NKVD: the secret power of Soviet security
Пише: Драги Ивић
НКВД: Тајна моћ совјетске безбедности – успон, операције и наслеђе најзлогласније обавештајне службе СССР-а
Неко и то мора да...
Written By: Draga Ivić
Was George Orwell really a visionary, or, as a talented journalist, did he already know what many do not know today? Learning from real models, Zamyatin and Huxley, he became one of the writers of a very rare genre – the dystopian novel.
Even in dividing the world in his book ”1984” he was not, at least allegorically, wrong. His last book deals with something that started in 1947. at the same time as he wrote the first fifty pages of this novel, which would turn out to be his last in his lifetime.