
About the work of the Center for Geostrategic Studies and the development of Serbian-Russian relations through public diplomacy

By Dragana Trifkovic

Dragana TRIFKOVIC, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies (Serbia) took part in the meeting of the International Discussion Club “VISION 3000”, organized by “International Women’s Union”

General information partner: Online publication “Embassy Life”

Ms. Trifkovic revealed the topic “The development of Serbian-Russian relations through people’s diplomacy”.

The Center for Geostrategic Studies is a Serbian independent non—governmental organization that has been operating for almost ten years. It is based in Belgrade, but has an international character, as it gathers experts and activists from all over the world. In total, about fifty people from Serbia, other European countries, Russia, China, the USA, Africa, Central Asia, the Middle East and Latin America participate in the work of the Center for Geostrategic Studies. The Center for Geostrategic Research is a unique active organization in Serbia, which works really independently, without the support of domestic or foreign institutions, governments, foundations and centers of power. When we created this organization, our goal was to present our own ideas, national and state interests, as well as the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation at the international level through public diplomacy, based on the mutual interests of all participants. At first we set really high goals for ourselves, but even after ten years of work, I can say that, despite great difficulties, we succeeded. The members of the Center, who are engaged in other works, almost completely finance their activities.

It is necessary to say a few words about the non-governmental sector of Serbia. According to current data, more than 36,500 non-governmental organizations are registered in Serbia. Most of these organizations are engaged in the protection of human rights, the development of democracy, environmental protection, European integration, the fight against corruption, LGBT rights, inclusivity and the like. The key donors of these organizations are the USA, the EU and Western European countries. Ten years ago, all funds for financing the non-governmental sector came from abroad, but with the coming to power of the current regime, an agreement was reached with the West that Serbia would agree to allocate large funds from the citizens’ budget for the work of the non-governmental sector. Over the past ten years, tens of billions of dinars have been allocated to finance NGOs, especially those organizations that enjoy strong support from Western countries. More funds are allocated for the work of these organizations than for the development of science and technology in Serbia, which is more than alarming.

Among the beneficiaries of the budget, according to the Ministry of Finance, are: the Belgrade Foundation for Political Excellence, the Foundation for Humanitarian Law, Civil Initiatives, the Center for Cultural Decontamination, the Autonomous Women’s Center, the Belgrade Center for Human Rights and the Gay-Heterosexual Alliance. Many of these organizations are engaged in supporting Western propaganda against Serbia based on the narrative of the 1990s, that is, constructed Serbian guilt related to the wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. All these non-governmental organizations have massive media support from the Western media, as well as political support. They are in fact the controlling factor of the Government, and often foreign ambassadors and Western officials who come to Serbia meet with these organizations. Such organizations most often abuse topics such as democracy, freedom and the protection of human rights, and realize the interests of certain Western power centers in a corrupt way. Western powers, primarily the United States and Great Britain, designed the non-governmental sector as a mechanism for influencing institutions and societies of other countries to achieve their own political, economic and military goals. Our idea from the very beginning was to be a counterbalance to this.

The Center for Geostrategic Studies has never applied for money from the budget or from foreign funds, because funds are not allocated to the topics we are engaged in.

What we are doing is related to state and national interests. These are the preservation of Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia, the fight against media and political propaganda, the struggle for freedom, the development of Serbian-Russian relations, because we consider this one of the priority state interests of Serbia, helping Donbass and people who have been under attack there by the Ukrainian regime for almost ten years, the fight against the violation of religious rights people and attacks on the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the like. A few days ago, we organized a conference in Vienna entitled “Violation of religious rights, attack on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”, where we presented to the Western public a different picture of events in Ukraine than the one they see in the Western media. . In any case, what we are dealing with is not at all simple and we face many problems, from media attacks, attempts to discredit, labeling, censorship to blacklisting and harassment.

However, despite everything, the Center for Geostrategic Research is achieving success, and this is the most important thing. It is extremely important for Serbia to strengthen Russian influence and expand cooperation through public diplomacy in the fields of science, technology, education, student exchange, culture, economy, that is, business, security, and so on. Regardless of the current circumstances, I think that the situation in the world will change rapidly, and it is the transition to a multipolar world that gives a chance to realize these opportunities. To date, we have achieved very good cooperation with the Friends of Crimea Association, as well as with the Coordinating Council of Non-Profit Organizations of Russia, with the support of which we organized very important conferences in Moscow on the events in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as on the influence of the American sector in Europe.

What is a limiting factor in the development of cooperation with Russia, not only for Serbia, but for the whole of Europe, is the excessive American influence that does not allow cooperation to develop. American foundations allocate huge amounts of money, as they say, to combat the harmful influence of Russia. Since 2017, the United States has allocated more than a billion dollars to Southeastern Europe for these purposes. And to add to the absurdity, agents of influence who receive money from American funds accuse pro-Russian activists of being foreign agents. As you know, more than 80% of the inhabitants of Serbia are pro-Russian, but not because someone is financing them, but because of the anti-Western mood caused by Western policy towards Serbia, NATO aggression in 1999, etc., and on the other hand, deep historical ties with Russia.

And there are many people in the EU who oppose such Western policies and want to cooperate with Russia, but they are censored and marginalized by mainstream politics.

Our colleague from Austria has developed the project “Leave the American sector”, the purpose of which is to draw the attention of the European public to the fact that the occupying American army is still present in Europe. A month ago we gathered in Moscow immigrants from European countries (Serbia, France, Holland, Germany, Austria etc.), who immigrated to Russia, many of repression at the conference devoted to the pernicious influence of the US in Europe.

In any case, the Center for Geostrategic Research is interested in any kind of development of cooperation with Russian organizations, and we will be glad to work out joint projects. Thanks for attention.

Source: embassylife.ru









关于Центар за геостратешке студије

中心的地缘战略研究是一个非政府和非营利协会成立于贝尔格莱德成立大会举行28.02.2014. 按照规定的技术。11. 和12。 法律协会联合会("官方公报Rs",没有。51/09). 无限期的时间,以实现的目标在科学研究领域的地缘战略关系和准备的战略文件、分析和研究。 该协会开发和支持的项目和活动旨在国家和国家利益的塞尔维亚,有的状态的一个法律实体和在登记册登记在按照法律的规定。 特派团的中心的地缘战略研究是:"我们正在建设的未来,因为塞尔维亚应得的:价值观,我们表示的建立,通过我们的历史、文化和传统。 我们认为,如果没有过去,没有未来。 由于这个原因,为了建立未来,我们必须知道我们的过去,珍惜我们的传统。 真正的价值是直接地,且未来不能建立在良好的方向,而不是基础。 在一个时间破坏性的地缘政治变革,至关重要的是作出明智的选择和做出正确的决定。 让我们去的所有规定和扭曲思想和人工的敦促。 我们坚定地认为,塞尔维亚具有足够质量和潜力来确定自己的未来,无论威胁和限制。 我们致力于塞尔维亚的地位和权利决定我们自己的未来,同时铭记的事实,即从历史上看已经有很多的挑战、威胁和危险,我们必须克服的。 " 愿景:本中心的地缘战略的研究,希望成为一个世界领先组织在该领域的地缘政治。 他也希望成为当地的品牌。 我们将努力感兴趣的公众在塞尔维亚在国际议题和收集所有那些有兴趣在保护国家利益和国家利益,加强主权、维持领土完整,保护传统价值观、加强机构和法治。 我们将采取行动的方向寻找志同道合的人,无论是在国内和全世界的公众。 我们将重点放在区域合作和网络的相关非政府组织、在区域一级和国际一级。 我们将启动项目在国际一级支持重新定位的塞尔维亚和维护领土完整。 在合作与媒体的房子,我们将实施的项目都集中在这些目标。 我们将组织的教育感兴趣的公众通过会议、圆桌会议和研讨会。 我们将试图找到一个模型,用于发展的组织,使资助活动的中心。 建立一个共同的未来: 如果你有兴趣与我们合作,或帮助的工作中心的地缘战略研究中,请通过电子邮件: center@geostrategy.rs


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