Geopolitics and politics

Diogenis Valavanidis: Easter 2025.

Diogenis Valavanidis, president of the Center for the protection of Christian identity

and chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the Center for geostrategic studies

Photo By Diogenis Valavanidis

In today's fundamentally changed social and political circumstances on the geopolitical plane, when an open war is waged against our Creator The Lord Jesus Christ and his church; when the patriarch of Constantinople does everything to impose himself as the eastern Pope and that; at a time when humanity is on the brink of decline, and humanity in moral and spiritual deep decline no one has the right to inertia and tranquility; to peace and rest; to neutrality and disinterest, because today the essence and meaning of our being in this world are defended. Every silence and closure in the icy darkness of self-sufficiency will be considered a sin.

It is for this very reason that I write these lines, because it becomes more than clear that Phanar is trying to unite all Orthodox Christians in Ukraine, with the ultimate goal of later uniting with the Uniates, and thus, overnight, the whole of Ukraine to be baptized. Such a dirty game was designed to deliver a decisive blow to the Russian Orthodox Church and orthodoxy in general, from which it would be difficult to recover. The project was created in 2013. in the synergy of the CIA and the patriarch of Constantinople, when a coup d'état was planned in Ukraine. We wonder if it is not logical that the Vatican participated in this work, given the centuries-old aspiration of the "Holy See" towards the realization of papal primacy.

In fact, right after the 2014 coup d'état. representatives of the Patriarchate of Constantinople invited representatives of canonical, schismatic and Uniate church communities from Ukraine to a symposium in Canada, in order to consider the possibility of creating a "one United Church of Ukraine". Even then, behind the scenes, it was decided that it was necessary for the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church to break away from the Russian Orthodox Church, and thus a decisive blow was inflicted on the most populous Orthodox state of the world, from which it would be difficult to recover. Then comes the next act of this hellish plan, i.e. the adoption of the anti-civilization, criminal and discriminatory act, by which the Assembly of Ukraine (Supreme Rada) adopted law 8371, on the basis of which the action of the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine is prohibited, which has never happened before in the long history of the Orthodox Church. Undoubtedly, this is a plan of ecumenist – liberal – globalist forces, which are in the function of destroying the entire Orthodox Church. In this context, the initiative group "Pasqua Together 2025" - "Easter together 2025" is 14. September 2024. the year she visited Phanar when she met with Patriarch Bartholomew, and after five days, on the 19th. in September O. G. was in the Vatican, and met with Pope Francis.

According to the retired Metropolitan of Klinsky of the Russian Orthodox Church and former patriarch of Africa Leonid Gorbachev, both visits raised issues of inter-Christian unity and joint celebration of Easter as well as marking the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea (325). After the meeting, the Vatican gave an overall assessment of the visitors, saying that they were "representatives of various Christian confessions, lay associations, church movements and socio-political organizations", while Phanar named those he considered "initiators", namely, representatives of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of orthodoxy, "together for Europe", "Jesus Christ 2033" and the Focolare Movement. In this regard, Metropolitan Leonid asked: "if the last three organizations are only conductors of deep ecumenism and unification with the Vatican under any conditions, then what is the ISP (Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of orthodoxy) doing there?"

It is important to point out that as long as Russia was not under sanctions, the Council of the Russian Orthodox church regularly met and resolved problems in favor of world Orthodoxy and believers, and thus tried to maintain a balance in relations with other confessions. Undoubtedly, the "Easter together 2025" delegation provides symbolic support to Patriarch Bartholomew, by which it reaffirms its "commitment to promoting the unity of Christians through planned festive events". At the same time, this initiative highlights the important role these organizations play in building bridges among Christians around the world.

Looking superficially, one gets the impression that these organizations are "building bridges" between Christians around the world, which indicates something very good and right, that is, that we should live in peace, harmony and love in Christ. However, it strikes the attentive reader that organizations that impose such initiatives do not serve our Lord. Everyone has long known that there are disagreements that are today insurmountable on basic dogmatic and canonical issues. In fact, the Vatican and Phanar are making Illusory plans to achieve unity, but without involving and opening up discussions on many complex and historically important issues, with other local Orthodox churches.

In other words, the Vatican and Phanar make an "account without a tavern", especially considering the fact that they irresponsibly accept: the concepts of "blessing of same-sex communities", as well as the numerous innovations that the Roman Catholic Church has long introduced, as well as other anti-Christian plans, and therefore, I believe that in this way they are increasingly moving away from the truth, and they lead the people of molyon to perdition.    

At the end of the meeting in the Vatican, Pope Francis addressed the delegations with the following words: "we must go together, and for that we will be helped by the way of the apostles from Jerusalem, the place from which the news of the Resurrection has spread all over the world. So we will return again in prayer to the Prince of peace, that he may grant us his peace."

If we had the opportunity, in this place it would be necessary to remind pontiff of the existence of another road, which is the way of Appius, when the Apostle Peter met the Lord Jesus Christ, and asked:

Domino, quo vadis? Where Are you going, Lord?

Eo Romam iterum crucifigi. I'm going where I'll be crucified again.

All this leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to reach unity without a single truth, and not as now when everyone has his own "truth" that often depends on local or world power, personal ambitions, but also particular interests. For this reason, Metropolitan Leonid warns that it is first of all necessary to unite your people, your flock, so that people may feel the church's unity, the highest justice and advocacy. Otherwise, attempts to sew the old chiton with new threads would lead to terrible and incalculable consequences.

In contrast, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople continued his ecumenist-papist destructive journey, as evidenced by the monk Epiphanius Capsaliotis of Mount Athos, especially when it comes to the planned joint celebration of the Paschal of the Roman Catholic Church and the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 2025. years, as well as the planned unification of the churches. The Monk Epiphanius told the website of the Holy Diocese of Gornji Karlovci that Patriarch Bartholomew, by coming to the Holy Mountain, disturbed the monastic life, its order and peace. At the same time, Patriarch Bartholomew stressed that monks are not above the church, but are only its members, while the Church is itself. The Monk Epiphanius added that during his stay in the Monastery of Caracalla, the head of Constantinople stressed that "the unity of faith and church is found in the mention of his name". In short, this means that the mystery of faith is not Christ who was incarnated, who suffered and was crucified, who rose and ascended, but is the mystery of faith and salvation in the mention of his name as patriarch of Constantinople. On the contrary, if one of the monks does not mention his name, he destroys the Church. In a word, he came to the Holy Mountain to give a lecture to the monks that they were obliged to mention his name during God's service, in the sense that he was a deity.

Further, the monk Epiphanius adds: "the fact that the entire Moscow Patriarchate does not mention him at services, does not play any role, but if a saint does not mention him during the service, then everything collapses. And of course, we all know that Russians make up two-thirds of the Orthodox world, but he is not interested in the fact that the Russian Church does not mention him at the liturgy. The fact that he is not mentioned by a few hundred million Orthodox people does not interest him either, but if a monk of Mount Athos dares not mention this "most holy" head, then it is a disaster.

With this attitude, Bartholomew scandalized everything, he continued to talk about Ukraine, in connection with which he emphasized that it was a great and just struggle that should be helped by all (to which Monk Epiphanius added – "Ukrainian Nazis are actually Satanists").

After that, Patriarch Bartholomew also referred to the Church of Skopje, which he said was okay that it had entered into a schism with the Serbian Church by this act, because it had been in the schism anyway since 1967. years! After the despicable tone in which he spoke about the Serbs who had the Ohrid Archbishopric within their Patriarchate, as well as the belittling of the Serbian Patriarchate, Bartholomew took out his "Ferman" and said: "Since I am saying this, now you (the Macedonian Church) are all right, I Accept you and I recognize you!"Although the members of the so-called Macedonian Church did not repent or ask for forgiveness, or made any request.

In this regard, the monk Epiphanius asked, why did all this happen? This happened because the" bosses "on the other side of the ocean gave him an order:"look, the Skopje issue must be resolved, because we need to see what will happen to Serbia, because Serbia spoils the 'soup' in the Balkans and remains tied to Russia". In fact, Bartholomew is engaged in a task that he has been trying to fulfill from the very beginning, which is to completely separate orthodoxy and put it under papal primacy, which has finally been a centuries-old aspiration of the "Holy See".

For the sake of reminders, such attempts have been made in the past, e.g. 1274. in 1439 in Florence (Union of Florence). In other words, it is essentially a union of churches that implies the submission of the Orthodox Church to the pope, especially now that the Patriarchate of Constantinople has agreed to it. We see this through numerous theological texts that have a common theology and ecclesiology, while the holders of the ecumenist-papist provenance consider the subject of the "Filioque" as early as 1995. the year ended, when the most prominent theologian of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, John Ziziulas, said that "the way the Western Church now writes 'Filioques', we Orthodox no longer have a problem with that." It is estimated that each church for itself would continue to respect its traditions that are in accordance with its teaching. This means that the Orthodox would continue to respect their dogmas, while the Catholics would respect their deviations. It is canonically called the Union. In other words, orthodoxy would thus become a great union, because from the moment when we essentially recognize all the heresies of the Vatican, and at the same time retain our external characteristics, at that moment we become a Uniate church.

In the expectation of unpleasant questions on the part of the faithful, answers are already prepared, primarily those related to communion. The Orthodox will not receive communion with the host, but will do so as before, only to be united with the Roman Church. In fact, Communion will be as one Uniate is today, and it will be full church communion.

All the blood of the Holy Orthodox confessors of the faith that has been shed against the papal heresy, the anathema of the Patriarchs, the Synods and our great saints who have condemned papism will be rejected and declared heretics. This is because according to the ecumenists, they bear the blame for destroying communion with the papal church by claiming that Orthodoxy is the only truth.   

If there are those who oppose this, they will be a divided minority and will be declared not only schismatics but also heretics, and there is a possibility that they will be persecuted in legal and any other sense. This will be done for the reason that the Union will be considered a great historical achievement, so that those who re-realize the Union of the church after a thousand years will be considered holy and equipostal. At the same time, such an act will be used for the purpose of propaganda for political unification, i.e. it will be used as an ideological weapon to create a future global superstate. Many are expected to say: "if there has been a schism between the eastern and Western churches for more than a thousand years, cannot We European peoples also unite? We, who are so advanced and have such a high culture, can't we, too, unite?"

This is exactly the same Europe that, through the unification of the Christian church, strives for the realization of geopolitical goals, while in its statute it does not mention Christianity and the Lord Jesus Christ, although we know that Europe bases its existence on three pillars: Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity. 

It is estimated that church Union would encourage another, i.e. political. Also, the question of those who would oppose this was discussed, and it came to the conclusion that they would be in a significant minority, as well as that most of the ordinary world goes to church on Sunday in the Holy Liturgy, which it accompanies as a theater. After the liturgy, they go home for lunch with their families, where their church life ends, because they do not care what is happening inside the church, what the pope or any Bishop says, whether it is a heresy or not! The ordinary world thinks - "whatever it is, I will go to church", and there, unfortunately, it all comes down to the custom of saying, Holy Communion is the same to him as when he drinks a glass of wine or water. There is now no such thing as Laos, which reacted as soon as it noticed any deviation from orthodoxy among the spiritual leaders, from whom it immediately distanced itself. They were as interested in Orthodoxy as they were in faith. Today, the vast majority go to church just because it is so" valid " – so that the jobs go well, the children get married, the daughter finds a good husband, the son of a good son…

They act as if our church is some kind of Café where you just have to pass and enjoy, therefore, there will be no reactions from the faithful people, which means that the terrain is completely open to the ecumenists.

There are also symbols here with the First Ecumenical Council which is 325. held in Nicaea in Asia Minor, which the papists and ecumenists want to abuse. In fact, the First Ecumenical Council condemned Arius and his heresy, attended by Holy Fathers such as St. Nicholas, St. Spiridon, St. Achilles and others.

Now it is approaching 2025. the year, which is 1700 years since the First Ecumenical Council, the Vatican and Constantinople want to declare this anniversary the anniversary of the unification of the churches, which means completely ignoring the existence of schisms and heresies of the Roman Catholic Church. Such as 325. in the year the Church condemned schism and heresy, tomorrow the schism and heresy of the Latins will be blessed, and false unification will be based on untruth. Such an act transcends all hypocrisy and cunning.

The actors of such a plan believe that this unity would "restore" the church, which will be recognized by all five patriarchates – the pentarchy (Roman, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem), which will give the bishop of Rome primacy and the pope as supreme head. It has already been agreed that all Western Uniates belong to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, where there are many rich people, especially in America and Canada. It is obvious that there is money behind everything, which the greedy patriarch of Constantinople is particularly interested in.

Unfortunately, we must note that ecumenism and papism have spread today as an infectious disease, from which many dignitaries of the local Orthodox churches have fallen ill. Small as well as large. However, most Orthodox patriarchates cover it up, trying to heal themselves of the heresy into which they fell, while few who do not hide it.

One of them is the Serbian Orthodox Church, which was best presented by Prof. Dr. Miodrag Petrovic, historian canonologist and scientific advisor of the Historical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in the article entitled: "autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid archdiocese as a non-canonical product of church-state cooperation", which posted on site 12. February 2024. years. The text reads: "Bishop Irinej of Backa with the help of patriarch Porfirije acts similar to Patriarch Bartholomew. They break with the Tomos of autocephaly the unity and conciliarity of the Orthodox Church.“    

Also, one of the greatest theologians, thinkers and philosophers of the Serbian Orthodox Church, St. Bishop Nikolaj Žički said:

The "Macedonian nationhood" can only be recognized by some fallen priest.

I will end with the words of the greatest priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church Ava Justin Popovic, who said:

"Communion from heretics alienates God and gives to the devil х The Bread of heretics is not the body of Christ. What is the difference between light and darkness, is the same between Orthodox Communion and heretical. The Orthodox illuminates, the heretical darkens; the one unites with Christ, the other – with the devil; the one revives the soul, and the other – kills. Communion from heretical hands is poison, not simple bread.“

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies

8. October 2024.





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Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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