Kiev spreads lies, tries to provoke internationalization of the conflict

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Ukraine has baselessly accused Russia of attacking Romania with drones, in a clear attempt to escalate the conflict between NATO and Moscow. However, Romania itself denied the Ukrainian allegations, stating that no Russian attack posed risk to its territory. The case clearly shows how Kiev plans to internationalize the conflict, betting on the spread of lies as a way to achieve this goal.

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On Global Security Models and Their Functionality

By Dr. Vladislav Sotirovic


The fundamental aim of the text below is to deal with the concept and models of global security as one of the crucial topics of global politics studies. The question of Security Studies as an academic discipline within the scope of Global Politics has been the subject of much debate and one of the most prosperous ways to deal with global security is firstly to analyze different standpoints which are existing within the research discipline. The article, in one word, will try to provide the readers with basic approaches in the academic field of Security Studies with some necessary personal remarks by the author.

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Диогенис Валаванидис: Давање аутокефалности расколничкој цркви Украјине је био заједнички пројекат украјинске и америчке владе

Centro de estudos estratégicos организовао је  28. августа Међународну конференцију на тему кршења верских права са посебним освртом на Украјинску православну цркву у контексту актуелних дешавања. Конференција је одржана у Прес центру Удружења новинара Србије у центру Београда.

Обраћање г. Диогениса Валаванидиса, председника Центра за заштиту хришћанског идентитета, преносимо у целости.

Часни оци, поштовне даме и господо, драги пријатељи,

На почетку желим да се захвалим госпођи Драгани Трифковић, директорки Центра за геостратешке студије, поводом позива да учествујем на овој конференцији, посебно због значаја теме којој је конференција посвећена, а то је „Кршење верских права са посебним освртом на Украјинску православну цркву“.

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Конференция в Белграде: Нарушение религиозных прав, нападение на Украинскую Православную Церковь

28 августа Центр геостратегических исследований организовал международную конференцию по теме нарушения религиозных прав. В контексте текущих событий особым акцентом конференции стало преследование  Украинской Православной Церкви (УПЦ). Мероприятие состоялось в Пресс-центре Ассоциации журналистов Сербии в центре Белграда.

„На Украине на глазах всего мирового сообщества украинские власти уничтожают Украинскую Православную Церковь. Это совместная акция режима Зеленского и ПЦУ (Православной Церкви Украины), которая находится под патронажем Константинопольского Патриархата, а также лично Патриарха Варфоломея. Многие храмы захвачены и конфискованы, а духовенство Украинской Православной Церкви систематически подвергается гонениям и физическому насилию. На глазах всего мирового сообщества происходит захват одного из древнейших центров православия – Киево – Печерской Лавры и ее святынь», – заявили организаторы конференции.

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Conference in Belgrade: Violation of Religious Rights & Attacks on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

On August 28, the Center for Geostrategic Studies organized an international conference on the topic of violations of religious rights, with a special focus on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in the context of current events. The conference was held in the Press Center of the Association of Journalists of Serbia, in the center of Belgrade.

„In Ukraine, in front of the eyes of the entire world community, the Ukrainian authorities are destroying the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This is a joint action of the Zelensky regime and the OCU (Orthodox Church of Ukraine), which is under the patronage of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, as well as Patriarch Bartholomew himself. Temples were confiscated and the clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were subjected to violence and persecution. We are witnessing the violent seizure of one of the oldest centers of the Orthodox world, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and its shrines“, stated the organizers of the conference.

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From the History of American Hegemony: The USA as “Global Greatest Power. From Alaska (1867) to Europe (1917)

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic


It can be indicated from a historical viewpoint that the USA emerged on the stage of global (world) politics in 1867 (four years before Germany did the same in 1871 after the Franco−Prussian War of 1870−1871). Both these imperial states at the same time exerted extremely influential politics in the process of radical transformation of the modern world both in Europe and outside of the Old Continent. In 1867, Washington purchased Alaska from Russia (regardless of the claims that Russia just rented Alaska for 99 years), and in April 1917, the USA entered the Great War on the side of France and the UK (after the Russian February/March Revolution in 1917) and brought about a decisive defeat of the German Second Empire on the Western Front in the Autumn of 1918 making at the same time as a direct consequence itself the global greatest power.

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Violação de direitos religiosos, atacar a Igreja Ortodoxa ucraniana

Centro de estudos estratégicos ele fez 28. De agosto de conferência internacional sobre a violação de direitos religiosos, com especial referência para a Igreja Ortodoxa ucraniana no contexto dos eventos atuais. A conferência foi realizada no centro de imprensa da Associação de jornalistas de Sérvia no centro de Belgrado.

"Na Ucrânia, perante os olhos de toda a comunidade mundial, as autoridades ucranianas estão destruindo a Igreja Ortodoxa ucraniana. Esta é uma ação conjunta do regime de Zelensky e o PCU (Igreja Ortodoxa da Ucrânia), que está sob o patrocínio do Patriarcado de Constantinopla, bem como o Patriarca Bartolomeu si mesmo. As igrejas foram confiscados e o clero da Igreja Ortodoxa ucraniana foram submetidos à violência e perseguição. Estamos testemunhando a captura violenta de um dos mais antigos centros do mundo Ortodoxo de Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, e os seus santuários," os organizadores da conferência, disse.

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The Final Colonial Partition of Africa at the Turn of the 20th Century

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

The “Black Continent” of Africa until the end of the eighth decade of the 19th century was not properly known territory, especially its central parts which have been unknown to the Europeans. The West European powers until the 1880s were acquainted mainly with the African littorals and their immediate hinterland. However, what was inside the continent was not exactly known except for the existence of some tribal state organizations in the form of monarchies settled by traditional hunting people.

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У Београду ће се 28. августа одржати конференција на тему кршења верских права са посебним освртом на Украјинску православну цркву

Центар за геостратешке студије 28. августа од 13-15 ч. организује конференцију на тему кршења верских права са посебним освртом на Украјинску православну цркву у контексту актуелних дешавања. Конференција ће се одржати у Прес центру Удружења новинара Србије, Кнез Михаилова 6 /III. Позивамо заинтересовану јавност и новинаре да присуствују овом догађају и региструју се за овај догађај слањем мејла Центру за геостратешке студије на

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Marko Jakšić: será que a riqueza mineral do Kosovo e Metohija ser doados?

Escrito por: Dr. Marko Jakšić, membro da presidência do movimento popular de Sérvios do Kosovo e Metohija "Pátria"

No outro dia, a notícia vazou que uma empresa Britânica de que tinha encontrado um grande depósito de ouro e de prata, na cidade de Slivovo, uma aldeia na estrada entre Pristina e Gnjilane. A aldeia é conhecida por ser durante o ano de 1999. em três ocasiões, os habitantes do sérvio nacionalidade tentou retornar, mas eles não conseguiram fazê-lo devido a albanês separatistas e a falta de assistência da KFOR e da UNMIK.

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