Dragana Trifkovic: The Spirit of British Perfidiousness and American Brutality, or How the Media is Misused Against Dissenters

Written by: Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies

For years, Western intelligence services have been using the same tactics to create narratives about Russian spies and to discredit anyone who dares to have their own opinions. In fact, any independent journalist, analyst, or expert who expresses positive views about Russia or even questions anti-Russian propaganda becomes a target of certain media and entities engaged in intelligence-propaganda operations aimed at discrediting independent opinion. In early 2023, the Center for Geostrategic Studies conducted a comprehensive study of the ownership structure of the world’s leading media with the aim of identifying the centers of power that have the greatest influence on shaping the media image and spreading propaganda.

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Donbass Liberation Day

By Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies

On September 8, Donbass marks the 76th anniversary of the liberation from the German Nazis. On that day in 1943, the center of the city of Stalino, later called Donetsk, was liberated, which represented the initial phase of liberation of all Ukraine. This holiday is of great importance for the residents of Donbass and the culture of remembrance of suffering in World War II.

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OSCE as a tool to pressure NATO

By Dragana Trifkovic


From the beginning of the war in Ukraine analysis of the events reveals similarities with the Yugoslav conflict. Strategy and tactics of the war in Yugoslavia and Ukraine has a lot in common. The question I considered at the conference of RIA Novosti in Moscow (1), in mid-August 2014. In principle, both conflicts are triggered from the outside, as part of a broader strategy of Western countries and many operations that have been conducted (particularly special operations), and tactically recognizable.

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