Geopolítica e política

An open appeal by Mehdi Logunov, a political prisoner of Ukraine, to Joe Biden

Mr. President of the United States of America, Joe Biden,

I, Mehdi Logunov, 87 years old, now a citizen of the Russian Federation, a former political prisoner of Ukraine, sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Ukrainian court on false charges fabricated by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) – subjected to sophisticated torture in the dungeons of the SBU, I appeal to you, Mr. President Joe Biden. You are not a young man, but wise by the years you have lived, with the experience of many years of public service in high government positions, listen to me, a man of almost 88 years old, who has gone through many difficult trials in life, including imprisonment, bullying and sophisticated torture. I, through the efforts of SBU servants, had 17 teeth broken, leaving only 6-six-teeth. And the remaining roots were very sick. And this went on for several months. Even the Nazi fascist Ukrainian authorities had to release me and deport me to Russia.

Recently, Mr. President of the United States, you addressed the citizens of Russia, with the following words: “I want to say that you are not our enemies. And I do not believe that you want a bloody, destructive war against Ukraine, the country, and the people with whom you have such deep family ties, common history and culture”.

But I, Mehti Logunov, as a former political prisoner of Ukraine, want to address you, Mr. Joe Biden. In fact, the United States openly supports Nazi-fascist illegal rule in Ukraine. This is the Nazi government of Ukraine in the person of your good friends, former President of Ukraine, Mr. Poroshenko, and the current President of Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky, who has been waging war against the Russian population of Donbass for 8 years, killing, mutilating thousands of civilians, including hundreds of children.

Wake up, Mr. US President Joe Biden. The world has changed, you failed to destroy Russia, Russia stood up, recovered, and is now speaking to you and the colonial West in a different way, as it has said more than once in history over the past 200 years. It is your country, the United States that for the first time in history used atomic weapons against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of residents of these cities. It was the aircraft of the USA and Great Britain that wiped out the city of Dresden at the end of the Second World War.

Mr. President of the USA, I am an old man who knows what war is. As a boy, I experienced shelling from German aircraft and was wounded, I experienced many months of bombing by the German Luftwaffe. Mr. President Joe Biden, the world has changed. If the United States could watch the war from across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the past, now a war, a terrible war, can come to the American soil, fall upon the American people, who NEVER knew what WAR is on their soil! This is scary.

Mr. US President Joe Biden, you met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and you will probably meet again, there is no need to threaten Russia with either sanctions or war, our Russian people know what war is on our land, it is the American people who do not know what war is on the American soil, the war with the native Americans does not count.

It is in your power, together with Russia, to prevent war either in Europe or in America. It is necessary to agree on PEACE and cooperation, this is your chance, Mr. US President Joe Biden. Several US citizens have been convicted in Russia for spying against Russia. And recently, a US citizen, the Olympic champion Brittney Yevette Griner was arrested and is under investigation for trying to smuggle drugs into Russia. This is a very young woman, and she faces 10 years in prison.

I will not list all the Americans who are serving their sentences in Russia. But it would be an act of great will on your part, Mr. US President Joe Biden, if you released the citizens of Russia who have been in US prisons even before the start of your negotiations with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. Including the Russian citizen Viktor BOUT. Viktor Bout was captured in Thailand by your special services, forcibly taken to the United States and sentenced to 25 years in prison, and Viktor Bout has already spent almost 14 years in prison. Believe me, Mr. President, this is a difficult test for a person. I know what it’s like to be in prison, I know it well. Therefore, Mr. US President, please show good will and even before meeting with our President Vladimir Putin, release Viktor Bout from the American prison. I assure you that this will help establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation in the world, during your negotiations. And believe me, negotiations with Russia from positions of strength are not productive. We need to negotiate in goodness

Good luck to you, Mr. US President Joe Biden, for your good actions.

From Mehdi Logunov, a former political prisoner of Ukraine, an old man of 88 years. I am 14 years older than you, I am a simple person, an engineer, a scientist who has experienced a lot in life.

19. April 2022. 


Sobre Центар за геостратешке студије

Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos é uma organização não-governamental e uma associação sem fins lucrativos, fundada em Belgrado, na assembléia de fundação realizada no 28.02.2014. em conformidade com o disposto no art.11. e 12. Lei sobre associações ("Diário Oficial do Rs", não.51/09). por um período indefinido de tempo, a fim de atingir os objetivos no campo de investigação de geo-estratégica de relações e elaboração de documentos estratégicos, análise e pesquisa. A associação desenvolve e apoia projetos e atividades que visam o estado e os interesses nacionais da Sérvia, tem o status de uma entidade jurídica e é registado no registo, em conformidade com a lei. A missão do Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos é: "estamos construindo o futuro, porque a Sérvia merece-lo: os valores que representam são estabelecidas através de nossa história, cultura e tradição. Acreditamos que sem passado não há futuro. Por esta razão, a fim de construir o futuro, precisamos conhecer o nosso passado e valorizar nossas tradições. Os verdadeiros valores são sempre fundamentado e o futuro não pode ser construído em uma boa direção, sem que a fundação. Em um momento de disruptiva geopolítica mudança, é fundamental fazer escolhas inteligentes e tomar as decisões certas. Deixar de ir a todos imposta e idéias distorcidas e artificial insta. Acreditamos firmemente que a Sérvia tem bastante qualidade e potencial para determinar o seu próprio futuro, independentemente de ameaças e limitações. Estamos comprometidos com o sérvio posição e o direito de decidir o nosso próprio futuro, tendo em mente o fato de que, historicamente, tem havido muitos desafios, ameaças e perigos, que temos que superar. " Visão: o Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos aspira a tornar-se uma das principais empresas do mundo no campo da geopolítica. Ele também quer se tornar uma marca local. Vamos tentar interesse público, na Sérvia, em temas internacionais e reunir todos os interessados na proteção do estado e os interesses nacionais, fortalecendo a soberania, a preservação da integridade territorial, a preservação de valores tradicionais, fortalecimento das instituições e do estado de direito. Vamos agir no sentido de encontrar pessoas afins, tanto no mercado doméstico e no mundo público. Vamos concentrar-nos sobre a cooperação regional e a rede de Ongs relacionadas, tanto no nível regional e internacional. Vamos lançar projectos a nível internacional para apoiar o reposicionamento da Sérvia e a preservação da integridade territorial. Em cooperação com os órgãos de comunicação, vamos implementar projetos que estão focados sobre estes objetivos. Vamos organizar a educação do público interessado, através de conferências, mesas-redondas e seminários. Vamos tentar encontrar um modelo para o desenvolvimento da organização que permita o financiamento das atividades do Centro. Construir um futuro juntos: Se você está interessado em colaborar connosco, ou para ajudar o trabalho do Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos, por favor, contate-nos pelo e-mail:

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