Russian „Interference“ Bugaboo is at Play Again as US Election Day Nears – Analysts

Сyber experts from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI have warned about the possibility of Russia’s interference in the 2020 presidential elections, according to a 3 February memo obtained by The Associated Press. International observers have explained what is behind the resurfaced „Russia at it again“ claims.

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No normal country in the world would have cut off its territory

Ulrich Oehme from Bundestag for Center for geostrategyc studies

Interview conducted by Dragana Trifkovic

Mr. Oehme, you are a representative of the opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Bundestag. This is a party that in recent years has received increasing support from voters in Germany who are dissatisfied with the policy of the authorities. What problems does German society face and what defines it so that it can trust the opposition? On the other hand, what is your main objection to the authorities as an opposition politician?

In Germany, we have been observing violations of the law by the respective federal government for years. These violations began with the bailout of Greece in 2010. The EU treaties of Lisbon stipulated that the community of states was not liable for the debts of member states. The emergency loans to Greece broke the Lisbon Treaties with the help of the German government. But that was not all. With the decision to open the borders for refugees in 2015, Chancellor Angela Merkel violated the current provisions of the Schengen Agreements. As a result of this decision, almost 2 million migrants flocked into our social system in search of one. For the most part there were no refugees like the media of the German population tried to persuade us. This influx was associated with a significant increase in crime. The mood among the population tilted between 2015 from large consent to the rejection of immigration. The AfD was the only party that, since its foundation in 2013, has constantly pointed out existing problems and misguided developments in German society. Since September 2017 I have been part of the AfD Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag. Here we as opposition can force the governing parties to adopt our positions. We know that in the short term we will not gain majorities for our own legislative changes, but we can always put our fingers in the sore spots.

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Analyst on Hacking Accusations Against Russia: ‘West Is in a Kind of Paranoia’

Dragana Trifkovic for SPUTNIK


Previous week, Dutch Defense Minister said that the Russian Ambassador to the Netherlands had been summoned to the Foreign Ministry in light of the Dutch allegations that Russians had attempted to carry out a cyberattack on OPCW in The Hague. Sputnik spoke to Dragana Trifkovic, head of the Belgrade-based Center for Geostrategic Studies for more.


Observer on Presidential Election: West Could Learn About Democracy From Russia

By Sputnik


On March 18, Russia held its presidential election. Sputnik spoke with Dragana Trifkovic, head of the Belgrade-based Center for Geostrategic Studies, about her experience as an observer during the vote in the Crimea.

Sputnik: Please, tell us about your experience as an observer at the Russian presidential elections. What is your impression about it?

Dragana Trifkovic: I was observing the presidential elections in Crimea, along with two other delegates from Serbia. Apart from us in the international team of observers in Crimea, there were delegates from Germany, USA, Austria, Pakistan, Italy, Venezuela, Finland, Latvia, Afghanistan, Malaysia and other countries.

The general impression is that the elections occurred in a good atmosphere and were conducted in a highly transparent manner. At any moment, anyone could follow the course of the elections through video surveillance, as well as the process of counting votes after the closure of polling stations.



By Dragana Trifkovic 

The Congress of the National Dialogue of Syria, which takes place in Sochi, aims to finally settle the long-standing conflict in that country.


It is attended by representatives of various ethnic, religious and political groups who through dialogue should determine the future structure of Syria. In addition to the ruling Baath party, representatives of the opposition and civil unions, as well as representatives of the permanent members of the UN and the countries of the Middle East, came to the congress. Russia has made both military and diplomatic efforts to help the Syrian people maintain the integrity and sovereignty of the country, as well as to overcome terrorism. In cooperation with Iran and Turkey, successful negotiations were held in Astana, and the congress in Sochi is the final point of all efforts to bring peace.

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