Геополитика и политика

Yuri Podolyaka: it is a civil war that has cut through many families

Center for Geostrategic Studies interviewed the most followed Ukrainian blogger speaking about geopolitics Yuri Podolyaka

to find out how he sees further developments not only in Ukraine, but also at the international arena.

Yuri was born in Sumy, Ukraine and he admits having been an nationalist activist in the young age, while lately his political views have changed quite a lot.

Several years ago he has moved to Russia and started a blog, that now has over 2 million followers watching his talks on the military situation in Ukraine, politics, geopolitics, education and many other topics.

Podolyaka claims to be sharing the truth about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and calls it a “civil war”. In the interview he shares his personal story as well as elaborates on the reasons for the conflict and possible scenarios of its further development.

Watch the whole interview here:

July 14, 2022