Dragana Trifkovic: Kadyrov specnaz, Chechnya's fist in the fight against world terrorism

In the past few days, I had the honor to visit Chechnya again at the invitation of the leadership of this republic, as part of the delegation of the Russian Spergess. In addition to Russian journalists and political scientists, the delegation included foreign journalists from Serbia, France, the Netherlands, the United States, Great Britain, North Korea, Pakistan and other countries. For years, the West has been waging fierce propaganda against Chechnya, following the failure of separatist and terrorist actions in the Caucasus. The friendly hosts invited journalists so that they could gain personal experience about Chechnya and report to the public on the situation in this Republic on the basis of objective information. I will try to convey to the Serbian public many impressions concerning the development of Chechnya, but in this article I would focus on a visit to the legendary formation of the Police Regiment Spetsnaz Kadyrova (full name: Polk policii specialnogo naznazeniya imeni Geroya Rossii A. A. Kadyrova). It is one of the most famous formations for its heroism, all of whose units operate within the Russian guard (Rosgvardii) of the Ministry of the interior of the Russian Federation.

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Dragana Trifkovic: unity of the Orthodox and Islamic world in the fight for freedom

The article was published in the printed edition of the journal Person Foreign


The tensions that have grown in recent years in international relations have inevitably led to escalation, especially because the establishment of normal dialogue among the Great Powers was not possible. The corruption of the international system has led to the formation of parallel worlds that do not de facto have too many points of contact. Differences have become irreconcilable from issues of interpretation of international law, falsification of history to economic-trade relations and understanding of security. The special operation of denacification and demilitarization of Ukraine, which Russia started in February, makes these differences even greater. The West sees no danger in the extremity of Ukraine, the glorification of Nazism and the installation of American missiles on Russia's borders, but fears a "Russian invasion". For years, Russia has warned that it sees NATO's expansion towards its borders as a threat to its own national security. The United States and European countries have imposed reckless sanctions on Russia, while blaming Vladimir Putin for a lack of basic food and energy. The Russian Federation introduced new rules in trade with European countries. In recent weeks, we have been hearing threatening warnings about the possible use of nuclear weapons on both sides. The world is on the brink of nuclear war.

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Драгана Трифковић: Рамзан Кадиров, од регионалног лидера до главног Путиновог „војника“

Интегрална верзија текста објављеног на америчком порталу Veterans Today

Шеф Чеченске Републике Рамзан Кадиров игра важну улогу у текућем сукобу између Русије и Украјине. Од почетка специјалне војне операције денацификације и демилитаризације Украјине, он је био не само један од кључних актера на војном фронту називајући себе „пешадијом Путина“, већ и један од кључних извора информација о дешавањима на терену. Практично војну операцију је могуће пратити уживо преко Телеграм налога Рамзана Кадирова.

Налоге на друштвеним мрежама Рамзана Кадирова, прати преко 2 милиона људи и он свакодневно комуницира са својом публиком. Он дели видео снимке његових команданата, док се истовремено обраћа украјинским званичницима и њиховим трупама и говори о сопственој улози, као и улози његовог народа у војном сукобу.

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The Center for geostrategic studies organized a round table: Balkans and Caucasus, opportunities for development of cooperation

He is in the Moscow House of social organizations on Thursday the 22nd. in July, the round table "Balkans and Caucasus, opportunities, development of cooperation"was held.

The organizer of the Round Table was Center for geostrategic studies from Belgrade with support The Coordination Council of non-governmental organizations of Russia.

Dragana Trifkovic, director general of the Center for geostrategic Studies, said that the Center for geostrategic studies wants to initiate the development of cooperation between the Balkans and the Caucasus by intensifying contacts and discussions, which should lead to concrete proposals on how to improve economic, cultural, political and any other cooperation. "Based on these proposals, we would like to launch a mechanism that would contribute to the implementation of good ideas aimed at the development of cooperation between the Balkans and the Caucasus," said Dragana Trifkovic.

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Драгана Трифковић као гост издавачке куће „Пешић и синови“ о посети Чеченији

Драгана Трифковић, директор Центра за геостратешке студије, била је гост издавачке куће „Пешић и синови“ где је разговарала са директором издавачке куће Весном Пешић о посети Чеченији. 

Интервју који можете погледати у целости говори о утисцима које је делегација Федералног часописа „Личност државе“ стекла током тродневне посете Републици Чеченији. 

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