Paul Craig Roberts: the possibility of nuclear war is awfully high

The Biden regime's Secretary of state, Blinken, has blocked talks between Russia and Ukraine, saying the goal of US policy is to drive Russia out of its reclaimed territories, including Crimea.

Biden's statement that the U.S. will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats, as well as the knowledge that U.S. nuclear weapons are deployed near Russia, force Putin to drop his promise not to use nuclear weapons first.

In other words, unlike the Cold War at 20. for centuries, today there is a trigger for nuclear war. People who say nuclear war is impossible because there would be no winner don't know what they're talking about. Wars are the product of people, and people are emotional and stupid. They're making too many mistakes. That's how people work.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Republicans are likely to take control of Congress and Senate after November elections

In the USA 8. in November, elections are held for the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. Most American voters consider this election extremely important for the future of the country. The elections are held halfway through President Biden's term, whose popularity is very low. In large part, by voting in the upcoming elections, voters will assess President Biden's previous work, which represents the politics of the Democratic Party. Society in America is polarized, and the atmosphere is quite tense due to Great Discontent. According to Reuters and Ipsos surveys in August this year, as many as 69% of Americans think the state is going in the wrong direction. First of all, Americans are unhappy with the economic situation, which is problematic in terms of high inflation, which continues to grow, resulting in high prices of energy and food. On the other hand, the US central bank (Federal Reserve) is constantly raising interest rates, making it difficult to buy homes, cars and other goods. President Biden failed to improve the economic situation after the pandemic, which was one of the election promises. This factor may play a decisive role in how voters will vote.

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Vladimir Sotirovic: why should Russia be respected in international relations or has the West "finished" with Russia?

Reborn Russia

After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, Russia and Russian studies including Russian language, culture and history became for a long time not very popular fields of study as well as occupations in the West compared to the Cold War (1949).−1989. G). The reason for this trend was the deep belief in the West that it simply "ended" with Russia as a great power after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of both the USSR (Soviet Russia) and the Warsaw Pact. However, geopolitical strategists in the West and primarily in NATO and the Pentagon have overlooked one thing: the Soviet Union has disappeared, but not Russia itself, which has been since 2000.- and experienced a constant military-political and economic-financial renaissance after the disastrous years (decade) of Boris Yeltsin's rule and his Euro-Atlantic liberals. It was believed after 1991.- Mr. that Russia's influence in world politics and international relations has been definitively eliminated and, therefore, Western universities have abolished chairs, programs and Centers for the study of Russian culture, language and history as practically unnecessary in the geopolitical sense.      

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Dragana Trifkovic: Kosovo-a new Afghanistan in the center of Europe

Dragana Trifkovic Regnum

"Terrorists will not stop us," said US President Joe Biden of the White House after a series of explosions caused bloodshed at Kabul airport. Among the dead were thirteen American soldiers. The images from the airport in Afghanistan were horrifying, but no less frightening than the previously seen scenes of people falling off an American transport plane in flight.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: hot summer and even hotter autumn 2021. year

After a time distance of over half a year from my texts on this site, "one look at 2021. year " from December 2020. and " the grim and ominous winter of 2021. "in March of this year, I thought it was time for a new cross-section and a summary of the current predictions of economic and political developments, both world and ours. The order of topics covered has been partially corrected, and the latest cross-section of the economies of the non-Western world, primarily Russia and China, is now given within the first chapter. In general, on a significant scale, the predictions proved to be accurate and realistic, except obviously the pace and dynamics of certain economic and political developments and events in the world and in our country, but certainly, on a predominantly large scale, it was conditioned by the prolonged effect of the ongoing pandemic, the movement of which is almost impossible to predict. All odds are that the announced tectonic earthquake dynamics will only prolong within a year of the forecast, i.e. spring and summer 2022., with a completely unclear timeline, perhaps, in some forms, and until the year 2025. What is certain, these tectonic changes will change the existing world beyond recognition, bringing a completely new constellation of World Economic and political power, which will certainly reflect on the Balkans and Serbia itself.

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Milos Zdravkovic: Humiliated France

Rarely did France know of such humiliation. Australia on Thursday (16th). September) announced the cancellation of the 56 billion euro contract signed in 2016. about the delivery of 12 submarines of the latest generation, in favor of British and American technology.

The French Foreign Policy Centre, Ke Dorsey, complained of "very bad news for disrespecting the word" and a "serious" decision in terms of international politics.

"A one-sided, brutal, unpredictable decision that looks a lot like what Mr. Trump did," said Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and foreign affairs, visibly angry at the American ally who just took the contract of the century from him. French.

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Milos Zdravkovic: Afghanistan has failed mission and lesson for the future of the West

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has led to a strengthening of the Taliban and uncertainty in the region, which Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Iran keep a watchful eye on, especially as neighboring countries, such as Russia in Tajikistan, have military bases, open or hidden defense partnerships, as well as great ambitions in the economy.

Experts from all meridians agree that the great powers fear the destabilization of this belt in Central Asia, but that they also have great hopes for the new situation.

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Драгана Трифковић: Кримска платформа, потпуни дебакл украјинског председника?

Пише: Драгана Трифковић. директор Центра за геостратешке студије


У Кијеву ће уочи Дана независности Украјине 24. августа, бити одржан скуп под називом Кримска платформа. Према речима председника Владимира Зеленског, циљ пројекта је повратак кримског полуострва у састав Украјине. Зеленски је пројекат представио прошле јесени на заседању УН. У фебруару је потписао декрет о мерама усмереним на „де окупацију“ Крима. У оквиру тог документа, такође је наложио влади да организује први састанак у оквиру самита. Како је украјински лидер објаснио, то је „међународна платформа за проналажење и даљу примену сета мера за де окупацију полуострва и заштиту права становника Крима“.

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Miroslav Nikolic: will Serbia marry militarily?

Written By: Miroslav Nikolić

Just as husbands and wives are always the last to know about their spouse's infidelity, so the Serbian public is always the last to know what the country's leadership does when it meets with prominent guests from abroad. That's why the press is here to inform us about it.

For example, in June, the British Telegraph published an interview with Defence Minister Ben Wallace, in which the head of the British Defence Department boasted that during his just completed visit to Serbia, he signed a significant agreement with the Serbian leadership, which prevents the influence of Russia in that Balkan country. The article was published under the appropriate title: "Great Britain signed a treaty with Serbia against the malign influence of Russia".

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