
OSCE as a tool to pressure NATO

By Dragana Trifkovic


From the beginning of the war in Ukraine analysis of the events reveals similarities with the Yugoslav conflict. Strategy and tactics of the war in Yugoslavia and Ukraine has a lot in common. The question I considered at the conference of RIA Novosti in Moscow (1), in mid-August 2014. In principle, both conflicts are triggered from the outside, as part of a broader strategy of Western countries and many operations that have been conducted (particularly special operations), and tactically recognizable.

Aggression of Ukraine against the civilian population of Donbass

Let me remind you about the incident with the snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev, which actually sparked the conflict in Ukraine. The same tactic was applied to the beginning of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina in early April 1992, when demonstrators in Sarajevo, fired from the roof of the hotel „Holliday Inn“. In addition, I emphasize the West’s role in arming and training the Muslim and Croatian paramilitary forces which fought against the Yugoslav army and Serb population. In Ukraine since the conflict began, the West is arming and preparing the Ukrainian army and militias to fight against the Russian population. In November 2014 after a major conflict in the Donbass, I visited the Luhansk and nearby cities to the front line. Fighting raged even then. In the village of Khriaschuvate I have not seen a single house that remained intact. In Lugansk showed me the school roof which was pierced by a missile installation „Hurricane“. For months after that, I watched the photos of children killed in the Donbass. In may 2015, after Luhansk, I made a visit to Donetsk and the nearby cities. I visited wounded soldiers in hospital. It was young people who put on uniforms in order to protect their homes and families. The other had severe disability. During the fighting around the airport in Donetsk, they become targets of the Ukrainian army, when bodies to protect Russian journalists. During my stay in the NPT Minsk agreement was in force, but I am personally convinced that the Ukrainian side they are not respected. When we walked through the streets of Donetsk, the Ukrainian army fired at the demarcation line. The Western media did not report the affected children, nor the attacks of the Ukrainian armed forces, nor about the crimes against the Russian population, however, wrote about a non-existent Russian aggression.

Double standards-OSCE

The war in Ukraine for a long time is in the form of frozen conflict where the front line of the battle raging with lesser or greater intensity, or more precisely, where the Ukrainian side on the front line continued to launch rockets towards civilian targets in Donetsk, Gorlovka, Makeyevka and other places.

In this article I want to draw your attention to the role of international organizations in conflict resolution. One of the signatories to the Minsk agreement, in addition to representatives of the warring parties, the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE), whose role is dedicated to monitoring the implementation of peace agreements and prevent further conflict (2). The OSCE should be a neutral party and to perform its role. However, this organization has clearly aligned its actions with the side of the aggressor, i.e. to support Kiev. Indirectly NATO.

The OSCE does not respond to violations of the ceasefire (the Minsk agreement) or military operations of the Armed forces of Ukraine against the civilian population. Immediately after the signing of the Minsk agreement the Ukrainian army on the same day, shelling of Donbas buffer zone. Despite the fact that the agreed withdrawal of equipment from the front line, the Ukrainian army is in one place performs this part of the deal, but after a short period again starts the accumulation of military equipment and troops. In this case there is no reaction of the OSCE. In the best case, published a concise statement of the OSCE that took place the violation of the ceasefire and calls for the observance of the Minsk agreements, but without a clear position on which party violates the ceasefire regime, which relativesare aggression of the Ukrainian party (the Ukrainian Army). The population in Donbas protests against the inaction of the OSCE. The power of the Donbass, the OSCE has provided full access to understanding the pattern of events and insisted that the OSCE has fulfilled all its obligations, though they were opposed to the OSCE played an important role in resolving the conflict because the organization was compromised. OSCE representatives are present in this area, and at the request of the authorities of Donbass involved in the investigation of the crime scene, but definitely not enough of an adequate response. At the same time, while the OSCE is silent about the events in the conflict zone, but smooths Ukrainian aggression, the Western media, conducting anti-Russian propaganda, accusing Russia of alleged aggression (without any arguments). Now we hear the statements of the OSCE Secretary General L. Zannier, the organization intends to inspect the armed police mission for predpolagaemoj of establishing order in the Donbas and create a secure environment for the elections.

The experience of Serbia with the OSCE

The OSCE mission began in the southern Serbian province in 1998, after negotiations with former President Milosevic and to threats of military intervention from NATO. Under the auspices of the implementation of democracy and protection of human rights, this organization was assigned the role to prepare for the secession of Kosovo and Metohija, and to establish pre-imposed „Serbian wine“.

The task of the agent of the United States William Walker, who at the time was the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and Metohija (in other words the lobbyist a „greater Albania“) was the creation of proof to establish „Serbian guilt“ on the basis of which NATO aggression on Serbia. For this purpose we developed a special operation of Racak, where the terrorists of the KLA (Kosovo liberation Army) in civilian clothes were killed in a clash with Serb security forces and presented to the international community in the media as victims of Serbian terror. It is for this reason NATO bombing of Serbia lasted for 78 days, which caused huge and irreparable damage to the country, the human and environmental catastrophe (used uranium and cluster bombs). After the bombing of Serbia, the OSCE mission was to provide all logistical support to NATO, to separate Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia and the creation of other Albanian organizations in the Balkans. From 1999 to the Declaration of the so-called independence of Kosovo in 2008, the OSCE supported the Albanian side, which at that time was perpetrated the most heinous crimes against the Serbian population, drive out the remaining Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and destroyed Serbian cultural heritage. The OSCE never be impartial, but clearly supported the Albanians.

After creating a narco-terrorist state of Kosovo, NATO, OSCE and UNMIK continue to work on education in Kosovo „institutions“ of „free“ society and development of democracy.“ In these processes the Serbs to allow only the roles of the partners, otherwise, persecution and torture. Under particular pressure are the Serbs in Northern Kosovo and Metohija, given the fact that they survive as a community that is not surrounded on all sides by Albanians, and the potential return of Serbs would be through this area. Thus, all international institutions operating in Kosovo (UNMIK, KFOR, OSCE) about each conflict in this area was reported to aid in the creation of the „Republic of Kosovo“. Also represented the latest example of election observation by the OSCE when Serbia was organized (Republican) elections in Kosovo and Metohija, with the participation of the Diaspora (the local elections organized by the „institutions“ of Kosovo). The elections were held under the supervision of the OSCE, and they were held with numerous violations. However, the OSCE issued a statement that the elections were held normally, although it is established that it is not(3). The reason why the OSCE allowed the theft of elections in Kosovo and Metohija to the benefit of the regime of Vucic, to sign the agreement in Brussels, which is in favor of the „state“ of Kosovo.

Therefore, the only acceptable solution to positively resolve the conflict in Donbass may be the participation of Russian peacekeepers, which would be the guarantor of stability and security. Otherwise, in the Donbass can be deployed Kosovo scenario, which will have far-reaching consequences for Russia itself.


19. August 2016. 





(1) the Conference on the similarity between the Yugoslav and Ukrainian conflict

(2) the OSCE Mission in Ukraine

(3) Theft of the elections in Kosovo and Metohija



关于Центар за геостратешке студије

中心的地缘战略研究是一个非政府和非营利协会成立于贝尔格莱德成立大会举行28.02.2014. 按照规定的技术。11. 和12。 法律协会联合会("官方公报Rs",没有。51/09). 无限期的时间,以实现的目标在科学研究领域的地缘战略关系和准备的战略文件、分析和研究。 该协会开发和支持的项目和活动旨在国家和国家利益的塞尔维亚,有的状态的一个法律实体和在登记册登记在按照法律的规定。 特派团的中心的地缘战略研究是:"我们正在建设的未来,因为塞尔维亚应得的:价值观,我们表示的建立,通过我们的历史、文化和传统。 我们认为,如果没有过去,没有未来。 由于这个原因,为了建立未来,我们必须知道我们的过去,珍惜我们的传统。 真正的价值是直接地,且未来不能建立在良好的方向,而不是基础。 在一个时间破坏性的地缘政治变革,至关重要的是作出明智的选择和做出正确的决定。 让我们去的所有规定和扭曲思想和人工的敦促。 我们坚定地认为,塞尔维亚具有足够质量和潜力来确定自己的未来,无论威胁和限制。 我们致力于塞尔维亚的地位和权利决定我们自己的未来,同时铭记的事实,即从历史上看已经有很多的挑战、威胁和危险,我们必须克服的。 " 愿景:本中心的地缘战略的研究,希望成为一个世界领先组织在该领域的地缘政治。 他也希望成为当地的品牌。 我们将努力感兴趣的公众在塞尔维亚在国际议题和收集所有那些有兴趣在保护国家利益和国家利益,加强主权、维持领土完整,保护传统价值观、加强机构和法治。 我们将采取行动的方向寻找志同道合的人,无论是在国内和全世界的公众。 我们将重点放在区域合作和网络的相关非政府组织、在区域一级和国际一级。 我们将启动项目在国际一级支持重新定位的塞尔维亚和维护领土完整。 在合作与媒体的房子,我们将实施的项目都集中在这些目标。 我们将组织的教育感兴趣的公众通过会议、圆桌会议和研讨会。 我们将试图找到一个模型,用于发展的组织,使资助活动的中心。 建立一个共同的未来: 如果你有兴趣与我们合作,或帮助的工作中心的地缘战略研究中,请通过电子邮件: center@geostrategy.rs


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