By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

An idea of effective collective security is the foundation of the OUN. Fundamentally, collective security has to be a system to protect global peace and security through the common agreement and activity of all nations. Therefore, the focal idea of the concept of collective security is to institutionalize a permanent arrangement of the balance of power in which the whole international community has to agree to oppose any armed aggression by any member state. The very theoretical logic of the concept of collective security is double:

The death of the liberal paradigm and the rise of technocracy

Since all the countries of the world are implementing the same common agenda, I have called the new international reality THE END OF CLASSICAL GEOPOLITICS. In other words, it is obvious that there is only one world center of power, which imposes a single model of the future on all countries.

Beyond the horizontal conflicts between various countries, a single vertical of power is clearly visible. It seems that these conflicts are actually being stimulated by the craftsmen of the New World Order with regard to create the illusion of fundamental contradictions.

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