Епидемија корона вируса је опомена за човечанство
Интервју Драгане Трифковић, директора Центра за геостратешке студије за Media.az
Интервју Драгане Трифковић, директора Центра за геостратешке студије за Media.az
Интервју Драгане Трифковић, директора ЦГС за Eurasia Expert
Dragana Trifkovic РЕС
У Србији је 15. марта проглашено ванредно стање ради сузбијања заразног вируса covid-19.
До 7. априла у Србији је регистровано око 2 447 случајева оболелих, на приближно 7 милиона становника. До сада је 61 особа које су биле позитивне на вирус короне, изгубило живот.
У Србији су уведене строге мере ограничења кретања, уведен је полицијски час и забрањен излазак из стана свим особама старијим од 65 година.
Интервју Драгане Трифковић за либијску „TV Aljamahiriy“
So far, international mediators have been unable to influence the Government of Saraj and force it to comply with the ceasefire. In your opinion, does the international community have any other effective tools that could affect this situation?
Unfortunately, efforts by a group of international mediators to establish dialogue between the warring parties collapsed, resulting in the resignation of UN Special Envoy for Libya Ghassan Salam in early March.
Let us remember that in mid-January a ceasefire was signed at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin between the government of national unity and the Libyan people's Army
This ceasefire was accepted by Turkish President Erdogan, who later took action against the ceasefire himself.
The ceasefire was in fact immediately disrupted by the activities of the militia of the government of national unity and mercenaries from Syria.
Dragana Trifkovic Руску народну линију
Руско-српски односи се често улепшавају како би задовољили потребну форму.
Што се тиче Србије, та форма је неопходна из простог разлога што већина грађана Србије има наклоност ка Русији. Због тога они очекују да се односи са овом пријатељском земљом развијају по свим правцима.
Written by: Dragana Trifkovic YA REGNUM
There are 10 in Moscow. in March, a round table was held on the topic: Russia-Balkans where I spoke about the current situation in the Balkans. Most of my presentation was dedicated to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, because it is one of the biggest problems of the Balkans. The main theses from my presentation were published on the portal of the Russian agency Regnum: "the only legally valid document for resolving the Kosovo issue is the valid Resolution 1244, which at the international level confirms Serbia's jurisdiction over this territory. Western powers are trying to manipulate international law and bring this issue to an end to the detriment of Serbia's state and national interests.
Written by: Dragana Trifkovic YA REGNUM
Sixteen years ago, a pogrom was organized in Kosovo and Metohija against the remaining Serbian population. Within two days, about 800 Serbian houses were destroyed, 35 religious buildings were burned and over 4,000 Serbs were expelled.
Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies, attended 12. the March conference " Russian regions, perspectives of sustainable development in modern socio-economic conditions", organized by the All-Russian social organization "Association of women entrepreneurs of Russia".
Округли сто „Јавна дипломатија Русија-Балкан. Вектор пријатељства
(Улога јавне дипломатије је у стварању погодног окружења за развој међудржавних односа)