Геополитика и политика

Armenia – The influence of the American sector is growing

By Patrick Poppel, Austrian expert

Center for Geostrategic Studies, Belgrade

One of the most successful examples of soft power projection can be found in the Republic of Armenia. For several decades, the Armenian people have been exposed to the influences of western culture and now we are seeing the result.

Although the Republic of Armenia is in an economic, political and even military alliance with Russia, Armenian society is moving more and more westward. Many young people speak better English than Russian, and most parts of youth culture are Western-oriented. At the same time, however, highly qualified people are leaving the country. What can also be seen is a migration of skilled workers, most of whom emigrate to Canada or the USA. This, of course, is a disaster for the future of Armenia. Despite cooperation with the Russian Federation, one can clearly analyze that Armenia is in the sphere of influence of the „American Sector“. This is only to the detriment of future generations, as the partnership with Russia is under attack and Western cultural influences are increasingly affecting society negatively. The new „values“ of the West are fundamentally incompatible with a Caucasian culture which sees the family as the center of society.

Western structures are trying to increase their influence on Armenia through various programs. This happens in the field of culture, education and also through political games. If you want to evaluate the success of soft power, then a visit to Armenia is the best recommendation. Here we can see how the West wants to bring states of the former Soviet Union to its side through targeted projects. It remains to be seen whether the forces of reason in Armenia can unite and assert themselves against the influence of the „American Sector“.

October 27, 2022

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