

上星期五的夜晚,当我降落从格罗兹尼在莫斯科之后,访问车臣,并打开我的手机,我接收到的消息,这一政变是正在进行中。 正如我们在等待上岸,人们开始怀疑与怀疑它是什么。 俄罗斯人,否则总是克制的意见,开始谈论如何,显然的事情是不正常工作。 意见不一。 一些被告国防部和其他被告叶夫根尼*Prigozhin拥有私人军事公司的瓦格纳。 当我到达时从多莫杰多沃机场的中心,莫斯科,它已经是午夜。 罕见的路人评论了与惊奇的是,和街道巡逻的警察。 安全措施明显加强。

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As I said, A Nano-Second to Midnight

By Paul Craig Roberts

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova admits, as I predicted would happen, that the Kremlin’s preference for a war of minimum Russian force has resulted in the West raising the stakes and becoming drawn ever deeper into military confrontation. She says, “It is obvious that such a policy, which we see as reckless, is capable of leading to a direct armed clash between nuclear powers.”

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Belgium’s Pandora Box with Historical Background

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic


This text aims to present the main inner-political problems in multilingual and multicultural Belgium – a country in which the capital of the European Union (the EU) and NATO is located and a country as one of the original six establishers of the present-day EU and the European Single Market.[i] The question of the destiny of Belgian multicultural federalism is of crucial importance for the future process of European integration or disintegration.   

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U.S.A. and Great Britain For at least two centuries, their elites have used Nazism, racism, and colonialism as tools to ensure their own dominance in different parts of the world

Appeal of Coordinating Board of International Association of Friends of Crimea

Today, Russia finds itself at the forefront of the struggle against global neo-Nazism and neo-colonialism – ugly and, at the same time, legitimate manifestation of capitalism. The flagship of these anti-human policies, imposed on the people, are the U.S.A. and Great Britain. For at least two centuries, their elites have used Nazism, racism, and colonialism as tools to ensure their own dominance in different parts of the world. On top of that, it is these states that have become the undisputed leaders in the use of military force abroad. Thus, out of the 193 member states of the United Nations, 177 have had a foot on the ground of a British or American soldier at one point or another in their history.

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Срби на КиМ су препуштени сами себи и немају никакву заштиту од стране сопствене државе

Преносимо саопштење Народног покрета Срба са Косова и Метохије „Отаџбина“

Народни покрет Срба са Косова и Метохије „Отаџбина“ најоштрије осуђује хапшење Драгише Миленковића из места Киснице код Грачанице као и Ненада Орловића из Звечана од стране сепаратистичке владе Аљбина Куртија. Овакв прогон Срба је у складу са програмом Аљбина Куртија који је пре нешто више од десетак дана изјавио да пола Срба на КиМ треба похапсити а другу половину ваља протерати. Интересантно је да за време владавине овог сепаратистичког премијера на десетине Срба је оптужено за наводне ратне злочине. Овај рецепт је преузет пре свега из Хрватске где постоји стварност да су Срби протерани у масовном броју а онда да се не би вратили оптужују се за монтиране ратне злочине по систему „двојица без душе, трећи без главе“.

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Why US plan for localized Russia-Ukraine nuclear war doomed to fail

By Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Back in early December last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia could adopt a US-style preemptive strike doctrine, stating that „[Russia] is just thinking about it“ and that „[the political West] wasn’t shy to openly talk about it during the past years“. At the time, it seemed that Moscow was simply sending a clear message to the belligerent US-led power pole that was escalating its already extremely hostile policies aimed against Russia. However, things are now much clearer as to why President Putin actually mentioned the possibility of adopting such an unusually offensive concept for the largely defense-oriented Russian military doctrine.

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The Ever-Widening War

By Paul Craig Roberts

It was obvious from the beginning that the Kremlin’s “limited military operation” would result in an ever-widening war leading to a nuclear confrontation, and there is no doubt that the conflict has continued to widen.

The latest development brings us closer to the use of nuclear weapons. The F-16s, which Biden said would never be given to Ukraine, have now been given, as I said would happen. Moreover, they are being given in a recklessly gratuitous form. The first shipment of F-16s are aircraft that have modifications that allow them to be armed with nuclear weapons.

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Ukraine’s accusations against Moscow about ZNPP – preparation for false flag?

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

As well known, the Kiev regime has been carrying out irresponsible attacks against the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) since last year. Russian officials, independent journalists and ordinary citizens have repeatedly reported the Ukrainian strikes, with strong suspicions that the regime deliberately wants to provoke a nuclear leakage in the region. However, Kiev now seriously accuses Russia of planning such a crime, which sounds like a coordinated operation to delude public opinion.

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Putin’s shocking revelations show there can be no negotiations with Kiev

By Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Respecting deals between countries or governments goes back millennia and includes civilizations such as Sumerians and Ancient Egyptians. This was always considered a sort of litmus test of a certain country’s or ruler’s reputation and it stuck for a very long time. In essence, this practice predates the very concept of international law and is in many ways its direct predecessor. However, it would seem certain countries haven’t really got the memo about how important respecting treaties is and what disastrous consequences may follow if one doesn’t.

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Both Karaganov and his critics have important points to be considered.

In a recent article, the highly respected Russian scholar Sergey Karaganov openly advocated Russia’s use of nuclear weapons as deterrence against Western powers. For the author, despite tough, this is a somewhat necessary measure, as it can prevent an even worse escalation of violence.

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