Sarah Melis: There are currently various protests in the countries of Europe


Note: On February 5th, a protest is scheduled in Brussels

The Center for Geostrategic Studies spoke with protest organizers about the upcoming event

Sarah Melis, spokesperson for the organization „Together for Freedom“ from Belgium, is in the organizing committee of the protest scheduled for February 5 in Brussels.

The interview was conducted by Patrick Poppel, an expert from the Center for Geostrategic Studies from Austria

Photo: Sara Melis at a protest in Brussels

Why are you going to protest in Brussels?

Brussels is known as the capital of Europe, also the city where the European Union is housed. We want to show that Europe is its people, not just the institution that does not represent us anymore.

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Helping by any means possible: How Europe provides aid to the Ukrainian wounded and what it gets in return

By Security Committee of the Center for Geostrategic Studies

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the amount of wounded AFU soldiers has been growing. The exact losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not being disclosed by Kyiv, yet the footage displayed in the media shows a huge amount of wounded coming from the frontline. Frequent use of artillery allows the Russisan Army to cause signtificant damage. As a result of artillery battles sanitary losses of Ukraine are tremendous. Moreover, due to the specifics of artillery damage, many of the wounded have burns, shrapnel wounds and barotrauma. At the same time, postponed evacuation leads to the development of infected pathogens and various suppurative infections.

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Incident in Poland that could have caused WW3 is making Ukraine lose credibility

By Dragana Trifković

In the past months, we could hear various forecasts and warnings regarding the current conflict between the West and Russia, which concern a high level of misunderstanding on many issues, but mostly on the issue of Ukraine. The Ukraine conflict itself is seen by the West and Russia from diametrically opposite positions. For the West, Russia is an aggressive party that attacked a sovereign state of Ukraine. On the other hand, for Russia, Ukraine is a country under control of the Western power centers, which is committing genocide against the Russian population. According to Russian officials, the reasons for launching a special military operation (as they call the intervention) are threats to the national security of the Russian Federation and the need to protect the Russian population, which has been under attack since 2014. So far, the collective West has not wanted to accept Moscow’s arguments, which has led to today’s situation of the highest level of political conflict between the West and Russia after the Second World War, without direct confrontation. Nevertheless, Russia believes that it is still waging war with the West, taking into account the fact that the West is arming and training Ukrainian army, and also, according to Moscow, is encouraging aggressive behavior of Kiev towards the Russians.

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Jacques Hogard: Europe has died in Pristina

Jacques Hogard in the European Parliament



Ladies and gentlemen,


I am pleased to be here today at the invitation of the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade, here in the European Parliament.

As a senior French officer, I served in Macedonia and then in Kosovo in the first half of 1999. When I was assigned to the French Special Operations Command, I was appointed as the head of the joint special forces group that intervened before the French KFOR Brigade’s deployment under the command of NATO.

It is for this reason that I am speaking today, having published a few years ago a book with a deliberately provocative title: „Europe has died in Pristina“. If you have not read it, I recommend you to do it! There you will find my testimony on this tragic period.

 ÃÂ ÃÂµÃÂ·Ã‘ƒÐ»Ñ‚ат слика за Evropa je umrla u Pristini

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Dragana Trifkovic: Redefining the borders can be a particularly dangerous example for Europe

Dragana Trifkovic in the European Parliament 



Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

First and foremost, I would like to thank the European Parliament and especially Mr. Kohlíček for organizing this conference. The topic is more than up-to-date because there are pressures by the Western countries to resolve Kosovo’s problem as soon as possible, but I am afraid that such an approach can only lead to a worse situation and to even more tensions. Especially now that there are increased tensions at the international level. Problems cannot be resolved by imposing violent and illegal solutions, and above all, it cannot lead to a permanent peace. Imposing violent solutions can only bring even greater violence, and we can clearly see it today in Kosovo.


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Горки плодови партнерства ЕУ и Молдавије

Пише: Рајко Буквић

Крајем августа десетине хиљада људи изашло је на демонстрације у Кишињеву за независност правосуђа, против корупције и утицаја олигарха. Недуго пре тога у Бриселу су на тему реализације споразума о асоцијацији између ЕУ и Молдавије разговарали председник Европског савета Доналд Туск и молдавски премијер Павел Филип. Како је изјавио Доналд Туск, Молдавија је важан учесник „Источног партнерства” и он је задовољан нивоом популарности ЕУ међу молдавским грађанима. Са своје стране, Павел Филип је потврдио заинтересованост Молдавије за наставак напора за ступање у ЕУ. По његовим речима, последње анкете јавног мњења показују да молдавски грађани све снажније подржавају пројекат интеграције у Европску унију.

Као што се каже, лаже и не црвени. Од великих нада, које су Молдавци имали у ЕУ, данас, четири године након потписивања споразума о асоцијацији, остао је исти онакав дим као и од милијарди долара које су ишчезле из кржљавог молдавског банкарског система. Без обзира на финансијску помоћ из Брисела, поверење према ЕУ у Молдавији пало је до 38%, па и ниже. Ради поређења: само трећина Немаца сматра да се Европској унији може веровати.

Rezultat slika za Молдова

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The Migrant Crisis And Its Impact On Europe

By Dragana Trifkovic


The beginning of the migrant crisis


The previous year was marked in particular by the migrant crisis, i.e., the migrations of peoples on a scale unprecedented in recent history, or more precisely since the end of the Second World War. In considering the causes and consequences of this crisis, it is necessary to recall that the waves of refugees from the Middle East were preceded by the migration of Albanians from the territory of Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija to the EU and Germany in particular at the end of December 2014 and the beginning of 2015. In that case, however, there were not enough emergency bus lines to take all interested Albanians from Pristina to Subotica, i.e., the Hungarian border. According to some data, within three months 30,000 Albanians migrated from the southern province of Serbia to the countries of the EU.

 What Serbian and foreign media interested in finding out what prompted Albanians to move en mass to the EU is of interest at this point. According to migrants who answered questions posed by journalists while waiting for buses at Pristina station, poverty and the uncertain future of Kosovo and Metohija were the main causes for migration. These Albanians told journalists that they had heard that good conditions were being offered for asylum seekers in Germany, France, and Switzerland. 

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Serbians, do not join the EU!

Kris Roman is the president of „Euro-Rus“ organization, which is politically and socially active in Belgium. The organization opposes the single-mindedness and presents to Belgian public a different view on many political issues. It stands for strong cooperation between Europe and Russia. „Euro-Rus“ organized a number of protests in Brussels on the occasion of aggression against Donbass.

An Interview Conducted By: Dragana Trifkovic


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Public opinion in Germany becomes more and more critical towards Washington

Interview with Manuel Ochsenreiter, German publicist and editor in chief of the German monthly magazine Zuerst about German politics, relations between Germany and the US, economy and public attitudes toward anti-Russian sanctions and the reasons for the Ukrainian conflict.

An Interview Conducted By: Dragana Trifkovic (DT)


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