The Conflict in Ukraine: How Do Matters Stand?

By Paul Craig Roberts

I have tried to provide accurate analysis of the conflict in Ukraine. This is not a simple task as there is little publicly available information about how the Kremlin sees the widening of the conflict. France has sent troops. The US Secretary of Defense said that eventually NATO troops will be deployed to Ukraine, and European governments are preparing for war with Russia in 4 or 5 years.

Putin’s original goals were the liberation of the Donbas region, and denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. How denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine were to be accomplished without the conquest of Ukraine was never clear.

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Dragana Trifkovic: The Spirit of British Perfidiousness and American Brutality, or How the Media is Misused Against Dissenters

Written by: Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies

For years, Western intelligence services have been using the same tactics to create narratives about Russian spies and to discredit anyone who dares to have their own opinions. In fact, any independent journalist, analyst, or expert who expresses positive views about Russia or even questions anti-Russian propaganda becomes a target of certain media and entities engaged in intelligence-propaganda operations aimed at discrediting independent opinion. In early 2023, the Center for Geostrategic Studies conducted a comprehensive study of the ownership structure of the world’s leading media with the aim of identifying the centers of power that have the greatest influence on shaping the media image and spreading propaganda.

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Incident in Poland that could have caused WW3 is making Ukraine lose credibility

By Dragana Trifković

In the past months, we could hear various forecasts and warnings regarding the current conflict between the West and Russia, which concern a high level of misunderstanding on many issues, but mostly on the issue of Ukraine. The Ukraine conflict itself is seen by the West and Russia from diametrically opposite positions. For the West, Russia is an aggressive party that attacked a sovereign state of Ukraine. On the other hand, for Russia, Ukraine is a country under control of the Western power centers, which is committing genocide against the Russian population. According to Russian officials, the reasons for launching a special military operation (as they call the intervention) are threats to the national security of the Russian Federation and the need to protect the Russian population, which has been under attack since 2014. So far, the collective West has not wanted to accept Moscow’s arguments, which has led to today’s situation of the highest level of political conflict between the West and Russia after the Second World War, without direct confrontation. Nevertheless, Russia believes that it is still waging war with the West, taking into account the fact that the West is arming and training Ukrainian army, and also, according to Moscow, is encouraging aggressive behavior of Kiev towards the Russians.

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Is the danger of using nuclear weapons real: Do the mutual accusations of Ukraine and Russia have a deeper meaning?

Report of the Center for Geostrategic Studies 

The conflict in Ukraine is still taking place at a high intensity, and there are indications that it could expand and grow into a larger, direct military conflict between Russia and NATO. Mass media recently published a lot of contradictory information regarding the potential use of nuclear weapons. Ukraine has accused Russia of making preparations for the use of nuclear weapons, and Russian officials reject such claims and emphasize that Russian intelligence services have obtained information that Ukraine is preparing a provocation that would activate a „dirty bomb“ and accuse Russia of it.

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Dragana Trifković: The possibility of a nuclear war is increasing

According to the assessments of many independent analysts, the key reason that led to the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is the expansion of the NATO infrastructure towards the Russian borders. In recent years, the leadership of Russia has warned that it considers such steps dangerous and that they directly undermine the national security of the Russian Federation.
In the current circumstances and despite the dangerous escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, NATO does not intend to change its approach to the problem. The delivery of weapons to this country and the further expansion of the Alliance lead to further tightening of relations with Russia.

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Ramzan Kadyrov: From a regional leader to the main “foot soldier” of Putin

By Dragana Trifkovic

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov has been playing an important role in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Since the beginning of the “special military operation” he has been not only one of the key actors at the military front calling himself the “infantryman of Putin”, but also one of the key sources of information regarding the events on the ground, sharing multiple videos and messages on his Telegram account. 

While some focus on the inter-elite conflicts he is involved in and his looks, evaluating the costs of his outfits, Ramzan Kadyrov social media are being followed by over than 2 million people and he is interacting with his audience on a daily basis, sharing videos from his commanders, appealing to Ukrainian officials and troops and talking about his role and the role of his people in the military conflict. 

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Vladislav Sotirovic: On Ukraine’s Statehood and Borders

The German occupation forces were those who have been the first to create and recognize a short-lived state’s independence of Ukraine in January 1918 during the time of their own inspired and supported anti-Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917−1921. As reoccupied by the Bolshevik Red Army, the eastern and southern parts of the present-day territory of (a Greater) Ukraine joined in 1922 the USSR as a separate Soviet Socialist Republic (without Crimea). According to the 1926 Soviet census of Crimea, the majority of its population was the Russians (382.645). The second-largest ethnic group was the Tartars (179.094). Therefore, a Jew V. I. Lenin has to be considered as the real historical father of the Ukrainian statehood but also as of the contemporary nationhood. Ukraine was the most fertile agricultural Soviet republic but particularly catastrophically affected by (Georgian) Stalin’s economic policy in the 1930s which neglected agricultural production in favor of the speed industrialization of the country. The result was a great famine (Holodomor) with around seven million people dead but the majority of them were of ethnic Russian origin.

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American Foreign and Domestic Polices on Space Exploration

By: Maxim Lamash

Good afternoon! My name is Max Lamash and I am a Senior at Pepperdine University studying to go to law school and become an attorney. I am here today to speak about the United States foreign and domestic policies toward space exploration and how the importance of new technologies in this field. 

Space exploration began in the 1940s and for the first four centuries the only two countries to notably participate in space exploration were the United States and the USSR. During these years of the Cold War, the United States and the USSR were consistently pushing the limits of pace exploration. In 1969 the United States landed the first person on the moon. Two years later, in 1971, the USSR established the first space station. This pattern of aggressive space exploration from both nations continued for the next few decades.

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