By F. William Engdahl

There is a great uproar over the recent decision by US President Trump to pull US troops out of Syria, announcing his reason for doing so is that ISIS, the so-called Islamic State, has largely been defeated. What lies behind the decision and more important, what was behind the surprise emergence of ISIS across Syria in 2014 brings the spotlight to yet-classified documents of the Obama term. If the reorganized Justice Department is compelled to make these documents public in lawsuits or Freedom of Information requests, it could rock organizations such as the CIA and many in the Obama camp .

By Dejan Baljošević


German KFOR (Kosovo Force) has officially ended its 19 years of presence in Prizren, by leaving Prizren Camp On Thursday, October 4, 2018.

At the site of the Prizren camp, according to the plan, some kind of “Kosovar”-German Innovation and Training Park (ITP)¹ will be set up, supported by the so-called Kosovo Government and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

However, the given name (Innovation and Training Park) should not trick anyone, since its true purpose will certainly be different. It will probably serve to train the members of the future “Kosovo Army”, the formation of which has been recently announced again by ambassadors of various western countries in Prishtina.

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Dragana Trifkovic for SPUTNIK


Previous week, Dutch Defense Minister said that the Russian Ambassador to the Netherlands had been summoned to the Foreign Ministry in light of the Dutch allegations that Russians had attempted to carry out a cyberattack on OPCW in The Hague. Sputnik spoke to Dragana Trifkovic, head of the Belgrade-based Center for Geostrategic Studies for more.


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