Science and society

The dehristianization of Europe and the destruction of the unity of the Orthodox Church-domino theory

Presentation by Dragana Trifković, director of the Center for geostrategic studies forum "The problem of cultural degradation in Europe-challenges for the Commonwealth of independent states"

Globalism as an ideology has influenced the dehumanization of people in recent decades and the violation of value systems, resulting in a decline in morality, dignity, spirituality, empathy, disorientation of people, and the like.

These influences are especially noticeable in Western countries (USA, Canada, Australia, Europe), which is logical if we take into account the fact that the Western centers of power are the main carriers of this ideology.

Europe or the Old Continent has entered a phase of general degradation, driven not only by the loss of the value system, but also by the economic crisis, the crisis of the political system, the influx of large numbers of migrants, social discontent and so on. Society was largely decomposed, and individuals became associative and uninterested in the general interests.

The church and faith as a pillar of the spirituality of society has largely lost its role. This is confirmed by the fact that in western European countries churches are turning into restaurants, becoming platforms for holding various events such as exhibitions or fashion shows.

Photo: Fashion Show in the church

Modern man in western society is isolated, focused on material values and dehumanized. Literally, turned into a robot.

A domino effect is a cumulative effect that occurs when an event initiates a series of similar or related events, a form of chain reaction. Domino theory is a Cold War-era political term first used by Eisenhower in 1954. the threat of an expansion of communist ideology. Looking from today's positions, it is necessary to say that the communist ideology, which otherwise originated in Great Britain as well as Nazism, has withdrawn from the world stage. So it is necessary to look at the domino theory through the ideology of globalism.

Dehristianization is a process that is carried out in parallel with the extremism of Islam, where at the core lies the idea of conflict of civilizations, that is, the creation of ethnic and religious conflicts. This time we will put aside the creation of pseudo-Islamic terrorist groups and organizations by the globalist centers of power (London, Washington, Tel Aviv) due to limited exposure time. We will focus on the de-Christianization and especially on the destruction of the unity of the Orthodox Church.

If you go to any Roman Catholic Church in Europe, you will see that they are empty. Society has lost confidence in the church, to which the church itself (the Vatican), which has been put in the function of globalism, has contributed. Thus, instead of caring for the faithful and the fact that they do not visit any more churches, the Roman Pope supports LGBT ideology, wears a rainbow Cross and thus completely denies Christian tradition. However, it should be said that globalism has extended its influence and reached the Orthodox Church, through the mechanisms established by the globalist centers of power, primarily the intelligence services of the aforementioned centers (MI6, CIA, Mossad).

Ecumenism, as an ecclesiological term referring to the aspirations, efforts and movements aimed at rapprochement, cooperation, reconciliation and unity of the Christian churches, actually carries within itself the idea of the submission of the Orthodox Church to the Vatican, an idea that has existed since the creation of the Great Schism in 1054. years. Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, as the successor of the patriarch under the control of the American intelligence service CIA, plays a major role today in the destruction of the unity of the Orthodox Church. The globalist powers, with the cooperation of the CIA and Patriarch Bartholomew, are targeting the Orthodox Church, part of a broader plan to destabilize Orthodox countries and weaken their influence.

Photo: Pope Francis and CIA patriarch

Easter 2025. the Year falls on the same day in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars, which gave the idea to the globalist centers of the power to organize the false unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches in order for the pope to achieve the primacy that has been sought for centuries.

These are, in short, globalist plans aimed at the destruction of orthodoxy. The Center for geostrategic studies that I lead regularly organizes international conferences and various activities on this topic and addresses international institutions (UN, OSCE, se, EU, etc.) with requests to protect people's religious rights (to stop attacks on the UPC, SoC, etc. Orthodox churches). I ask all human rights defenders present here to pay attention to this important topic. I think that by raising the importance of this topic, as well as the protection of tradition, culture, history, basic human values, we can produce a counter-effect or turn the domino effect on the other side.

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies

Title photo:

20. November 2024.




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