By Dragana Trifkovic, Director and Milos Zdravkovic, expert for energy policy of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Belgrade, Serbia

United World International continues the publishing of presentations made in the webinar “Europe’s Energy Crisis and the Prospects of Russian-Turkish Cooperation”.

Today we present the text of the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Serbia. Title and subtitles were set by UWI.

By Arnaud Develay

Back in March 2022, France’s Economy Minister Bruno LEMAIRE famously declared that through the imposing of sanctions on Russia following the start of the Special Military Operation "we will bring about the collapse of the Russian economy". (1)

Eight months later, it seems things haven’t quite gone according to plan.

Throughout the EU, inflation has skyrocketed forcing thousands of small-size business to go bankrupt.

By Dragana Trifković, director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies


Serbia is one of the few European countries that has not officially introduced any restrictive measures against Russia.

I must mention that there is no reason for Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia. Our two countries have historically good relations, which Russia treats with special respect.

Sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia have led to the severance of diplomatic ties, and then economic-trade, scientific, sports, cultural cooperation and so on. Therefore, sanctions have a totalitarian character and apply to all spheres. I believe that the sanctions have the greatest impact on the severance of relations between European countries and Russia, that is, the creation of barriers between the geographically connected whole in the form of a new iron curtain.

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Удружења новинара „Евроазијски форум новинара“, као и „Немачког центра за евроазијске

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