Geopolitics and politics

Diogenis Valavanidis: corruption at the top of the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Diogenis Valavanidis, chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the Center for geostrategic studies

Greek website last year, 1. September 2023. Mr. relayed an article in which he reveals incredible data about the patriarch of Constantinople, and wonders what the American archpriest Alexander Karlucos would say about the fact that allegedly, Greece annually gives at least долара 10 million in cash, for the needs of the Patriarchate of Constantinople?

In this context, and borbazaveru she reported a Greek website that asks another fascinating question, namely, how many times Metropolitan Emanuel (Adamakis) was seen with a suitcase full of dollars going from Ukraine to Switzerland and depositing the money in personal accounts that were opened in that country in the name of Patriarch Bartholomew I and archpriest Carlos?

We note that Emmanuel Adamakis was Metropolitan of France from where the Patriarchate of Constantinople withdrew him and gave him a new charge to accompany and help lead the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

A Greek journalist asks the next logical question, How Much Money the Patriarchate of Constantinople received from the "Deep State" and the Vatican, and whether anyone can believe that Patriarch Bartholomew I embarked on a risky adventure in Ukraine, provoking a "schism" in World orthodoxy without being richly rewarded for it? It is noted that it is impossible that nothing was promised to him in return, especially that in the meantime, the head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Archbishop of Constantinople in the USA Elpidoforos kiss the hand of Pope Francis, and plan to hold a joint Catholic-Orthodox Easter in 2025. the signing of the union between the Holy See and Constantinople, under the auspices of marking the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council in 325. years in Nike.    

If we recall, the preparations for holding the Council of Crete, especially when it comes to the agenda, lasted several decades because the main point of contention was putting the issue of autocephaly on the agenda. it is very problematic that the topic of autocephaly was not included in the agenda of the Council in Crete, which was requested by the Serbian Orthodox Church, with the explanation that this issue is sufficient prepared and processed at pre-election conferences. Nevertheless, this proposal was not accepted and the topic of autocephaly was not on the agenda. Who fled or who was afraid, that the issue of autocephaly is being discussed at the Council of Crete in June 2016. years?

Here it is necessary to state that Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Iin January 2016, just six months before the start of the Council of Crete, he declared before the leaders of all Orthodox churches that the Patriarchate of Constantinople has no intention of putting the issue of autocephaly, especially the Ukrainian church, on the agenda of the Council and dealing with it. Only then did the Russian Orthodox Church agree to remove this essential issue from the agenda of the Council of Crete, believing in the words of the patriarch of Constantinople.

Later it turned out that everything that the patriarch of Constantinople said was a fraud and untrue, finally, as happened when the Minsk I Agreement was signed in 2014. between the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the OSCE and the presence of the highest representatives of Germany and France. And in this case, it turned out to be a fraud at the highest level, at the moment when German Chancellor Angela Merkel publicly admitted that the agreement was only "a trap for Moscow, so that the West and Kiev can get time to arm themselves". This only confirms the premise that we live in a time of great deceit and lies, when in the field of geopolitical and ecclesiological relations it is very difficult to find an interlocutor with whom it would be possible to conclude any serious and credible agreement.

So is the patriarch of Constantinople on the basis of ethnophyletism (i.e. States in which state and national affiliation must not, should not be, and have never been a decisive factor for the church and its organization in the world), gave autocephaly to the schismatic group called the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Ethnophyletism was rightly condemned by the Orthodox Church not only at the Council of Constantinople (1872). year), but also at the Council of Crete in 2016. year, which confirmed the decisions, and condemned him, I quote"as a heresy and snake poison that destroys the unity of the Orthodox Church". End of quote. If the church had not adhered to these foundations throughout history in its decisions, there would not have remained a stone on a stone from it to this day.

However, despite this, the patriarch of Constantinople disrespectful of the signed document, resorted to granting the so-called autocephaly. Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The surprise is even greater that Constantinople and its dignitaries, with their signatures, confirmed the decision of the Great Council of Crete, and only a few years later, on the basis of this same ethnophyletism, which they condemned as heresy – they gave autocephaly of the so-called. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine, by which they seriously threatened and questioned the unity of orthodoxy. In other words, the patriarch of Constantinople did not carry out what he signed at the Council of Crete.

The work of the" Pan – Orthodox Council " in Crete was anything but Pan-Orthodox, primarily because of the absence of four autocephalous churches, namely the Antiochian, the Georgian, The Bulgarian and the most populous-the Russian.

These churches had earlier appealed to the Patriarchate of Constantinople with a request that the council be postponed. As reported by the website  "Constantinople TV", the Russian Orthodox Church's request to move the date was ignored. It should be noted that the priest of the American Archdiocese Alexander Karlucos was a member of the organizing committee of the "Pan-Orthodox Council".

In a live broadcast of the meeting titled "Russian Aton", which was broadcast on TV" Constantinople", the Athonite elders called on representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church not to participate in the Council. Elder Gavrilo, to whom the correspondent addressed "TV Constantinople"he stated, " the Pan-Orthodox Council is illegitimate. The Russian bishops are not well informed." It remains unclear why the organizing committee of the " Pan-Orthodox council "remained categorical in refusing to change the date of the council, which some influential Athenian elders talk about almost as the"Council of Antichrist"?

However, if we carefully consider who all the members of the organizing committee of the "Pan-Orthodox Council" were, many things become clearer. It is enough to point to the presence of the American protopresident Alexander Karlucos, who was an influential Greek newspaper "To Vima" he called the" eyes "of the patriarch of Constantinople who enjoys his"boundless trust". The same newspaper states that archpriest Alexander is a holder of the Order Of The Archon (Order of Andrew the First Called) of the Constantinople Patriarchate, and is in a closed club Leadership 100 and performs the duty of the executive advisor of the fund Faith: An Endowment for Orthodoxy and Hellenism. This fund is officially in charge of financing the Greek Orthodox archdiocese in America, while it is unofficially the enforcer of American influence in Greece.

And now we come to the most interesting details, which is that O. Carlucos is deeply integrated into the globalist elite, whose task is the establishment of a new world order, which can hardly be considered the goal of all orthodoxy. It turns out, too, that he has good relations with Joseph Biden and Hillary Clinton (through close friend of multimillionaire John Kacimatidis).

Popular Greek newspaper "Proto Theme", describes Karlucos as a man who has good contacts with the White House and the American establishment. It is stated that in his parish there is a special school, a cultural center and a youth center with a budget of about долара 15 million, which testifies not only to the generosity of the Greek lobby in the US, but also to the benevolence of globalists towards Karlucos and his projects.

"Proto Theme" he reveals that it is a gray eminence of the patriarch of Constantinople who played a key role in the overthrow of the energetic and influential Primate of the American Archdiocese of Yakov, who was in the period 1995-1996. for years he was trying to take his archdiocese out of the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, he will fear, even then, the ecumenist and globalist initiatives of the Phanars.

However, the list "Artikera" it is noted that O. Carlucos informed Bartholomew I on time about the prepared exit of the archdiocese from the jurisdiction of Phanar, which is why Archbishop Jacob was at one time discredited by the media, and Bartholomew I preserved an important source of funding and influence – the American Archdiocese. In any case, O. Carlucos remains the grey eminence of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and a strong link between the American establishment and the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Of course, such stories do not occur on the territory of the United States, whose authorities pay special attention to religious policy, without the direct participation of special services.

Interestingly, the grey eminence also had a hand in connecting Greek billionaires and politicians with American political elites. For example, he linked former Greek prime minister Constantine Mitsotakis (1990-1993) to the Bush family.

He also played an important role in establishing Tsipras ' contacts in the United States. Although at first Alexis Tsipras appeared as an opponent of the United States, and organized anti-American protests, he eventually agreed to change his political orientation in exchange for promised investments.

The Greek people almost unanimously supported Tsipras in the referendum, saying a firm "No" to the "Troika" dictatorship, but then, under the influence of the American agency, Tsipras moved to concessions, issuing a popular vote.

The Turkish press reports that O. Karlucos is well acquainted with Fethullah Gulen, the leader of Turkey's Islamist sect, who lives in the US and works for the US special services. In other words, it means that two almost openly hostile countries – Turkey and Greece – in the sphere of religious policy, are secretly controlled from one center – the United States. As we can see, the Orthodox Greeks, subordinate to Phanar, are supervised by Karlucos, and the Turkish Islamists – Gulen.

All the above facts from the biography of one of the leading members of the organizing committee of the "Ecumenical Council", suggest that there are certain American political and geopolitical powers behind the Cretan Council, while O. Alexander Karlucos in this scheme – through the Patriarchate of Constantinople – is a conductor and lobbyist of US interests.

The fears of many elders, among whom the elders of Mount Athos were deeply respected in the Orthodox world, were not accidental. The preachers of the Orthodox Church, knowing of the Liberal-novotar position of a significant part of the clergy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, justifiably believed that the Council of Crete could become an analogue of the Roman Catholic Second Vatican Council, which reformed the Roman Catholic "Church" in the liberal spirit of this century. The main fears stemmed from the possibility that the Cretan council would adopt documents containing ecumenist positions, according to which the Orthodox Church should strive for a compromise rapprochement with heretical communities.

The subsequent developments have convinced us of the correctness of the decision of the four Orthodox autocephalous churches not to attend such a "Pan-Orthodox Council", especially after the letter sent by the Ukrainian parliament to the patriarch of Constantinople on the revision of Tomos from the second half of the 17th century. century, according to which the Orthodox dioceses on the territory of Modern Ukraine were subordinated to the Moscow Patriarchate.

The aim of this initiative was to deepen the church schism in Ukraine and create the so-called church schism on its territory. a new autocephalous local church, that is, a nationalist sect, which will hide its Russophobic political activity behind Orthodox rites.

3. August 2024.



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