Geopolitics and politics

Paul Craig Roberts: What Trump should do

Written By Paul Craig Roberts

U.S. security agencies have long used the national security cloak to avoid responsibility for their crimes, such as the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy, as well as numerous assassinations of foreign leaders and other goofy things. Starting with the Clinton regime, presidents and non-security officials also began to evade accountability. The situation worsened under George W. Bush. Bush / Dick Cheney, and it exploded under the Biden regime when the attorney general, the FBI and Democratic attorneys general used the law as a weapon against Trump, his lawyers and his supporters. Many people are financially ruined. Many were falsely accused, and Trump was re-elected in 2020. stolen by the most brazen and blatant vote theft in American history. Evidence is clear that Biden himself is guilty of selling vice president and presidential influence with his son Hunter, who sold and shared the proceeds. However, the U.S. Department of justice prevented any investigation and indictment. The American prostitution media covered up the story.

The practice of elevating high office holders to the privileged status of King or aristocracy above both the law and the U.S. Constitution must not continue under the Trump regime. If this happens, senior officials will acquire squatter's rights (explanation: the right of a foreign person to use someone else's property if the owner does not object) to be above the law, and the U.S. Constitution will be reduced to a dead document.

At this point, the only way to avoid the collapse of the rule of law in the United States is to ruthlessly crack down on officials from the Justice Department, the FBI, and the White House who have selectively applied the law in the form of a law against political opponents. If those responsible evade responsibility, a legal precedent will be established, whereby special legal privileges for senior government officials will be attached to existing differences in rights and status based on race and gender. This would mean the end of any possibility of establishing a responsible government.

This should be the top priority of the Trump regime. This is even more important than closing the border. On the war front, Trump should simply move away from conflicts with Iran and Russia. Wars distract from domestic affairs and prevent the focus on America Becoming Great Again. Wars will bring more propaganda about "terrorists" and more violations of civil liberties in the United States, which is not the way to make America Great Again. There is no reason for American blood, taxpayer money, and increased U.S. debt to enrich the military/security complex and expand the borders of Greater Israel. Trump should understand that Israel has no value to America. Israel is a heavy burden around our neck, and unconditional U.S. support for Israel's wars and genocide against the Palestinians has cost America a lot of its reputation. If America has ever had moral splendor, it is no more.

Iran and Russia do not threaten the United States. The Middle East is full of problems for Iran, whose government does not need problems with the US. Ukraine is Russia's problem, not ours. Washington is responsible for the conflict. Trump should apologize and remove us from the conflict.

The moment Trump stops sending money and weapons to Ukraine and Israel, peace will descend on the world.

Trump should return to the original position that NATO has no value for America. If NATO had not existed, Russia and Europe would have engaged in mutually beneficial economic ventures. These ventures would create financial and business opportunities for Americans as well. Everything would move forward.

It is Washington's pursuit of hegemony – control over others – that suppresses economic activity around the world and undermines the standard of living of all Americans except a percentage of the elite circle of the wealthy.

MAGA America (Make America Great Again) is not interested in the programs of special interest lobbying groups that benefit only a small percentage of people who are already so rich that they can by no means spend their huge income and wealth.

World problems stem from Washington and are institutionalized in the Israel lobby, the military/security complex, the pharmaceutical lobby, and its control over expensive and ineffective American medicine that sacrifices the health of Americans and the integrity of doctors for the profit of the pharmaceutical lobby. These are real threats to America, so if America wants to be big again, these threats, not Russia and Iran, must be destroyed and eliminated.

If the Trump regime can reestablish respect for the rule of law by charging and prosecuting the Justice Department, the FBI and other officials for their criminal behavior, and if Trump can exclude the American-Israeli war machine, he will save the world from nuclear war and reestablish the United States as the main Nation in which the world seeks leadership.

I'm worried that Trump will like the war role. As Winston Churchill believed, there is nothing more exciting than being a war leader, especially if you imagine the prospect of victory. Trump is extremely susceptible to going to war on the advice that Putin has no red lines because Putin is too afraid of conflict. With Iran isolated from the destruction of Syria and a reformist government seeking to break free of religious restrictions and make money in the West, Trump is advised that it is time for Iran to collapse.

When the ruling elite blocks you elsewhere, their agenda becomes your only choice. Did Trump fight so hard just to be used by a well-institutionalized American establishment?

The third thing Trump should do immediately is shut down the U.S. biological warfare laboratories in which Washington operates around the world. These laboratories are trying to create deadly pathogens that are highly contagious. Labs even try to target pathogens on specific ethnic groups, collecting, for example, Russian DNA in hopes of finding some material unique to Russians to attach the pathogen to. All these American labs are illegal. Washington is trying to evade responsibility by locating its biological warfare laboratories in other countries. Trump should immediately stop that activity and prosecute those responsible, including the U.S. Congress, if Congress has authorized this illegal activity.

Those who profit from this evil activity claim that we must do it because our enemies do it, but never give any evidence for their claims. Regardless, as the experience of Kovid proves, when the pathogen is released, it goes everywhere. The use of one as a weapon leads to the same self-destruction as nuclear war.

So much science is devoted to weapons. Science should return to improving health and human fitness.

If Trump can deal with the real challenges we face instead of being led to false challenges that serve special interests, he will go down as the greatest American president in history.

Source: What Trump Should Do

Translation from English: Center for geostrategic studies

18. January 2025.


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