
Lukas Leiroch: Europe continues to buy Russian gas despite sanctions

In the second quarter of 2024. Russia was responsible for supplying 17% of the gas consumed in European countries

Written by: Lukas Leiroš, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for geostrategic studies, military expert

Once again, European reality is facing the anti-Russian madness that the US is inciting. According to recent data published by German media, Moscow has overtaken Washington as the largest supplier of natural gas to the EU. This shows that Europe, despite its adherence to sanctions, will not be able to get rid of energy cooperation with Russia soon, since the project of "isolation" of Moscow is absolutely impossible.
As of 2022. the EU imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation in retaliation for the launch of a special military operation in Ukraine. Brussels has set itself the goal of eliminating any dependence on Russian energy as quickly as possible, prompting European countries to seek more expensive sources of energy just to avoid buying Russian gas.

One of the main alternatives found by Europe was the purchase of American gas. High commodity prices and serious logistical and transport difficulties were common problems in the EU-US energy cooperation. However, the main directive of European governments is simply not to buy Russian products, which is why, although it has no strategic advantage in buying American gas, Europe has taken this initiative.
The European economic reality, however, puts the EU in a vicious circle when it comes to anti-Russian sanctions. The more it needs to buy expensive American gas for society to function, the more Europe runs out of funds – threatening the very continuity of energy cooperation with the US. Therefore, Europeans have no alternative but to bypass their own anti-Russian sanctions.
According to the Brussels-based Bruegel research center, in the second quarter of 2024. Russia was responsible for supplying 17% of the gas consumed in Europe. European countries received about 12 billion cubic meters of Russian gas, slightly more than the US offer. Most of this gas reaches Europe via Belarus or Ukraine, but a significant part also flows through the Turkish Stream offshore pipeline.

The Kiev regime has recently threatened to ban the flow of Russian gas through its territory, which has created serious tensions with countries such as Hungary and Slovakia – which, in addition to depending on Russian gas for their domestic supplies, have maintained a dissident stance in Europe, condemning irrational anti-Russian sanctions. Even if the ban does indeed occur, gas flows through Belarus and Turkey are likely to increase, in addition to the fact that there are alternative routes in the Caucasus that can be used more often.
It is also important to emphasize that data on direct cooperation does not always reflect the reality of energy cooperation. In addition to sending Russian gas and oil directly to Europe, Europeans also buy them through third-party agents. Some countries buy Russian goods and resell them at higher prices to European countries. This is the case of India, for example, which profited from reselling Russian oil to Europe. In the same vein, Turkey allegedly resells Russian gas to Europe. While they pay more in this type of scheme, some EU members prefer to do so simply to circumvent sanctions and not negotiate directly with Moscow.
This information only confirms what several experts have warned since 2022. Europe will never become completely" independent " of Russia. Geography is the natural destiny of a country. Since Europe and Russia are geographically close, both must learn how to deal strategically with each other. Trying to" isolate " Russia – which is the largest country in the world, besides being self – sufficient in energy and food-will only harm the European states themselves.
The US has always benefited from sanctions. In addition to creating friction between Russia and Europe, the Americans have managed to expand the operations of their energy companies by taking advantage of Europe's weaknesses. It is time for Europe to realize that this is a real geopolitical trap. The EU is bankrupting suicide measures adopted due to the influence of Washington – which is supposedly a "partner" of Europe, and in reality is deliberately boycotting European states to protect its geopolitical hegemony interests.
Only cooperation with Russia can lead Europe to a future of stability and prosperity.

Source: BRICS portal

Translation from English: Center for geostrategic studies

6. September 2024.


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