Day 23. September 2024. at the UN General Assembly in New York, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that the country plans to establish a sovereign state for Bektashi Muslims in the capital Tirana.
Bektashis are a significant phenomenon in the spiritual life of Albania. This is a Muslim Sufi order founded in 13. century. It is close to Shiism, and at the same time contains elements of Christianity. The most liberal branch of Islam. The degree of influence of its leader, the head of the world Bektashi order, Baba Mondi, is testified by the fact that it is considered an honor to have an audience with him. And 2016. in the Year of Baba Mondi was received by Pope Francis.
Prime Minister Edi Rama said he wanted to give members of the Shia Sufi "Bektashi order" their own enclave, similar to the Vatican, to be called the "Sovereign State of the Bektashi order".
The planned "sovereign state of the Bektashi order" would be the smallest state in the world, controlling an area roughly a quarter the size of the Vatican (27 hectares). The proposed state will be located in a low-cost residential area in the east of Tirana.
Initially, the order united the Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire. All the Janissaries were Bektashis. According to Edi Rama, "the goal of the new state is to promote a tolerant version of Islam". The new state will not establish any restrictive religious rules (i.e. Alcohol will be allowed there, and women will not have to wear the hijab.
The head of state will be the current Bektashi leader, former Albanian army officer Edmond Brahimaj (Baba Mondi). Baba Mondi called the plan a" miracle " and hopes to be recognized by the United States and Western countries.
Photo: Baba Mondi, among Bektashis, is also known as Haji Dede Baba (
Bektashis make up about 5% of Albania's population (2.8 million), according to the 2023 census. years. Thus, supporters of this movement make up a minority among those who profess traditional Islam, whose share in the country reaches 57%.
If these plans are realized, then this will already be the third Albanian state and the question of recognition by other states and membership in the UN will immediately arise.
The Bektashi order, founded by the Persian of Khorezm, Hadji Bektash (died 1271).) is close to Shiism (due to the veneration of Ali, son-in-law of the prophets) and contains elements of Christianity (baptism). Bektashis also read The Gospel and venerate Christian saints. For example, the Bektashis venerated the Orthodox saint Cosmas of Aetol (1714-1779) for his prophecies, in which he predicted all the troubles of the modern world, the emergence of airplanes, automobiles, powerful weapons, and the disasters that Western civilization would suffer. bring to humanity.
Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) expelled the Bektashi order from Turkey, after which they settled in Albania. So, 1925. in the year after Kemal Ataturk came to power in Turkey, part of the Bektashi community was forced to leave Turkey and move to Albania, where they were officially recognized. Now, according to some estimates, there are between 7 and 20 million Bektashis living in the world, mainly in Albania, Turkey, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia.
As Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama stated at the UN General Assembly, when creating a sovereign state for Bektashis, Albania acts within its policy of moderation, tolerance and peaceful coexistence of all faiths.
Photo: Bektashi in Tirana
The Bektashis are not very Muslim. This is a Sufi order that combines a worldview of Islam, Christianity, and even Buddhism. The birthplace of Sufism and Bektashi ideology is Iran. There is an opinion that at first all the first Ottomans were Sufis – Bektashis, and only in the 16th century. for centuries, State Sunni Islam became dominant in the Ottoman Empire.
The Bektashis condemned the violence against the Armenians.
Речи њиховог духовника о Русији и Русима: „Лава Толстоја сматрамо бекташом. И сигурни смо да је такав био. И када сам прочитао „Ход кроз муке“ Алексеја Толстоја, видео сам аналогије са својом унутрашњом потрагом“.
Nevertheless, we believe that the Bektashi order is the most secretive and influential Sufi order in the world. Moreover, there is some contradiction in words and deeds. The order financed Hitler. Although we can assume that this is part of a plan to fight modern cannibalistic civilization.
From the Bektashi precepts: there is no nation or nation higher than its kind.
Philip Gardiner, British writer, in his 2007 book "Secret Societies". he drew attention to the link between the Bektashi order and German Nazism. The connection between Hitler and the Bektashi order is established through the personality of Rudolf Glauer, who went down in history as Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf. The imaginary baron came into contact with the Bektashis through Masonic lodges. And there lies the answer to a certain riddle. We wrote that it was precisely the Templars who began the establishment of Masonic lodges. At the same time, the Templars were originally associated with the Sufis.
Congratulations to each other on Christmas. And at Easter they come to the church and shout "Christ Is Risen!”
They also have something like the rite of baptism.
Translation from Russian: Center for geostrategic studies
22. October 2024.
Bektashi: "Турция виновата в пролитой крови невинных армян!"(.