European Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation organized the International Conference: Sabotage of the Nord Stream, an economic blow to Europe.

The sabotage of Nord Stream has opened up a debate around the world, and many participants in these debates demand that the case be fully investigated in accordance with international law.

Professor at Columbia University in the USA, Jeffrey Sachs, recently spoke at the UN Security Council about the case of sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. He believes that the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline on September 26, 2022 represents an act of international terrorism and a threat to peace.

American journalist Seymour Hersh claims that the US blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline with the help of Norway.

The Russian Federation demands that the UN form an independent commission to investigate the sabotage.

While the United States of America, for its part, denies involvement in this case.

We could hear different claims in numerous media. New intelligence suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group may be behind last year's attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, the New York Times wrote: "Intelligence data from US services indicate that the explosives on the gas pipelines were probably planted by experienced divers who are not connected to the military or special services. Citizens of Great Britain and the United States of America did not participate in the attack", but "individuals of Russian or Ukrainian nationality".

On the other hand, German Zeit writes: German investigators have identified the ship from which sabotage of the Nord Stream was carried out, and adds that the traces lead to a company owned by Ukrainians. The headquarters of the company is in Poland and its owners are two Ukrainians, and the secret operation in the Baltic Sea was allegedly carried out by six people - five men and one woman. The group consisted of a captain, two divers, two diving assistants and a doctor, and they allegedly transported the explosives to the crime scene and planted it there. Their nationality is not known, the German newspaper writes and states that the attackers used fake passports, which they also used to rent a boat.

As we can see there are many different claims, and the world public is quite confused. For this reason, we decided to invite eminent experts from different countries and jointly reach certain conclusions.

The conference was attended by:

Zoran Vitorović, Center for Global Trends, Switzerland,

Daniel Kovalik, Professor of Humanitarian Law, Associate at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, USA

Stephan Breu, Director of the Swiss Center for Global Trends, Switzerland

Laurent Henninger, Military historian, France

Yunus Soner, Political scientist, author of United world international, Turkey

Stephan Ossenkopp, Journalist, Аssociate of the Schiller Institute, Germany

Konrad Rekas, Journalist, political analyst, Poland

Dragana Trifkovic,  Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Serbia

You can watch the entire conference:





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