International Day of Independence from the United States is a visible expression of the protest against American hegemony and the imposition of Washington's globalist values on the people. 

Within the framework of the event, various public actions were held in 27 countries - round tables, online flash mobs and social networking activities. Representatives of Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Cyprus, Cuba, Germany, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Poland, Republic of the Congo, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, Venezuela wholeheartedly supported the idea of cooperative effort to bring the U.S. back to its national borders.

The First International Day of Independence from the United States was held in the framework of a large-scale international project Leave the American sector, the launch of which was initiated this year by civil society organizations in Austria, Serbia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and other foreign countries. The purpose of this new public initiative is to consolidate the political and social forces of the various states that stand for the withdrawal from the pressure of Pax Americana and for the maintenance and strengthening of national sovereignty.

Patrick Poppel, 

International Coordinator of the Leave the American Sector Project

Take a look at some of the messages from participants of this event:





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