Geopolitics and politics

Diogenis Valavanidis: deadly embrace-anaconda snake tightens the ring around the Orthodox Church

Diogenis D. Valavanidis, President The "Center for the protection of Christian identity"

the committee on Religious Affairs The"Center for geostrategic studies"

Photo By Diogenis Valavanidis

Свима је одавно познато да је америчка обавештајна агенција изабрала древну Цариградску патријаршију и њеног поглавара патријарха Вартоломеја I, у циљу лакшег реализовања планова светских глобалистичких сила. Другим речима, америчка администрација је искористила Цариградску патријаршију и њен утицај у православном свету, ради остваривања својих геополитичких и геостратешких циљева. Тако је и «Интермагазин» (https://www.intermagazin .rs) 30. јула 2016. године објавио чланак под називом „Како ЦИА покушава да уништи православље“, у којем је пренео изводе из «Доктрине борбе против Истока», коју је креирао директор ЦИА, Ален Далс (Allen Welsh Dulles, први цивилни директор ЦИА), у којем су наведене смернице како да се разоре традиционалне вредности које су присутне у православним земљама, тј. да се угаси национална свест њихових грађана и сломи војна моћ словенских држава. Такође, један од примарних циљева је био и остао фрагментација, тј. распарчавање Православне цркве.

This is exactly what one of the greatest professors of the Faculty of law in Belgrade, Dr Smilja Avramov, warned about when she was at the round table organized by the movement for Serbia, when she attended the meeting of the European group of the Trilateral Commission in Belgrade from 31. October to 2. November 2014. in 1976, the United States, the Vatican and Germany were first identified. for years, they concluded a secret agreement in 11 points, one of which refers to the "total destruction of Orthodoxy". The participants of the secret agreement were crystal clear, when they said that Orthodoxy must be removed from World Communications as a religion, because it is the only homogenizing moment of Orthodox countries that has political dimensions, which means that globalization with Orthodoxy would be very difficult to succeed.. In other words, orthodoxy and Orthodox peoples are the only true opponents of globalism. Other nations have no alternative to globalization, so neither China nor the countries of the Muslim world are able to offer a new world moral project.

Russia Today represents the only remaining obstacle on their path to establishing dominance over the entire world. It is precisely for this reason that the main goal of the New World Order – destruction of orthodoxy. In this context, is the famous American geopolitician Zbigniew Brzezinski (Polish-American political scientist, geostrategist and statesman who has served as National Security Advisor to the United States since 1977. until 1981. in the administration of Jimmy Carter) said:" Communism is over, it is our turn to destroy orthodoxy "("Intermagazin", 14.05.2014). Samuel Phillips Huntington, American political scientist, adviser, academic, and longtime director of the Harvard Center for international affairs, wrote that "Russia and its Orthodox civilization are unsuitable for the new world order, which is why it is necessary to change this civilization."

That's how it's decided! The Western geopolitical centers of power have embarked on a decisive confrontation with the Orthodox Church, with the aim of its disintegration and total destruction. In this regard, the US intelligence agency has chosen the ancient Patriarchate of Constantinople and its harmful head, in the direction of easier implementation of the plans of the world globalist powers. In other words, the American administration used the Patriarchate of Constantinople and its influence in the Orthodox world, which it had enjoyed since the time of the Byzantine Empire, to achieve its geopolitical and geostrategic goals. We must admit that they have judged correctly, because only the Orthodox Church remains the last defense of traditional values (faith, family, fatherland and tradition, as well as the observance of the Christian dogmas of the Holy Apostles, the Holy Fathers and the Ecumenical Councils). Also, the Orthodox Church remains the last defense against all satanic, pathological and deviant phenomena in our time.

If we analyze today's situation in the Orthodox Church, we come to the conclusion that the main cause of the huge earthquakes in the entire Orthodox Church lies in the fact that the church is in a state of emergency. the non-canonical decision of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople I to invade in a barbaric way the field of jurisdiction of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Moscow Patriarchate and elsewhere. Orthodox Christians watched with disbelief and horror as the Primate of the ancient Patriarchate of Constantinople decided to annex a part of the other local Orthodox Church to his canonical territory, while declaring those who were considered schismatics by all local Orthodox churches to be part of the canonical Church.

It was these acts of the Constantinople Canon who ignited the spark of conflict in Ukraine, and set off a wave of State terror against the members of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UPC), in the form of arrests and mistreatment of bishops, as well as the persecution of monks from their monasteries.

The Ukrainian government went a step further, passing law 8371 prohibiting the activities of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church! We wish to underline that in the long history of the Orthodox Church, there has never been a ban on the work of a canonical Orthodox church! Undoubtedly, this is a discriminatory law that violates basic rights, primarily the right to free confession of faith, as well as the right to choose the way in which faith will be practiced. In this context, the well-known Bulgarian lawyer Rumyana Chelakova (former state prosecutor and judge), assessed that in connection with this scandalous act, it would be necessary to address international organizations (the UN and the Council of Europe), with emphasis on the violation of basic human rights specified in the International Covenant for the protection of civil and political freedoms; EU directives on the suspension of religious intolerance; as well as invoking Article 9. and 10. The European Convention on human rights.“

Immediately after this act, Ukrainian President V. Zelensky reported to the patriarch of Constantinople that the Ukrainian parliament had passed a law on the abolition of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, because it is in canonical unity with the Moscow Patriarchate. Historically, the first seat of the Russian Orthodox Church was in Kiev, where the first Russian state was founded. The center of spirituality of Kievan Rus ' and the Russian Orthodox Church is the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra monastery, which was founded in 1015. the year was founded by St. Anthony who was raised in the Monastery of Ephigmen, where his shrine still exists today, which is venerated as a shrine.

When it comes to the non-canonical decision on granting autocephaly to the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine, it should be noted that among the Metropolitans of the Greek Orthodox Church there were those who vehemently opposed this decision. Among them was Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, a well-known expert in ecclesiastical and canonical law, who presented to the attention of the council not only an exhaustive study in which he convincingly refuted the arguments presented in the report of the Primates of the Greek church, but also in oral statements he sharply criticized the so-called "Council of unification" of schismatics. Metropolitan Seraphim underlined that the so-called "Council of unification" was not valid, because it consisted of Mirjan, so that the granting of autocephalous status to this non-existent "church" structure was also invalid (among others Petar Poroshenko, prim. AUT). He further points out that all attempts to justify this "canonical lawlessness" constitute an anomalous canonical practice, which "can only be compared with the Ottoman slavery of the Church" as well as the difficult period when a number of local churches directly depended on the patriarch of Constantinople, when "the canonical ecclesiastical order of the Holy Ecumenical Councils"was suppressed.

Nevertheless, it was Latvia's turn when, for the first time in the history of the Orthodox Church, the president of a state (Erlis Levits) submitted to the national parliament (Sejm) a draft law on changing the status of the Latvian Orthodox Church, which had the status of autonomy within the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, headed by it was Metropolitan kurdyashov. To make the absurdity Greater, it is necessary to emphasize that the request was made to the national parliament, in which the overwhelming majority were Roman Catholics and Lutherans, while members of the Orthodox faith were represented by only a few percent.

It is important to remember that when it comes to the Russian Orthodox Church, during the twentieth century it gave autonomy and autonomy to its churches in the states that separated from Russia. Unlike this position, Latvia has been since 1918. in the year when it gained independence, it began with the persecution of the Orthodox and with the demands for separation from the Russian Orthodox Church – as the Mother Church. During the 1920s, Latvian authorities confiscated 28 churches, closed Church Educational Institutions, and a quarter of the real property of the Orthodox church was confiscated.

Obviously, it is no coincidence that almost simultaneously there was an attack on the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Esphigmen monastery. I'm pretty sure this story won't just end there! In this regard, Dr. Veljko Djuric Mišina warns that when it comes to Athos, the next one for "discipline" will be Slavic monasteries.

In other words, the geopolitical creators and their helpers from the circles of certain local autocephalous churches, who are on the same task of destroying the Orthodox Church, intend to go to all states where there is a diaspora of the Russian Orthodox Church to seize its property and believers, by establishing new "churches" that would have "legitimacy", as in the case of Ukraine, the patriarch of Constantinople.

When it comes to certain local autocephalous churches, this primarily refers to those churches and their dignitaries, who have fallen into temptation by the heresies of ecumenism, papism, liberalism and modernism, and who, through their subject action, have contributed to their churches finding themselves in a vassal relationship with the state authorities of the countries in which they operate.

As for the granting of "legitimacy" to the newly founded "churches" by the patriarch of Constantinople, it is necessary to remind the creators of the Anglo-Saxon geopolitical map of the world that they should come to terms with the fact that the imperial period of Emperor Constantine is far behind us, when the imperial power could make similar decisions. Then the seat of the patriarch of Constantinople, as today, was in Constantinople, where the Byzantine emperor also sat and where the Imperial synklitos (Imperial Council) was located. However, that period ended permanently, on Tuesday, 29. May 1453. years!

This fact is especially painful for the writer of these orders, whose origin is from Asia Minor, Caesarea, Cappadocia, however, his devotion to the defense of the Church of Christ and the faith of Christ is much greater, more significant and more valuable than the primacy of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the status of its primate!

The next step in the direction of tightening the ring around the Orthodox Church, with the aim of dismantling it, are attempts to expel the Brotherhood of the Athos monastery of Esphigmenes, which the new governor of Athos, former minister of defense of Greece, retired general Alkibiadis Stefanis, has promised to accomplish before November 2024. the year in which the meeting of Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople and Pope Francis was planned. The new governor of Athos was instructed to empty the monastery until the end of November, when a large Vatican delegation was scheduled to visit Phanar for the celebration of the anniversary of the enthronement of the patriarch of Constantinople.

On that occasion, Alexandros Stephanopoulos, a theologian and Greek expert on Church Relations, said that the previous governor of Athos Anastasios Mytialis resigned because he did not want to be involved in the affairs of a "military operation" against the monks of Esphigmen. By the way, the monks of the Esphigmen have great support, because what is happening is the abolition of Avaton - Prohibition of entry of certain categories of people into the monastic Republic. The meaning of Avaton is not only the Prohibition of women entering the Holy Mountain, but also of armed persons. Most monasteries understand this, and therefore have raised their voice in defense of the Esphigenes.

All the opponents of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, that is, the Orthodox Church, who are embodied in the serpent Anaconda that tightens the ring around the Orthodox Church with its deadly embrace, seek to establish the chair of the "eastern Pope" which would be only a transitional form towards unity with the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican is in a hurry to celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council in 2025. in the year, he established a union between Rome and Constantinople, for which the phanariotic magnates had already declared themselves. As an example, let us say that the head of the Archdiocese of Phanara in the USA, Archbishop Elpidoforos (Lambriniadis) gave a lecture on the topic: "the future of Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations in the United States", at Fordham University in New York, where he decidly declared for union with Rome. In this context, Pope Francis and his like-minded Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople are planning for the next 2025. this year marks the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council. Their intention was to do so precisely in Nicaea, Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey, where the First Ecumenical Council was held (325).

In essence, papism is the main false teaching of the papists. a Roman Catholic, whose main message is that the Roman Pope is not only the first among equals in honor (Primus inter pares), as always accepted by the whole Church of Christ, but also the first in power, i.e. without the Primus sine paribus. In other words,"he is above all the other patriarchs and the only substitute of Jesus Christ on Earth"! This false demonic teaching, which is a consequence of the pride of the Roman popes, originated before the 11th century. the great divide between the Eastern and Western churches. the fall of the Roman Church from The One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – the Orthodox Church.

In addition, this is evidenced by the study document presented on the 13th. June 2024. in Rome, by Cardinal Kurt Koch, responsible for ecumenical Affairs, and Maria Grech, secretary general of the World Synod of bishops. The document "suggests" to Christian churches that in the future they should accept the pope as "honorary primate". Be careful what they think of-the imaginary dignity of the "pope as honorary primate", only to obscure the real reason, which is the centuries-old aspiration to achieve papal primacy over all Christians.

It is more than obvious why today the Roman Catholic Church is using the famous Latin cunning and promoting the idea, as they say – "a new understanding and a different exercise of papal primacy, which should contribute to the restoration of Christian unity». In order to deceive the local Orthodox churches, and to obscure the true reason, it is even proposed to change the reading of the doctrine of the first Vatican Council, which was in 1870. he proclaimed the infallibility of the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church in dogmatic matters, and thus of him as supreme legislator and judge of the entire Christian universe.

In conclusion, we want to point out that it is more than clearto sign the Union in 2025. the Roman Catholic Church wants to achieve papal primacy at all costs, which it has strived for centuries.

In this context, we state that in the time of St. Gregory The Great (+604), when there was no mention of the introduction into Christian theological thought of such dogmas and novelties as the so-called. papal infallibility, St. Gregory The Great, in Book VII, Epistle 33, wrote:

„…..whoever calls himself, or wants to Bude called the Ecumenical Shepherd, he is in his pride the forerunner of the Antichrist, because he proudly places himself above others.“

In the end, as Maxim Kostenko, a religious analyst, former deputy head of the Synodal Department of the UPC for youth issues, States, the current persecution of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not a consequence of the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia, but has much deeper roots. Its starting point should be considered the centuries-old attempts of geopolitical opponents of Russia to secede its territories, turning the inhabitants of those territories into a force ready to wage ideological and persistent war against the Russian state. In doing so, it is very important to point out that the key role was placed on the transformation of the spiritual code of the part of the Russian people, since the Orthodox faith has always been the most important element in the preservation of the unity of the Russian people.

In this context, Russia's opponents have always been interested in the slaughter of its territories and the establishment of the supremacy of the Catholic world over them. That is why this plan is very clear, and consists in an attempt to destroy the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in order to later "spill" its remains into the schismatic "Orthodox Church of Ukraine", and then, unite with the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

These are the Essential plans and goals of Phanar and the Vatican, to bring about the "formation of a union" in any way, and even in such an unnatural way, which would show that it is possible, in fact, and real, the reunification of Orthodox and Catholics, without changing the principles of their teaching (dogmatics). 

Unfortunately, the fact is that today's Christians are not fighters, but neutral and disinterested observers. If we see that some local Orthodox churches remain silent so as not to oppose the authorities of the state; if the Metropolitans remain silent; if the monks remain silent, then who will speak, dear reader? Who will defend the Lord God and His Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, that is, the only Orthodox one? Who's going to talk!

If we do not resist, our ancestors will rise from the grave. They have suffered so much for our faith, for our fatherland, and what do we do?

Our duty is to defend our faith, our church, and our Lord Jesus Christ. For we were born Orthodox, and as orthodox we will end our lives. And we will never be, neither papists, nor ecumenists, modernists, nor liberals, nor supporters of any Satanic, pathological, and deviant phenomena in the present day..

Therefore, it is necessary to make a public call in all local Orthodox churches for the isolation of all spiritually ill bishops (patriarchs, archbishops, Metropolitans, bishops, etc.) for the survival of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church – our only Orthodox Church, which is existentially threatened in today's time, more than ever before in its long history.  

15. September 2024.

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies




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Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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