Dragana Trifković's documentary "Testimonies from the Donbass War", produced by the Center for Geostrategic Studies and TV Slavija info, has been shortlisted for the Russian film festival "Front Line". The film talks about the personal experiences of Serbs, who visited the Donbass war zone from 2014 until today for various reasons. This topic did not occupy much of the world, and especially the Western public, until the beginning of the Russian special operation of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

The Western media have remained almost completely silent about the suffering of the Russian-speaking population, the deaths of children, the horrific crime in Odessa, the ban on the Russian language and culture, the violation of human rights and the implementation of systematic violence by the Ukrainian regime against the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine.

Dragana Trifković, the Director General of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, speaks in the documentary about the impressions she gained during her stay in the Donbass war zone. From 2014 until today, she has been continuously visiting the war zone and researching the events in Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol, Izyum and other places as a researcher of military conflicts, military reporter, and observer.

In addition to Dragana Trifković, Dejan Mirović, professor of international law at the University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, spoke in the film. As an expert in international law, he was in Donbass several times during the war, where he monitored the elections and the referendum. His expert analysis of whether Russia had the right to launch a military operation in Ukraine was particularly valuable for this documentary.

Dejan Berić, the most famous Serbian volunteer, who received numerous awards and recognitions for his participation in the war, spoke in the film about the problems caused by the Serbian regime, which wants to prevent Serbian volunteers from going to the battlefield in every possible way. For this reason, Berić is the target of numerous attacks that come from Belgrade on the orders of Western services.

Tatjana Stojanović, a journalist from the Russian media, drew attention to the most important moments from the interviews she conducted with the injured residents of Donbass and analyzed the events that left the greatest impression on her. She has been to the war zone several times in the last two years.

The director of TV Slavija info, Ljubomir Stefanović, reflected on his visits to Donetsk and Mariupol, where he was able to see for himself the suffering of civilians, as well as the credibility of the facts about which the Western media remain silent. The feature-length documentary "Testimonies from the War in Donbass" was premiered on the big screen on November 30 at the "Horizont" cinema in Rostov-on-Don as part of the "Frontline" festival. The total length of the movie is 82 minutes and it contains original recordings and photographs of the author from the combat zone. The original language of the film is Serbian, and the film was dubbed into Russian for the Russian audience. The film was directed and written by Dragana Trifković, with the assistance of Ljubomir Stefanović as cameraman and a team of experts from the Center for Geostrategic Studies. The organization Vozroždenie provided a video clip for this documentary and helped the producers to promote the film in the Internet media. The author of the film, Dragana Trifković, gave numerous interviews to the Russian media about the documentary film on Donbass. The journalist Ainis Petkus presented the film for the first time to the audience in the Baltic countries on the channel "Perspektiva". Also, political scientist Shota Aphaidze helped the author to promote the film on numerous Internet media in Russia, Georgia and other countries. Anyone interested can watch the whole documentary:


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