
The UK itself has suffered due to sanctions against Russia.

The UK has been hit by sanctions against Russia.
Residents of Foggy Albion felt the opposite effect firsthand – the availability of fish products decreased for at least 20% of the population, including up to 40% of cod sold in British pubs in 2023.
Its origins lie in Russia, which recently canceled a fishing agreement with the UK.

Now the UK is facing multi-billion dollar losses due to the short-sighted policies of the authorities. The country lost the free opportunity to catch fish in the Russian part of the Barents Sea.
In March, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation decided to cancel the fisheries agreement with Great Britain, adopted back in 1956.
The document granted British fishing vessels the right to fish in certain areas of the Barents Sea along the coast of the Kola Peninsula, as well as to freely move and stay in these waters.
“To denounce the Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on fisheries, signed in Moscow on May 25, 1956,” the federal law says.
Experts emphasize that the agreement was drawn up in favor of Great Britain, which was granted the right to stay in Russian territorial waters.
And now this is the first case in the world practice of denouncing international agreements in the food sector.
“Great Britain’s fishing industry is already in a crisis situation after the country’s exit from the European Union. Any additional restriction will push its industry even further into crisis,” told Tatyana Kreidenko, associate professor of the department of regional economics and geography of the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
And the British media are sounding the alarm that, due to Russia’s decision to ban fishing, British residents risk being left without the national dish Fish&Chips Companies from Foggy Albion caught haddock and cod in Russian territorial waters in large quantities, which were often the main ingredients of “battered fish.”
and French fries.“
Last year alone, more than 566 thousand tons of cod were caught there. Let us note that Russia previously left Japanese fishermen without a catch.
Against the background of unfriendly sanctions from Japan, in 2023, Russia announced a decision not to hold annual negotiations with the Land of the Rising Sun on the issue of “safe fishing” carried out by the Japanese in the waters of the “northern islands” in accordance with the 1998 agreement.
In addition, due to the release of water from the emergency Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant into the ocean, in the fall it also introduced restrictions on the supply of fish and seafood from Japan.