Written By Father John Plamenac
The Novi Sad Canopy seemed to be the cover on Pandora's box of the crimes of the Vucic regime, which, as it collapsed, came to light and, like a spirit from a bottle, the anger that had been deposited in Serbia for years, only sporadically stirred up, was released.
Obviously, the collapse of Serbia had to be opposed by students and other young people in order to begin to see the end of the Vucic regime. Young people are most interested in emerging from the slag of corruption, crime, betrayal and new pagan LGBT, etc. ideology. They have to live in Serbia. Sandwiches and other servers, and even those young people who are of that spirit, rajinski, who show loyalty to the regime and in student forums, are safe in this cage.
Those who do not agree to the regime putting on their glasses and reins, such as many in Serbia, from peasants to academics, have risen up, are walking their lives, on whose shoulders the regime stands.
Does not this uprising in Serbia resemble that of 2019-2020? in Montenegro…
The reason for the uprising in Montenegro was different, and it was carried out differently. The reason for this was the hijacking law on freedom of religion or beliefs about the legal position of religious communities, and it was carried out by the church with protest marches. This in Serbia is due to the bizarre deaths of fifteen people in Novi Sad, and it is carried out by students with blockades of faculties and protests on the streets. But they are basically the same. Thus, the epilogue can be the same.
Vucic, horrified by the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad, said that he was not Assad and would not flee Serbia. The first is true and the second is yet to be seen. It would seem, however, that he laughed not at Asadad's fate, but at Djukanovic's.
Djukanovic did everything he asked of the Euro-Atlantic West: he recognized Kosovo as a state, introduced Montenegro into NATO, renounced Russia.and again, the West allowed itself to be defeated in the elections. But he also carefully took care of who would come to power instead of Djukanovic. He had to fulfill the condition of loyalty to "Euro-Atlantic values", above all to preserve the achievements acquired by the Djukanovic regime.
Vucic also did everything to the Euro-Atlantic west, although not as transparent as Djukanovic, not everything formally but essentially yes. As, he did not recognize Kosovo as a state, he did not sign that recognition (although they do not ask him to, because he accepted agreements that actually mean recognition), but he helped Kosovo abundantly in acquiring all the attributes of statehood. It did not formally introduce Serbia into NATO, but Serbia is essentially more and deeper into NATO than Kosovo, which is a NATO member and in which NATO has a base, as Christopher Hill, the US ambassador to Serbia and Vucic's mentor, and even the head, said. He did not impose formal sanctions on Russia, but in practice he did more than some of the states that did, moreover, he is arming Ukraine, its opponent in the war.
Djukanovic was able to do all this formally, without reservation, because he rode on Montenegrin "committee" nationalism that wholeheartedly supports everything that is against Serbia and Serbs, Russia and Russians. Vucic rides on Serbian patriotism and must not explicitly work against the interests of Serbia and its people, not even Russia and its people.
What makes these two regimes very similar is the abomination in corruption and other crime. This cost the government official money. As the people would say, he also smirked at his masters, without worrying that some of them, in order to keep him in power, made good material use of him.
Vucic is now in a similar position, regardless of what he gives a fist and a hat to survive in power, both to the bribed people and to the bribed Western politicians and operatives. Of course, it does so with the money that it horribly owes Serbia, drawing it more and more into debt slavery.
У дан када је у другом кругу предсједничких избора у Црној Гори Јаков Милатовић, „ни крив ни дужан“, убједљиво поразио Мила Ђукановића, 2. априла 2023. године, написао сам и, док још бирачка мјеста нијесу била затворена, објавио текст „Радујем се Ђукановићевом поразу, не радујем се Милатовићевој побједи“ у којем сам написао: „И Ђукановић и Милатовић су евроатлантисти. Ђукановић је јањичар евроатлантизма. (…) Милатовић је васпитан у духу евроатлантизма“. (https://stanjestvari.com/2023/04/03/o-jovan-plamenac-radujem-se-djukanovicevom-porazu)
It is the same in Serbia. He is a supporter of Euro-Atlanticism. After him will come the euro-Atlantist soul. The Euro-Atlantic West will not allow the position of the Vucic regime to be occupied by someone who could jeopardize his interests, especially the achievements he acquired through Vucic.
Serbia misses the dilemma of whether those who come to power after Vucic will be worse than him, because it is quite certain that they will formally recognize Kosovo as a state, introduce Serbia into NATO and impose sanctions on Russia..., and even in Serbia break down the barriers of "Rio Tinto".
У тексту „Рио Тинто, Вучић, Црква…“ у јулу 2024. године написао сам: „Није за вјеровати да та будућа власт, колико год била сервилна новоколонизаторима, може бити већа подвала српском народу од ове која све вријеме спроводи интересе непријатеља Србије и српског народа тајно, јавно барјачећи родољубљем.“ (https://stanjestvari.com/2024/07/30/protojerej-jovan-plamenac-rio-tinto-vucic-crkva) Тада ће многи видјети змију која им је и сада у њедрима. Неће им непријатељ просипати патриотске „жваке“, него ће им доћи нескривено. Уочавање непријатеља је услов одбрани од њега.
Protests in Montenegro began at the end of 2019. in the winter, just like this one. They pushed through the winter, and then the bans made possible by the covid-19 Project, and through the spring reached the summer and August 2020 elections. years. Then they were fertilized; then the regime of Milo Djukanovic was defeated in the parliamentary elections. It was a great national sacrifice, led by the Orthodox Church, which itself rests on the cross sacrifice of its head – the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is no such thing as a popular political system. Students face a tough fight. They will only come to fruition if they persevere. Day by day they receive encouraging signs: expected and unexpected support. Here, they also began to play sky correspondence of criminals in which Vucic is mentioned. That's a really good sign.
The Djukanovic regime was defeated in the August 2020 elections. years. It no longer forms a parliamentary majority, does not form a government.but its roots are deep and tough. They permeate both the Assembly, the government, and the entire Montenegrin society. Although he was defeated in the election, he struggled to survive. In the judiciary and the National Security Agency he barricaded himself.
This cancerous sludge that is caused by the flood of a criminalized, corrupt regime remains in the state and society even after its fall. It will remain after the stroke.
The ideal of freedom embodied in the slogan of the French bourgeois revolution "freedom, equality, brotherhood" and the declaration of human rights of the General Assembly of the United Nations is in fact an opponent of personal freedom. In the name of freedom he enslaves man in the spirit. The post-Vucic people, certainly strengthened by many Vucic people such as he was strengthened by his predecessors in power, will bring these freedoms, social freedoms, to the people of Serbia.
The church, which was established on the personal freedom which the Creator, as the essence of his being, gave to every man when he created him, when he was conceived, is called to nurture in men the spirit of personal freedom by its mission. Only by personal freedom can a man be in union with the one who made him a being, and only in that unity can he truly be free.
Preoccupied with social freedom, man is usually unaware of the personal. Social freedom wants to mask true, personal freedom.
Civil society offers Man social freedom. Personal freedom is offered to him by the Church. Awareness of social freedom Man acquires. The awareness of personal freedom is revealed to him.
Those whom the Euro-Atlantic West will force into power in Serbia after Vucic are enslaved by Western neo-pagan globalist ideology. These young people who, whether they are aware of it or not, are bursting the space for them to take power will remain in the deception of the social freedom offered by Democracy, for which they are now fighting. They can be protected by the Church. Of course, provided that she herself, primarily her clergy, gets rid of the deceit of this world.
That is why it is destiny that these young people are now supported by the Church in their struggle for the future. To support them, not to push them. Are they not the future of the earthly Church? They, not the Wolf.
Source: FB page of Father Jovan Plamenac
25. December 2024.