Geopolítica e política

Dragana Trifković: The influence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the dynamics of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The events of October 7 this year shook the whole world and, above all, broke the myth about the strength of the Israeli army and its intelligence services.

It was clearly a very well thought out action, but there are doubts about who created it. When we talk about the radical organization Hamas, it was basically supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, and a lot is said about their connections with Israel itself and other globalist structures that create conflicts in the whole world and realize their strategic plans that way. One of the outstanding American thinkers, Paul Craig Roberts, stated on the subject that he sees similarities in the attack by Hamas with September 11 and the collapse of the Twin Towers. He raises doubts in this sense that American national security suffered a defeat in all aspects, for which no one in America was held responsible. The same thing happened with Israel, but the question is whether it is really a total failure of the security system or it is about operations that have strategic goals.

The collapse of the Twin Towers was a reason for the Americans to declare a supposed war against terrorism and invade the Middle East. But we are witnessing that US operations actually created an international terrorist network and destabilized this region. Paul Craig Roberts also states that the terrorist Islamic State was created by Washington and the Mossad.

The goal of Israeli operations may be the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and perhaps the occupation of Lebanon. In order to prevent such a scenario, it is necessary to have the united support of Muslim countries for Palestine. But although there has been a détente between certain Muslim countries, primarily Iran and Saudi Arabia, it cannot be said that unity has been achieved.

A few days ago, 57 leaders of Muslim countries gathered at a summit in Riyadh, but we could only hear condemnations and a diplomatic request that „the UN make a decisive and binding decision to end the aggression and fighting in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas.“ I believe that the terror we are seeing in Gaza, the suffering of civilians and mostly children, requires much more decisive steps. For example, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s proposal that the Arab countries that recognized Israel cut off all diplomatic relations did not go through, and Algeria and Libya proposed cutting off the supply of oil and gas not only to Israel, but also to those who support the aggression on Gaza. It is about the fact that many Muslim countries play a double game, and while on the one hand they criticize Israel’s actions, on the other hand they continue to cooperate. Here I would mention Turkey and Azerbaijan, which cooperate intensively with Israel. The problem is that certain Muslim countries are tightly integrated with the globalist structures of the deep state or the collective West, whatever you want to call it.

Let’s return to global issues and compare the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the dynamics of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The international community is in the phase of transformation of the global architecture and transition from a monopolar world order to a multipolar one. However, the globalist structures of the West want to keep the old order at all costs, which is not possible. In this sense, they cause conflicts in order to prevent the development of a multipolar world. The war in Ukraine is only a part of such intentions, and obviously also fueling the conflict in the Middle East. A few days ago, George Friedman, the founder of the American private intelligence organization Stratfor, an emigrant from South-Eastern Europe of Jewish origin with extremely Russophobic views, said that he heard how Serbia is preparing for war, mentioning that the USA and NATO bombed Serbia because of Kosovo.

Kosovo is a southern Serbian province that the US and NATO forcibly separated by supporting separatism and terrorism. What does this statement say and his conviction that this conflict will spread to the entire Balkans? About the fact that globalist structures want to cause as many conflicts as possible. This is confirmed by the statement of the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev, „The US is fomenting conflicts near the borders of the Russian Federation and China and is trying to push Russia against Europe.“ As Patrushev noted, they expect that by encouraging conflict, as was the case after two world wars, they will be able to solve the accumulated problems of their economy, including the problems of the huge public debt, which in the United States has reached more than 30 trillion dollars.

However, in the two world wars that have been fought in known history, there were no nuclear weapons, intercontinental ballistic missiles, or hypersonic weapons that exist today and are possessed by powers such as Russia and China with whom the United States is waging a multidimensional strategic struggle. So, in both world wars, Great Britain and the United States of America were in a geopolitical advantage and felt safe. Today that is no longer the case, but here we are already talking about a potential nuclear war.

When we talk about Ukraine, that country has been destroyed and devastated because of American exhibitionism and the need to use this country as a platform for war against Russia. The United States of America and the collective West, which satellites the American policy of interventionism, have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in the Ukrainian war against Russia. The US and NATO experienced a breakdown in Ukraine. We remember the announced Ukrainian counter-offensive since May of this year. Russia has located and destroyed all the weapons that the West delivered to Ukraine. The focus of the world public, primarily the Western globalist media, has now completely shifted from Ukraine to Gaza. The Ukrainian regime is aware that it has lost the war. For a long time now, he has resorted to terrorizing civilians, unable to advance militarily. The collective West was completely on the side of Ukraine, but when it comes to Palestine, the situation is different. Numerous protests in support of Palestine were held in European countries, although the authorities of those countries supported Israel in turn. The situation is similar in the United States of America. Many emigrants from the Middle East and other Muslim countries live in the West, but it is also evident that the majority of citizens of European countries support the Palestinian side.

This puts the ruling elites directly at odds with their own citizens. The negative attitude towards Israel is increasingly coming to the fore in the Western public. What can this indicate, that there is a complete reversal where the majority of the public in the West stands against the interests of the American globalist elites, which has not been the case so far.

In my estimation, the conflict in Palestine will also end in the defeat of American policy where Israel was an American strategic ally of great importance. At best, Israel will agree to the formation of a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem. As is known, Resolution 181 of the UN General Assembly from November 29, 1947 defined the formation of two independent states on the territory of Palestine, which until then was under British control. But for that to happen, it is necessary for Muslim countries to show strong support to Palestine. Russia launched a special military operation to protect its population in Ukraine, because otherwise it would experience pogrom and ethnic cleansing.

In any case, the intentions of the Western globalist structures are to continue causing and expanding the conflict in accordance with their own doctrine of the clash of civilizations. The question is how much strength they will have for that and on the other hand, how patient is Russia and China. America considers Russia the main military and China the main economic threat. Victory in this war against the globalist British-banking elties would mean changing the political and economic system at the same time.



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Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos é uma organização não-governamental e uma associação sem fins lucrativos, fundada em Belgrado, na assembléia de fundação realizada no 28.02.2014. em conformidade com o disposto no art.11. e 12. Lei sobre associações ("Diário Oficial do Rs", não.51/09). por um período indefinido de tempo, a fim de atingir os objetivos no campo de investigação de geo-estratégica de relações e elaboração de documentos estratégicos, análise e pesquisa. A associação desenvolve e apoia projetos e atividades que visam o estado e os interesses nacionais da Sérvia, tem o status de uma entidade jurídica e é registado no registo, em conformidade com a lei. A missão do Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos é: "estamos construindo o futuro, porque a Sérvia merece-lo: os valores que representam são estabelecidas através de nossa história, cultura e tradição. Acreditamos que sem passado não há futuro. Por esta razão, a fim de construir o futuro, precisamos conhecer o nosso passado e valorizar nossas tradições. Os verdadeiros valores são sempre fundamentado e o futuro não pode ser construído em uma boa direção, sem que a fundação. Em um momento de disruptiva geopolítica mudança, é fundamental fazer escolhas inteligentes e tomar as decisões certas. Deixar de ir a todos imposta e idéias distorcidas e artificial insta. Acreditamos firmemente que a Sérvia tem bastante qualidade e potencial para determinar o seu próprio futuro, independentemente de ameaças e limitações. Estamos comprometidos com o sérvio posição e o direito de decidir o nosso próprio futuro, tendo em mente o fato de que, historicamente, tem havido muitos desafios, ameaças e perigos, que temos que superar. " Visão: o Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos aspira a tornar-se uma das principais empresas do mundo no campo da geopolítica. Ele também quer se tornar uma marca local. Vamos tentar interesse público, na Sérvia, em temas internacionais e reunir todos os interessados na proteção do estado e os interesses nacionais, fortalecendo a soberania, a preservação da integridade territorial, a preservação de valores tradicionais, fortalecimento das instituições e do estado de direito. Vamos agir no sentido de encontrar pessoas afins, tanto no mercado doméstico e no mundo público. Vamos concentrar-nos sobre a cooperação regional e a rede de Ongs relacionadas, tanto no nível regional e internacional. Vamos lançar projectos a nível internacional para apoiar o reposicionamento da Sérvia e a preservação da integridade territorial. Em cooperação com os órgãos de comunicação, vamos implementar projetos que estão focados sobre estes objetivos. Vamos organizar a educação do público interessado, através de conferências, mesas-redondas e seminários. Vamos tentar encontrar um modelo para o desenvolvimento da organização que permita o financiamento das atividades do Centro. Construir um futuro juntos: Se você está interessado em colaborar connosco, ou para ajudar o trabalho do Centro de geo-estratégica de estudos, por favor, contate-nos pelo e-mail:

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