The fate of Jamal Khashoggi and the repercussions on world politics?

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

At a time of great changes in the international order, a process in which the decisions of Washington, Moscow and Beijing, among several other actors, are closely monitored, should not be forgotten that in this game there is another player, not so visible, but therefore no less influential, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

After the killing of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, there were harsh words in the relationship between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but they only indicate mutual interest between the two countries. The rivalry between them is obvious. Both Riyadh and Ankara are fighting for influence not only in the Middle East, but throughout the Islamic world (Turkey as a historical power that in the past led Muslims and a kingdom without any history or tradition, emerged on the largest oil reserves in the world). At the same time, the Turks and Saudis maintain cordial relations for purely pragmatic reasons, which have enabled them to successfully overcome any crisis.

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The holy place remains empty

Broadcast By: Aleksandr Melnichuk

When a nation is weakened, when it weakens its spirit and determination to defend itself and its land, other nations begin to come to their land. At first, this often happens imperceptibly, so that no one attaches special importance to it, and then it becomes too late…

Often the creation of ethnic enclaves, and usually this is how it all begins-occurs with the tacit consent of the authorities or even with their support. It's hard to tell what they are running. Perhaps it is a banal betrayal of their own people, perhaps they simply do not feel belonging to that people.

Such an example can be seen today in the Kherson region of Ukraine, where Crimean Tatar autonomy is gradually being formed.

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For Erdogan there is no more favorable scenario

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

Turkey's policy of " zero problems with neighbors "has experienced a fiasco and the fact is"zero friends, infinite problems". Simply Turkey under Erdogan loses old allies without gaining new ones.

Turkey, led by President Erdogan, has been moving in the wrong political, economic and geostrategic direction for several years, and its domestic policy mistakes are becoming a serious international problem. It is a conflict with the Kurds, the Alawites (Shiite minority) that risks exacerbating the extremely difficult situation in the region anyway.

In Turkey, the long-desired collapse of Iraq and Syria has improved the position of the Kurds in those countries, and Turkey did not expect that. The conflict between the Turkish Kurdish National Minority (about 20 percent of the population) has been ongoing since the establishment of the modern Turkish state. It is possible that Turkey has never been seriously determined to resolve the conflict with the Kurds.

The struggle between the Turks and the Kurdistan Workers ' Party in the southeast of the country is becoming increasingly fierce, and this is happening at the same time as the conflict between Ankara and Kurds in northern Syria and Iraq intensifies. The main danger of such developments is that the Turkish military could invade Syria under the pretext of creating a humanitarian corridor for refugees.

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Turkey after election, Erdogan plays with fire

Written By: Miloš Zdravković 


If Erdogan continues his policy of terror and intimidation, he will continue to attack innocent civilians.,
bombing PKK bases in Iraqi Kurdistan and putting pressure on Syrian Kurdistan, Turkish
The Kurds will rise up and civil war will break out.

Due to its position, Turkey is rightfully considered a key country between Europe, Russia and the Middle East. Yet the country faces major challenges: the economy is weak, unemployment is growing, religious and ethnic tensions are constantly present. At the same time, for Turkey, such an unstable internal situation is also reflected as a foreign-political problem.In order to overthrow the Assad regime in Damascus, President Erdogan has made Turkey a party to the conflict in the Syrian conflict. A divided country, such as Turkey, cannot overcome this challenge. The Turkish president also decided to strike the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds in Syria under the guise of fighting the so-called Islamic State in order to prevent the Kurds, besides Iraq, from gaining another autonomous entity in the very neighborhood of Turkey, this time in Syria. Turkey's confrontation with the Islamic State is also on hold, which can no longer be ignored as a danger after the recent terror attacks in Ankara and Suruc.

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Турска стратешка енигма

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

Спољна и безбедоносна политика Турске представља сталну и променљиву једначину са више непознатих како за њене творце, тако и за земље које се ова политика непосредно тиче. То је последица њеног географског положаја на раскрсници три континента, па је тако Турска хтела-нехтела део сопствених и туђих комплексних стратешких игара.

Општа је процена да постоји пет главних светских кризних жаришта: Европа, Русија, Блиски исток (од Леванта до Ирана), Сахарска Африка и Кина. Свака је криза другачија, свака је у различитој фази развоја, али једна је ствар заједничка. Потенцијално, свака за себе подобна је да генерише глобалну кризу. Оне не морају да се споје у једну кризу да би представљале опасност, јер свако од ових пет подручја је у центру геополитичких разматрања човечанства. Међутим, ако ова кризна жаришта буду дошла у интеракцију, судбина светског мира и човечанства уопште, биће доведена у опасност.

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