessful Revolution in Kazakhstan, Erdogan has shown a clear pattern not only of opportunism, but also of perfidiousness or betrayal of trust, as in double crossing, in his relations with Russia despite being dependent on energy and advanced defense equipment. Why, the question is.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Turkey has the right to expand its influence, but not through the export of extremism

The informative and political magazine " Personality of the country "has started a new project – the Discussion Club" position", in which its participants will be able to exchange opinions and express their views on the most urgent issues facing the international community.
Прва дискусија одржана је на тему: „Central Asia and Russia. Problems, prospects and hopes„.

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Dragana Trifkovic at the promotion of IA Regnum: the American project of Kosovo independence will never be realized

The Regnum Information Agency published a collection of texts "Kosovo, Serbia and Russia". Editor-in-chief YA REGNUM Modest Kolerov during the presentation of the collection at the press center of the agency in Moscow 23. in November, he stated that Regnum was tasked with explaining to the public that Russia would never agree to the betrayal of Kosovo. 

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Срби са Косова и Метохије: Српски народ у званичној Русији има моћног пријатеља и заштитника

Information Service of the people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland"

Народни покрет Срба са Косова и Метохије „Отаџбина“ честита Дан народног јединства председнику Руске Федерације Владимиру Путину и руском народу.

Руска Федерација са својим руководством, пре свега са председником Владимиром Путином, је гарант територијалног интегритета и суверенитета Републике Србије на целој својој територији. Из тог разлог код свих мислећих Срба широм Србије руски преседник је далеко популарнији и има много више угледа у односу на председника Србије Александра Вучића. Стајући иза Резлолуције 1244 СБ УН Руска Федерацја не дозвољава, пре свега бројним западним земљама, комадање Србије.

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Milos Zdravkovic: Afghanistan has failed mission and lesson for the future of the West

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has led to a strengthening of the Taliban and uncertainty in the region, which Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Iran keep a watchful eye on, especially as neighboring countries, such as Russia in Tajikistan, have military bases, open or hidden defense partnerships, as well as great ambitions in the economy.

Experts from all meridians agree that the great powers fear the destabilization of this belt in Central Asia, but that they also have great hopes for the new situation.

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