Drago Vučković: How can our small economy survive and develop?

By: Dragoš Vučković, economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies

Usually in our country, the rapid development of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs (SMEs) is justifiably linked to our entry into the transition process, in which they have become a significant economic factor, today with over 360,000 entities, employing about 930,000 workers. This means 99.9% of the total number of business entities, which carries over 2/3 of the total number of employees of the non-financial business sector (NFPs) or a share of the total employment of 44%. Their contribution in gross domestic product (GDP) is almost 30%, almost double that in NFPs , share in exports 40% and in imports 55%.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: what awaits us?

Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies

In March of this year, I continued on this site a series of my articles dealing with the current analysis of the world economy, with a special view of Serbia and the Balkans, entitled WILL 2022 REALLY BE THE YEAR OF THE BEGINNING OF A GREAT TURNAROUND IN THE WORLD AND IN OUR COUNTRY?. The past period has confirmed the credibility of almost all the given predictions, and therefore fully answered the question from the title of the article. This one, as a logical continuation of the previous one, will also try to answer the crucial questions of our future survival, but in a slightly changed and more concise spirit, without burdening with superfluous economic indicators, which during this series of texts certainly were.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: will in 2022. will it really be the beginning of a great turning point in the world and in US?

Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies

The end of last year and the beginning of this year brought to the world quite clear hints of all the expected major changes and earthquakes, which I wrote about earlier in the series on the website geostrategy.rs including my last article from September last year, HOT SUMMER AND EVEN HOTTER AUTUMN 2021. As the vast majority of my assessments and forecasts, both economic and political, turned out to be quite real, here I just wanted to point out some current phenomena and trends in the world and in our country, which will undoubtedly lead us to the answer to the question from the title of this article. Perhaps the outcome of the burning Ukrainian war, however, will most quickly lead us to the required answer, with all its far-reaching consequences? All the more, it is actually an open conflict between NATO and Russia, with NATO actually instrumentalizing Ukraine as its part and pushing it into an open conflict with Russia.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: where has our modern economic thought gone?

Since the beginning of the publication of my articles on this site, followers and readers have been able to notice that I almost regularly touched on this very painful topic of ours, especially in the article "war of ideologies or towards a healthy and contemporary concept of development" from March this year. If the somewhat troubled and war-time of the 90s was in some way a justification for all our economic wanders and stumbles, and transitional in the first two decades of this century deeply delimited by a neoliberal concept that had to be strictly applied; what about our current economic thinking, when, in an Interreg of a kind of World realignment, we witness the breaking of leading economic concepts and the birth of several new ones at the same time? Is it possible that our economic thought still remains a difficult prisoner of the deeply fallen Western neoliberal concept, where, apart from the honorable exceptions of Jovan Dušanić, Nebojša Katić and some of our economists, almost no one must complain about some new economic idea, and especially the desperately needed new concept of our development? Does not every intellectual, in this case an economist, who washes his hands from economics, even politics, that is, from the most important issues of his society, people and state, in fact renounce his own intellectual identity, but also his civil identity, by understanding these key issues alien to others? - as paraphrased by one of our authors.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: hot summer and even hotter autumn 2021. year

After a time distance of over half a year from my texts on this site, "one look at 2021. year " from December 2020. and " the grim and ominous winter of 2021. "in March of this year, I thought it was time for a new cross-section and a summary of the current predictions of economic and political developments, both world and ours. The order of topics covered has been partially corrected, and the latest cross-section of the economies of the non-Western world, primarily Russia and China, is now given within the first chapter. In general, on a significant scale, the predictions proved to be accurate and realistic, except obviously the pace and dynamics of certain economic and political developments and events in the world and in our country, but certainly, on a predominantly large scale, it was conditioned by the prolonged effect of the ongoing pandemic, the movement of which is almost impossible to predict. All odds are that the announced tectonic earthquake dynamics will only prolong within a year of the forecast, i.e. spring and summer 2022., with a completely unclear timeline, perhaps, in some forms, and until the year 2025. What is certain, these tectonic changes will change the existing world beyond recognition, bringing a completely new constellation of World Economic and political power, which will certainly reflect on the Balkans and Serbia itself.

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