Impact of Trump’s victory on political developments in Central Europe

By Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade.

Already during the US presidential election campaign there was strong discussion about what effects a possible victory of Donald Trump could have on the Ukraine conflict and  political developments within European countries.

Trump is seen as an enemy by all established liberal politicians in Europe. It is exactly the opposite society that Europe’s elites want. But most of Donald Trump’s voters represent political goals of the patriotic forces in Europe. The voters of the FPÖ (Freedom Party in Austria) in Austria and the AfD (Alternative for Germany) if they lived in the USA would have certainly voted for Trump.

This shows that there is a common political direction, although there are certainly minor differences on some political issues. Many leaders and senior figures from right-wing parties in European countries have already congratulated Trump on his election victory. However, this fact was heavily criticized by the Western mainstream media.

Liberal politicians from European governments were not enthusiastic about the results of the election in the USA and expressed their negative opinions against the elected US President.

The strongest influence that the election of Donald Trump will have on the political development of the states of Europe is the hope for changes within the individual states. Trump has clearly shown that despite all the dirty campaigns against him, he managed to win.

It is now clear to all patriotic forces in Europe that it is possible to win against an opponent who has been in the state system for decades and has most of the media under control. Trump’s election victory gives hope to all people who want a total change in European politics.

Too many mistakes have been made in many EU countries. Europe needs an extension in the area of ​​energy policy, migration policy and the question of the political role in the Ukraine conflict. Perhaps some politicians in Europe will remember Trump’s campaign slogan in the last elections: „America first.“

All national politics should be organized with this in mind. The right-wing opposition politicians in Europe have already understood this reality. That is why these forces are also making arms deliveries and monetary donations to Ukraine, as well as massive financial support for migration, an issue.

And it is precisely for these political issues that Europe urgently needs solutions. It is very likely that Donald Trump is willing to work with political forces in Europe that share a similar political ideology.

The election of Donald Trump as US President was a hard blow for the liberals in Europe, as these people have already seen many successes of the patriots in Europe in the last few months. What is important now is that the patriots in Europe feel vindicated by the election results in the USA and continue to do their work.

This election result can also be seen as an example of a global trend reversal. Now we know that the election results in America follow current political developments worldwide. It remains to be seen whether the US President will fulfill his promises, but the first impression of the election victory has reached the patriots in Europe and created a positive mood.

The success of Donald Trump is a global event that will have a massive impact on political developments on the European continent. For Central Europe, this means that the Hungarian government and the opposition in Germany and Austria feel clearly confirmed in their course.

The success of Donald Trump is also being discussed in France and Great Britain, as there are also strong forces there who want to change the political path of their countries.

Donald Trump’s next visits to Europe will clearly show what real potential for change there is and what hurdles in the old structures even the US president is failing at.

Source: InfoBrics

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