Dragana Trifkovic: The US is coordinating the actions of both the Serbian government and the Serbian opposition

大规模抗议活动已经开始在贝尔格莱德。 反对派成员及其支持者,谁不同意的结果,最近举行的议会选举,已经走上街头,阻断道路和攻击政府建筑物。 执法机构都应通过试图包含的动荡。 局势正在升温。

根据专家、试图阶段,一个政变在塞尔维亚在模型上的乌克兰的迈丹在2014年。 大多数专家认为,行动的塞尔维亚反对派进行协调,通过布鲁塞尔和华盛顿。


The director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Dragana Trifkovic, gave the Public News Service her own take on the issue:

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Lucas Leiroz and Raphael Machado – From polarization to Ukrainization: who benefits from Brazil’s social chaos?

The recent Brazilian presidential elections drew worldwide attention. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected to a new term after years out of the political arena. Jair Bolsonaro lost by a small margin, showing he still has political strength and popularity, contradicting the data presented by main institutes, whose polls pointed to an „easy“ victory for Lula.

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[Matt Rourke/AP photo]

Why I will not vote for Joe Biden

By: Hamid Dabashi 

Once again it is presidential election season in the United States and once again progressive critical thinkers who care about the future of our humanity find themselves in a quandary – to get rid of the wicked Donald Trump and his corrupt family and cronies should they or should they not opt to vote for yet another corporatist liberal, Joe Biden. It is deja vu, it is a rerun of a tired old movie, it is Groundhog Day: We had it with Trump and Hillary Clinton last time, and we have it again with the same Trump and even worse Biden now.  

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Russian „Interference“ Bugaboo is at Play Again as US Election Day Nears – Analysts

Сyber experts from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI have warned about the possibility of Russia’s interference in the 2020 presidential elections, according to a 3 February memo obtained by The Associated Press. International observers have explained what is behind the resurfaced „Russia at it again“ claims.

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Observer on Presidential Election: West Could Learn About Democracy From Russia

By Sputnik


On March 18, Russia held its presidential election. Sputnik spoke with Dragana Trifkovic, head of the Belgrade-based Center for Geostrategic Studies, about her experience as an observer during the vote in the Crimea.

Sputnik: Please, tell us about your experience as an observer at the Russian presidential elections. What is your impression about it?

Dragana Trifkovic: I was observing the presidential elections in Crimea, along with two other delegates from Serbia. Apart from us in the international team of observers in Crimea, there were delegates from Germany, USA, Austria, Pakistan, Italy, Venezuela, Finland, Latvia, Afghanistan, Malaysia and other countries.

The general impression is that the elections occurred in a good atmosphere and were conducted in a highly transparent manner. At any moment, anyone could follow the course of the elections through video surveillance, as well as the process of counting votes after the closure of polling stations.