Да ли је европски посредник за Косово умешан у шверц оружја?

Written By: Dragana Trifkovic

Уколико се испостави да су тачне тврдње о умешаности бившег министра иностраних послова Словачке Мирослава Лајчака у продају оружја Азербејџану, то ће имати великих последица по његову каријеру. Он је у својој дипломатској каријери посредовао у мировним и политичким процесима, у којима је додуше имао контроверзну улогу. Ако анализирамо његову улогу на Балкану, највећу сумњу оставља црногорски референдум и његова легитимност.

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How Serbian authorities arm terrorists, neo-Nazis and extremists from the Middle East to Ukraine

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies and member of the Security Council of the Serbian movement Dveri


More than two months ago, Bulgarian journalist Dilijana Gaitanjeva, published on the portal Armswatch complete documentation on how the Serbian government organized the sale of weapons of domestic production to terrorists in the Middle East.

After that television Russia Today she published a report on the case, and then other world media. In any normal state, the government would immediately fall because of such an affair. Especially because he is the main suspect in the smuggling of weapons., father of the minister of the interior (as of 2014 he is in that position) of Serbia and Deputy Prime Minister, Nebojsa Stefanovic. Not only did such an affair not overthrow the government, it left the public without any explanation. Namely, representatives of the authorities, especially Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, deny any connection of state structures and Branko Stefanovic with this world affair. The Serbian media under the control of the government, completely ignore this case.

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