Tag Archives: Serbia

Serbia: what is essential is Kosovo, not the union with Republika Srpska

By Dragana Trifkovic

With the recent statement by Milorad Dodik that Republika Srpska has embarked on a path out of Bosnia and Herzegovina with no return, this issue has once again received media attention. He began his speech to the Republika Srpska Assembly on February 17 with the words „Goodbye Bosnia and Herzegovina, welcome RS exit“.

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No normal country in the world would have cut off its territory

Ulrich Oehme from Bundestag for Center for geostrategyc studies

Interview conducted by Dragana Trifkovic

Mr. Oehme, you are a representative of the opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Bundestag. This is a party that in recent years has received increasing support from voters in Germany who are dissatisfied with the policy of the authorities. What problems does German society face and what defines it so that it can trust the opposition? On the other hand, what is your main objection to the authorities as an opposition politician?

In Germany, we have been observing violations of the law by the respective federal government for years. These violations began with the bailout of Greece in 2010. The EU treaties of Lisbon stipulated that the community of states was not liable for the debts of member states. The emergency loans to Greece broke the Lisbon Treaties with the help of the German government. But that was not all. With the decision to open the borders for refugees in 2015, Chancellor Angela Merkel violated the current provisions of the Schengen Agreements. As a result of this decision, almost 2 million migrants flocked into our social system in search of one. For the most part there were no refugees like the media of the German population tried to persuade us. This influx was associated with a significant increase in crime. The mood among the population tilted between 2015 from large consent to the rejection of immigration. The AfD was the only party that, since its foundation in 2013, has constantly pointed out existing problems and misguided developments in German society. Since September 2017 I have been part of the AfD Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag. Here we as opposition can force the governing parties to adopt our positions. We know that in the short term we will not gain majorities for our own legislative changes, but we can always put our fingers in the sore spots.

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Digital economy in Serbia

Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies at the International Economic Forum in Yalta

Digital economy is the term that emerged in the nineties of the 20th century as a revolutionary idea of ​​how the internet could change the business. It is defined as an economy based on digital technologies, including digital communications networks (the Internet, private value-added networks, etc.) computers, software and other related information technologies. It is a convergence of computer technology and telecommunications through the Internet. Digital networking and communication infrastructures provide a global platform where people and organizations interact, communicate, collaborate and search for information.

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Jacques Hogard: Europe has died in Pristina

Jacques Hogard in the European Parliament



Ladies and gentlemen,


I am pleased to be here today at the invitation of the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade, here in the European Parliament.

As a senior French officer, I served in Macedonia and then in Kosovo in the first half of 1999. When I was assigned to the French Special Operations Command, I was appointed as the head of the joint special forces group that intervened before the French KFOR Brigade’s deployment under the command of NATO.

It is for this reason that I am speaking today, having published a few years ago a book with a deliberately provocative title: „Europe has died in Pristina“. If you have not read it, I recommend you to do it! There you will find my testimony on this tragic period.

 ÃÂ ÃÂµÃÂ·Ã‘ƒÐ»Ñ‚ат слика за Evropa je umrla u Pristini

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Dragana Trifkovic: Redefining the borders can be a particularly dangerous example for Europe

Dragana Trifkovic in the European Parliament 



Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

First and foremost, I would like to thank the European Parliament and especially Mr. Kohlíček for organizing this conference. The topic is more than up-to-date because there are pressures by the Western countries to resolve Kosovo’s problem as soon as possible, but I am afraid that such an approach can only lead to a worse situation and to even more tensions. Especially now that there are increased tensions at the international level. Problems cannot be resolved by imposing violent and illegal solutions, and above all, it cannot lead to a permanent peace. Imposing violent solutions can only bring even greater violence, and we can clearly see it today in Kosovo.


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MP of the German Bundestag Petr Bystron: Kosovo will again be a part of Serbia

Interview conducted by Dragana Trifkovic, Director of the Centre for Geopolitcal Studies with the MP of the German House of Representatives (Bundestag), Mr. Petr Bystron

Dear Mr. Bystron, recently we have met at the International Conference on the Development of Parliamentarism in Moscow recently. In front of representatives of Parliaments from all around the world, international experts and journalists you held a well-received speech, calling for an end to sanctions against Russia. Why?

I demanded an end to sanctions because they have not achieved anything except harming German business. There’s no point to maintaining these useless sanctions any longer.


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Will Serbia be able to come out of EU patronage?

By eadaily.com

“Serbia will turn into the most powerful military force in the region,” this is how Vestinet (Serbia) has announced the long-awaited arrival of Russian MiGs. According to the source, the planes are to arrive at the Batajnica military airport on Vidovdan (June 28 – St. Vitus Day and also the day of the Battle of Kosovo. That day in 1389 marked a turnabout in Serbia’s history and the start of the Ottoman occupation). And even though Serbian Defense Minister Zoran Djordjevic has not confirmed the date, he has said that the planes will arrive in time, while according to Serbian analyst Miroslav Lazanski, the planes will be in Serbia by mid-July.

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Choosing Sides in Serbia


Neutral or NATO?

Russia’s media are currently in a lather about their nation’s old friend Serbia becoming too chummy with the old adversary NATO. The mystery is: why?

For all sorts of reasons, both domestic and diplomatic, Serbia is showing absolutely no hint of wanting to join NATO. It does want to join the European Union. Oddly, in a purely UK context, and as a Liberal, I am actively campaigning to have Britain leave the European Union; however, I understand Serbia’s instinct for the economic security of a customs union. On the other hand, I’m a long-standing political supporter of NATO’s mission in Europe. And here again, I understand the Serbian government’s very different view.

For all sorts of reasons, both domestic and diplomatic, Serbia is showing absolutely no hint of wanting to join NATO.


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