By Dragana Trifkovic

The usual views of pro-Western liberals are that when they think of the West, it makes them think of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights. The East, on the other hand, makes them think of dictatorship and repression. They create their own misconceptions on the basis of the media reports and propaganda that have been spread by the world’s media for decades. If you ask them what they think about the enforcement of democracy by bombs, they will not have an answer to that question.

By: Dragana Trifkovic

No one expected that the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and separatist Kosovo leader Hashim Thaçi scheduled for June 27th in Washington would be canceled. Moreover, the significance of this meeting in official circles, both in Belgrade and in Pristina, was discussed with great optimism. Thus, on June 18th, Thaçi told the Pristina media that this is a historic meeting that will turn the course of the peaceful settlement of the Kosovo issue, and that the agreement to be signed will “once and for all close the century-old chapter of conflicts between Serbia and Kosovo”.

100 days since the first COVID-19 case was reported have marked a significant transformation that the world has experienced. Unplanned and still unpredictable change touched every single aspect of global economic, political and social reality. During a week-long International Digital Summit (June 15-19) experts in business, education, health and international relations representing 20 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America were discussing the lessons learned during these 100 days of pandemic and providing recommendations to shape the new norm. The first event talk was made by Dr. Sergey Brilev, the President of the Global Energy Association, who give a speech on the future of sustainable development given the emerging trends of the energy sector.

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