Сергеј Грињајев: Русија ће у наредних 10 година остати једина велика арктичка сила

Интервју водила Ана Чаркасова Сједињене Државе већ контролишу Аљаску. А добијањем Гренланда, они ефективно добијају контролу над улазом и излазом из...

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Yugoslavia and Ukraine: war for resources, war against Russia

The Russian news agency RIA Novosti in Moscow held a conference called The 2014 war in Ukraine. and in Yugoslavia 1999: similarities and differences in tactics and strategy.

The war in Ukraine is a continuation of the destabilization and encirclement of Russia. After the collapse of the USSR and the abolition of the Warsaw Pact, space was opened for NATO expansion and full US dominance. Although the Russian authorities at the time had verbal assurances from Western officials that NATO would not expand to Russia's borders, the West did not stick to the agreement. Countries that once belonged to the Eastern bloc have become members of the EU and NATO. The conflicts in the former Yugoslavia were a prelude to Ukraine.

Speakers at the conference were Ljubinko Djurkovic, Retired Colonel of the Serbian Army and president of the Executive Board of the movement for Serbia, Sergey Grigayev, Director General of the Center for Strategic Studies and forecasts, Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Belgrade Center for geostrategic studies and Oleg Valecki, military expert, member of the Union of writers of Russia

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