Dragana Trifkovic: Double Erdogan

Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies

A few days ago, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said that Turkey is in favor of seeking diplomatic ways to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. We will remember that they are in Turkey in spring 2022. negotiations between Moscow and Kiev were organized in 2019, which ended in failure thanks to London, after the then British prime minister Boris Johnson urged Kiev not to sign anything with the Russian Federation and to keep fighting. Although Western countries, like Turkey, are in favor of achieving peace in Ukraine, it is clear that their actions are fundamentally different from rhetoric. Minsk agreements on the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine (2014-2015) year.), It served the West only to buy time to further strengthen Ukraine's armed forces. This was confirmed by the former chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, which clearly says that when the West "Orwellian" talks about peace, it is actually waging war ("war is peace, freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is power" by George Orwell in 1984). In this connection, the collective West has lost any credibility to speak and negotiate peace as a party that encourages conflict and does not respect international law. But is Turkey different from the West on this issue and can Turkey be trusted?

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William Engdahl: is the perfidious Erdogan destroying Russia because of the Great Turan?

William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, has a degree in politics from Princeton University and is the best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for online magazine" New Eastern Outlook“

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is known for his slippery relations with alleged allies, whether it be NATO or the EU. However, his greatest perfidy now seems to be directed against Turkey's relationship with Putin's Russia. Over the past two or more years in his relations with Ukraine, Armenia, Syria, Libya and now, more recently, in the unsuccessful Revolution in Kazakhstan, Erdogan has shown a clear pattern not only of opportunism, but also of perfidiousness or betrayal of trust, as in double crossing, in his relations with Russia despite being dependent on energy and advanced defense equipment. Why, the question is.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Turkey has the right to expand its influence, but not through the export of extremism

The informative and political magazine " Personality of the country "has started a new project – the Discussion Club" position", in which its participants will be able to exchange opinions and express their views on the most urgent issues facing the international community.
Прва дискусија одржана је на тему: „Central Asia and Russia. Problems, prospects and hopes„.

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The international community is obliged to help the peace process in Libya, not to support terrorists

Интервју Драгане Трифковић за либијску „TV Aljamahiriy“

So far, international mediators have been unable to influence the Government of Saraj and force it to comply with the ceasefire. In your opinion, does the international community have any other effective tools that could affect this situation?

Unfortunately, efforts by a group of international mediators to establish dialogue between the warring parties collapsed, resulting in the resignation of UN Special Envoy for Libya Ghassan Salam in early March.

Let us remember that in mid-January a ceasefire was signed at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin between the government of national unity and the Libyan people's Army

This ceasefire was accepted by Turkish President Erdogan, who later took action against the ceasefire himself.

The ceasefire was in fact immediately disrupted by the activities of the militia of the government of national unity and mercenaries from Syria.

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When the system starts to crack, the "partners" turn their backs !!!

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

U.S. sanctions effectively barred the Venezuelan government from borrowing on international capital markets, and even threatened anyone involved in the sale of gold from Venezuela. Venezuela's gold reserves are estimated at more than ос 8 billion. In addition to the apparent lack of understanding after Hugo Chavez's departure, Maduro's plight is precisely the legacy of his charismatic predecessor.

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The fate of Jamal Khashoggi and the repercussions on world politics?

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

At a time of great changes in the international order, a process in which the decisions of Washington, Moscow and Beijing, among several other actors, are closely monitored, should not be forgotten that in this game there is another player, not so visible, but therefore no less influential, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

After the killing of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, there were harsh words in the relationship between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but they only indicate mutual interest between the two countries. The rivalry between them is obvious. Both Riyadh and Ankara are fighting for influence not only in the Middle East, but throughout the Islamic world (Turkey as a historical power that in the past led Muslims and a kingdom without any history or tradition, emerged on the largest oil reserves in the world). At the same time, the Turks and Saudis maintain cordial relations for purely pragmatic reasons, which have enabled them to successfully overcome any crisis.

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