Chairman of the political council of Opposition Platform, banned in Ukraine, Viktor Medvedchuk

After the victory in the Cold War and the subsequent destruction of the USSR, the model of relations between the US and European countries as allies, built during the Cold War, became unjustifiably costly for the US. 

US aggression against Europe began as early as 1999. At that time, the United States and the NATO bloc led by it bombed the civilian population of Yugoslavia, without UN Security Council approval, which is an act of aggression against a sovereign European state. One of the most ardent supporters of the use of armed force against Belgrade was current U.S. President Joseph Biden - a member of the Senate in 1999. The history with Yugoslavia showed that the US would no longer adhere to international law and could use armed force against any state as it saw fit.

Since the early 2000s, the US has pursued an aggressive policy against Europe, with the aim of destroying it as an economic and geopolitical competitor. 

Eastern European countries, which are fully controlled by the U.S., were included in the European Union for this purpose in 2004-2007. The Eastern European countries have been receiving annual subsidies from the EU general budget to influence EU policies in the interests of the United States. By this time, significant powers of the European countries were transferred to the supranational level (European Commission and European Parliament) narrowing their sovereignty.

Contrary to paragraphs "b", "c" of article I of the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States, adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 36/103 of 09.12.1981, the USA, through the EU supranational bodies, started violating the sovereign and inalienable right of European states "to determine freely their own political, economic, cultural and social system, develop their international relations and enjoy inalienable sovereignty over their natural resources in accordance with the will of the people without external intervention, interference, subversion, coercion or threat in any form". Also the U.S. began to violate "the right of States and peoples to have free access to information and to develop fully without interference their information and media system and to use their media to promote their political, social, economic and cultural interests and aspirations, based, inter alia, on the relevant articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the New International Order on Information".

During the same period, in 2004, the pro-American Viktor Yushchenko came to power in Ukraine in an illegitimate 'third round of elections'.

In its aggression against European countries, the US followed the pattern of the 1930s that led to World War 2. 

Back then, Britain, France and the US were allies and victors in World War 1. Britain and France were the world colonial powers, controlling a large part of the world market to the detriment of US corporations. 

Germany was completely under the control of the victorious countries.  On 30 January 1933, Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor of Germany. By bringing Hitler to power, British and French politicians hoped to create a "battering ram" from Germany against the Soviet Union. At the same time, the United States primarily saw Hitler's Germany as a "battering ram" against the British and French empires.

From the moment Hitler came to power until the outbreak of World War II, he was fully supported by the United States, Britain and France. In 1938, Adolf Hitler was voted "Man of the Year" by the influential American magazine Time.

As a result of World War II, the US occupied Western Europe, the dollar supplanted the pound sterling as the world's currency, the British and French empires collapsed and the US became the world's superpower.

Since the 1990s, Russia has seen Europe as an economic partner and possible ally. As early as 2001, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke of European integration as the future of Russia and called for an end to the legacy of the Cold War once and for all. And in 2010 he proposed that Europe create an economic alliance that would stretch from Vladivostok to Lisbon. In the same year, the pro-American president in Ukraine was replaced by Russia-loyal Viktor Yanukovych.

The US continued its aggression against European countries through US-controlled politicians and entire European states, also under US control. In 2013-2014, the US carried out a coup d'état in Ukraine with the help of controlled politicians and mercenaries for this purpose. Another "Hitler" was brought to power in Ukraine, this time a collective one.

In accordance with art. 3 of the UN Convention "Definition of Aggression", approved by the General Assembly resolution 3314 (XXIX) of 14.12.1974, "sending by or on behalf of a State of armed bands, groups, irregular forces or mercenaries, which carry out acts of armed force against another State, which are of such gravity as to amount to the above listed acts, or its substantial participation in them", irrespective of declaration of war, will be qualified as an act of aggression. Article 5 of the Convention establishes that "no consideration of any kind, whether political, economic, military or otherwise, may be invoked to justify aggression".

Thus, in 2013-2014, the US carried out an act of aggression against Ukraine by financing and supporting a coup d'état involving armed gangs, groups, irregular forces and mercenaries.

The main goal of the coup was to break the political and economic ties of the European Union with Russia and then destroy the EU as a competitor to the US. 

After the coup d'état, combat operations with the use of aircraft, artillery and armoured vehicles were unleashed in the predominantly Russian-speaking Donbass region. 

According to Article II of the UN Convention "On the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" adopted by Resolution 260 (III) of the UN General Assembly of 09.12.1948, "Genocide is understood to mean the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such

(a) Killing members of such a group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of such a group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on a group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

The purpose of this genocide against the Russian population was to draw Russia into the conflict and sever its ties with Europe. 

In the first phase, in 2014, through the efforts of Russian, European and some Ukrainian politicians, the fighting in Ukraine, unleashed by the pro-American government, was limited to the LNR and DNR, preventing the conflict from escalating into a pan-European conflict directly involving Russia and EU countries. Russia and Europe were given the time they needed to resolve the conflict through diplomacy.

In 2019, Volodymyr Zelenski was elected President of Ukraine. And in 2021, Joe Biden was elected president of the USA. The "mastermind" of the Ukrainian coup d'état, Victoria Nuland, returned to the US State Department.

US activities to destroy ties between Europe and Russia have been stepped up. Vladimir Zelensky immediately fell under the full influence of US/British politicians and secret services who initiated the development of a military conflict involving Ukraine, Russia and European countries. 

The armed conflict taking place on the territory of Ukraine is presented by the US-controlled global media as Russia's unjustified aggression against Ukraine. However, in fact, the conflict was inspired by the US Democratic Party as a tool for the enslavement of Europe.

In order to finally break economic relations between Europe and Russia, first of all in the energy sector, the US Navy staged a sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline on 26.09.2022 (journalist investigation by Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh).

According to article 1 of the Definition of Aggression approved by resolution 3314 (XXIX) of 14 December 1974, aggression is "the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, as set out in this definition".

Thus, the use of US military force to undermine three of the four Nord Stream pipelines is an act of aggression against the EU and Russia.

In the current conflict in Ukraine, the US and the UK are pursuing the following main objectives:

1. Breaking economic ties between Europe, Russia and China, primarily in the export of cheap energy resources and, as a consequence, weakening Europe's economy, depriving it of industries that compete with American ones, transferring high-tech industries to the US. 

2 The weakening of Europe's financial system, depriving the euro of its secure currency status. Fighting in Europe and the threat of spillover into NATO/EU countries is causing investors to pull out of Europe. 

3. The weakening of the military industry. Part of Europe's military industry as a competitor to the United States has now been eliminated. For example, in the design and production of 5th generation fighter jets. 

4. Dragging European countries into military action. At the first stage it could be Poland and the Baltic states (as with arms supplies), then Germany and other countries will be "joined".

As a result, European countries will be de-industrialised and destroyed as they are today. 

The EU has now completely lost its foreign policy subjectivity and is economically dependent on the US. It is possible to stop the conflict by eliminating the causes and conditions that led to it, i.e. by uniting the efforts of Russia, Europe and China to counteract the hostile policies of the US and the UK.

There are enough politicians in Europe today who understand the perniciousness of this course. 

For example, in Germany on 10.02.2022 a petition with an appeal to the chancellor to stop escalation of weapon deliveries to Ukraine was created (as of 01.03.2023 it was signed by 716,235 people). In the EU, rallies of many thousands against arms deliveries to Kiev and for the normalisation of relations with Russia (Germany, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, etc.) are increasingly taking place. 

45th US President Donald Trump on 09.10.2022 stated "the need for immediate negotiations with Russia to end the conflict in Ukraine, accusing the Joe Biden administration of fomenting war". "Our country and our so-called leadership have been bullying Putin," Trump said, which led to the fighting. Furthermore, Trump claimed that because of US actions, the conflict in Ukraine could lead to a third world war. 

Thousands of people, including former State Department speakers, politicians, journalists and activists, came to the Rage Against the War Machine rally on 19.02.2023 in Washington, calling for anti-war unity.

The confrontation between Democratic and Republican representatives in the US presidential election in 2024 will largely revolve around their positions on the Ukrainian conflict.

The time has come for European politicians to remember the tens of millions of victims of the two world wars, to understand their responsibility to their peoples and future generations, to overcome short-term personal gain and associated contradictions and to unite to oppose US aggression against Europe.

European politicians should not forget that from the recognition of Hitler as "Man of the Year" in 1938 by American elites and the media to his shameful suicide in a dungeon, to the sound of Soviet artillery fire, only 7 years had passed!

March 23, 2023.



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